Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wa hentak kang

Hello wassap, wassappppppppp. Hari ni wa nak crita pasal tempat tinggal wa, shah alam yang indah. Chantek gila wa cakap lu, jem pon takde.Pendek kata agak layanla jugak.

Seksyen wa tinggal lagi cun wa cakap lu. Sini rempit memang takde nye. Semua hommies memang kool-kool lah. Aman damai, bersih. Kalau setakat lu nak jogging pagi-pagi memang tade hal punyelah.

Tapi kejadian semalam memang buat wa hanginlah. Lu bayangkanlah, wa nak pegi teman mother wa pegi bank sekali wa prasan cermin dekat side mirror seblah kiri sudah hilang. Wa ingat adik wa yang langgar, tak pon mother wa ke. Mother wa tu gelupur sikit bila bawak kete, macam wa la. Semua wa nak langgar. Hehe.

Ok. Berbalik pada story wa tadi, sekali mother wa cakap cermin seblah kanan pon hilanglah jugak. Wa buat sedikit deep thinking, wah ini bukan accident tapi ini sudah kene kopak. Sekali wa cek-cek awning kreta sudah hilanglah pulak.

Wa nak tuduh endon sebab wa memang benci endon. Suka cilok sluar dalam dan bra gua dan suka cilok suami orang tapi wa rasa bukanlah. Sebab endon tak mainla cilok cermin side mirror. Ini mesti keje mat fit ni. Wa tau sangat. Mat fit, kalau jumpa selimut buruk pon nak jual. Yelah, kete mother wa bolehla di kategorikan dalam besi buruk , jadi wa rasa takde hasil pon.

wa hentak lu maw?

Ini wa ingat shah alam memang dah tak aman lagi. Sikit hari wa rasa kucing-kucing wa pon mungkin kene cilok. Kalau derang curik kucing wa, memang wa tak bagi muka nyer. Tiba-tiba wa teringat cerita boss wa. Dulu boss wa ada tak suke sorang mamat ni, kerek gila. Tapi boss wa ni agak nerd jugakla. Mamat ni suke isap rokok kasik bakar boss wa. Sekali masa mamat tu melepak mana tah boss wa pegi amik taik kucing and masukkan dalam rokok mamat tu, ganti dengan tembakau. Haha. Wa rasa taik kucing kering boleh buat orang highla, pasal boss wa cakap mamat tu layannn je rokok taik kucing kering.

Tadi sebelum wa crite pasal taik kucing, sebenanya wa macam ada satu point, tapi sekarang wa macam rasa dah terkeluar topik.Kalau lu genius, lu kaitkanlah sendiri.

Kesimpulannya, mulai esok wa kene tutup pagar dan tak boleh kluar-kluar malam2 jalan-jalan dekat taman.Disebabkan wa letih nak menulis dalam bahasa mat fit, wa rasa wa nak blah. Apa-apahal, kalau wa jumpa mat fit tu memang wa hentak!!


Wa choww dulu bebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tak klaka ok

Last week chloe [ermm.. she's a laptop] was sick coz I think I teropen an email yang berisi brontox. Hello, tak comel ok hanta emel ada brontox. Adalah menyusahkan aku sahaja. Kesian chloe dan kesian chics. Anyway, I can't seemed to log on to my window and was totally upset coz I had to deliver something important and the file was in the hard disk but luckily I had a copy of it in my thumb drive.

Uda asked me to hanta to hp center tapi haih, aku manalah reti nak pegi damansara itu, jalan semantan itu so I went to send chloe to a shop near my house.

I told the abang that chloe used some different hard disk but dia ingat aku main-main agaknye, pasal tula besok tu dia telefon and cakap tak boleh siap dalam satu hari sebab dia baru sedar dia takde adapter for that type of had disk.

Aku sabar.

The next day I called and he said dah siap tapi bila aku datang tak siapp lagi. By this time he was more frinedly and started to ask me questions such as " awak dulu belajar jb ye?"," kerja dekat mana"

Awak belajar dekat jb ye? Sah-sah he went through my pictures file. Demmit. Adakah gambar-gambar terlampau aku simpan disitu? Not that I can think of.

That night, my boss called asking me did I log on to an account of his which is money related yesterday. I told him, I did but that was two days ago and not yesterday.

