Thursday, August 09, 2007

Stop right there

Finally, I managed to talked to her of what happened. I maybe jauh ketinggalan but I thought it would be appropriate to ask how things are going on her side now rather than few months back when the wound is still bleeding.

Tengah bernanah, janganlah ditanya. Just give her time to get back to her senses her usual self.

She told me. The love is no more there but somehow she just didn't understand why people around her try to feed her the latest info about him. There is no need to do that. And I soooooooooooo agree.

Stop itlah bodoh, save for phrase "aku rasa kau patut tahu". If she wants to know, she will by all means finds out herself, kalau kau dah nampak dia trying to turn a new leaf tak perlulah poyo-poyo nak concern tak pepasal.

It's not that the feeling is still there. No. It is not but when hearing what's going on in the other person life, you will feel stabbed again and again. Sebab? Hey, breakup it's not easy ok and I am trying my best to move on. The memories impaired me so please stop pulling me back by telling me unnecessary news. Walaupon bende tu dah berlaku 10 tahun nan lampau.

Honestly I encountered the same things myself, people call me saying that oh si bodoh bin so bodoh dah kawen or si celake bin celake dah bla..bla.." Oi, apa motif kau cibai? Adakah mahu mengelar parut ku yang sudah sembuh? And surprisingly these things came from people who I call friends.

Ye, mungkin kau concern but thank youlah ye, aku dengan eksyennye berkata i just don't want to know. So people will say "but you still keep in touch with you exes"

Yes I do, tapi aku cuma cakap hai hello you sehat dah makan camne keje haha bongokla you ni cuaca hari ni mendung kucing i sehat dan bende-bende yang tidak melukakan jiwa. Takde pon aku tanya kekasih hati baru you yang diwar warkan lebih cun dari i tu sehat ke? atau anak you hasil hubungan sulit you dengan perempuan tu masa u still dengan i dah berapa tahun?

Senang cerita macam nilah, it's ok when I do it because I know the limit of things that I can talk about but it's not ok when other people tell me sebab they don't really know the limit.

And then people will say,"kau tak boleh buat-buat tak tahu, kau tak boleh lari dari masalah"

So I would answer [and I know she would too] gracefully "hai cibai, kau boleh jangan jaga tepi kain orang tak?and apahal nak lari dari masalah pulak when he is not my problem anymore"

She and me agreed that we don't wish bad things to happen to those who used to be with us in the past but we too, do not wish them all the good things in the world. Exception for me, I do wish one guy, all the best thing is the world sebabnya, you don't have to know.

So as the conclusion, when a friend of yours break up with someone, tak perlulah kau nak jadi kak nam or makcik wok bagitau segala update tentang that someone to your friends.Jangan terkejut lelaki turut ada berperangai begini.

Mungkin the niat is a good one but let me tell you, we don't need sympathy. Stop saying be strong, hang in there, kau ok ke? dan kata-kata yang kadang-kadang aku sendiri pon tak tahula kau cakap sebab kau ikhlas ke atau sebab you know you have to say something. Lemas tau tak? And those words actually make us feel worst bila ditanya dan diucapkan banyak kali.

Simpan je sendiri or get a blog ala-ala post secret but instead kau letak je secret -secret yang kau dah tak tahan nak bagitahu kat orang dekat situ.Kalau ye sangat semangat jati mak cik wok dah memang tertanam dalam diri kau tu.

But, not spill it to the person who you claim to be 'patut tahu'

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