Wednesday, August 08, 2007

21 things I want in a lover

I have been tagged by nezjoe. '21 Things i Want In a Lover'. I would answer as honest as I can be walaupon aku tahu ramai yang akan buat muka celaka. Tapi aku nak buat macamana kalu muka diorang dah memang celake. Hehe.

But then again,this is what I want.

  1. Other races than malay.

  2. With money and potential. Provide me with security, Zaman aku nak go dutch dah berakhir ok.

  3. Wajib :- love animals. Be kind to animal. Kalau dengan binatang pon kau sepak-sepak ini kan pulak manusia?

  4. Love me. Only me, Me.Me and meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  5. Enjoy eating and what I meant by eating is eating at all sort of places. Ranges from kedai tepi jalan to the swankiest places. Say no to mamak though.[but have to accept that I will always whine about my weight.hehe]

  6. Who let me do what I want when I want and same thing goes to him. Please, nobody owns me and so do you [selain Tuhanla kan].

  7. Tidak poyo dan membangga diri dengan segala achievement. If you are that great, sooner or later people will know tidak perlu nak kecoh.

  8. Suka bermalas-malas dan tidak kesah untuk memeluk aku walaupun adalah tidak mandi.

  9. Who loves his family as I love mine yet tak duduk bawah tetek emak.

  10. Yang tidak kedekut dan tidak berkira and know how important manolos are to women.

  11. Who supports me in everything that I do which includes malas pegi kelas, nak main game satu hari and menangis apabila membaca suratkhabar.

  12. Able to make me feel I am worth living and loving.

  13. Correct me when I am wrong but in the most subtle way. So I won't lose my respect.

  14. Be nice to the teteks and accept the fact teteks will always be bising and I will never leave them.

  15. Lain dari yang lain but not pretentious.

  16. Must know how to pujuk me [with nice nice presents.hihi]

  17. A man of his own word. Ini sangat penting.

  18. At least play a sport. Kalau setakat nak cerita kau penyokong certain sports tapi tak main apa-apa baik tak payah.

  19. Yang mengerti sayang itu bukan perlu tunjuk dengan kata-kata saja --> point taken from nezjoe. Sangat setuju. Words are just words.

  20. Will go traveling with me. When I said with me mean no backpacking style. I enjoy traveling with comfort.

  21. Tak kesah to be with chics and see me as who I am, not to see me as some else seperti bermatlamat mungkin suatu hari chics boleh menjadi neuro-surgeon atau angeline jolie. Lupakan!
Oh shit. I am so self centered but ehe actually I already know that. Keji.

Mungkin ada yang kembang kuncup hidung baca but hehe, I will still continue this tag by tagging

  1. Missy is K.U
  2. Am
  3. Uda
Dah 3 je cukup.

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