He told me someone tried to acess the account using different ip so, that ip was logged and was reported to him via email even that person got the login name and password right. There's only 2 person who know the login name and the password which are my boss and me. Except, I put the information inside chloe.

And chloe was with that abang sengal.

Aku bukan nak tuduhla tapi siapa lagi ye tak?Password and login name tu punyela panjang. Dasar keji betul. Dahla tengok gamba aku, nak try acess account orang pulak. Macamanala melayu nak maju kalau berniaga macam lahanat?

The next day, my boss yangg angin telah menyoal abang sengal but he denied but he refused to look him at the eyes.

"Eh, bahaya tu, boleh siasat tu."

Lancau engkaulah. Cakap jela engkau ynag buat, taik!. Kau ingat kitorang ni blaja tahap UPSR ke hoh?

When I got chloe back, a file of my picture is missing. Aku tataula missing sebab brontox ke apa tapi apahallak missing? Babilah. Habis semua gambar aku. Tapi nasib baiklah saya yang vain ini mempunyai copy gambar dirinya sendiri di mana-mana. Hihi.

Dahla sukati tuka nama chics to the matrix.

The matrix??

WTF la weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

Haih. Moral of the story. Always back up your file and set password to every PNC file. And hantarlah pc anda ke servis center yang bertauliah.

Dan janganlah jadi sekeji abang itu.

Tiba-tiba I rasa ternoda.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sayang i love you!

You know. When I told that I needed excersice tiba-tiba ada seorang budak ynag dengan sesuka hati mengappointkan dirinya sebagai personal trainer ku. My door was knocked on beautiful saturday morning and I was dragged to go for a jog.

Tidakkah hari sabtu meropakan masa untuk tido di waktu pagi? [Walaupun tiada bezanya bagi ku sebenanyelah]

That's not all. I wanted to have nasik lemak for breakfast but then I was told again and again that nasi lemak has lots of calories and lemaklah. Wahhhhhhhhhh

What is thisss?

Nak nasik lemak!

Tetapi tidak mengapa... Kerana during the night, I had my chance to eat more than nasik lemak, celebrating nikkit's birthday. Happy birthday yang!

Bunnies, last sunday was my sayang cinta hati's birthday. So, wish her a happiest birthday ever okies?

Happy Birthday Nikkit. Muahss


Nikkit apsal kau lambat?



That night was not only for lesbo's gathering but also for erm..these guys.

Sigh. What is more precious than true friends?

More pictures here.

Lovely Monday bunnies!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Lactose Intolerance

Ok. It's been a while since I had pasta minus the one that I had in Kuching. You know pasta with some appetizers. Okla fine. It's been a while since I had Italian food. Since Ramadhan. Coz, who wants to eat Italian during Ramadhan anyway? Ok. I know some of you do so ehe..back to my story.

So two days ago I drag my company to have pasta at my favourite Italian restaurant but he decided to have 1901 instead. A new flavour of 1901 yang diclaim mempunyai rasa yang majestic tetapi akhirnya hanya rasa seperti cicah hot dog dalam kuah asam jawa. Heh. Thank God I stick to my aglio olio.

I guess my perut puaka is still berpuaka when I still crave for hot chocolate from starbuck. I mean, what do you aspect? It was raining that time, of coursela I need starbuck kan. Had a venti hot choc with some chips and talk shit all the way.

When it's time to go I realised something. Gua sakit perut. Oh no, am I lactose intolerance? Sejak bilala? Setahu aku, aku hanyalah kari intolerance. But yes, there was a feeling yang perut bergelora dan terasa lemas seperti hendak muntah. This is not good. If I am really lactose intolerance, meaning aku akan terlepak nikmat dunia seperti memakan blue cheese dan meminum swiss miss chocolate. Apakahhh?

But all the persoalan terjawab when I got home and wanting to watch tv. I unbutton my jeans and ... wallah tidak rasa sengal dan bergelora di perut lagi.

Barulah aku sedari.. aku bukannya lactose intolerance tetapi..jeans itu adalah ketat.

Aku adalah..buncit.


I'll start jogging tomorrow. You watch gwen stephanie.. yeww...

But.. I think kan tak jadilah tomorrow sebab I baru wash my hair and ermm.. yew like makan-makan this weekend. hehe.. Maybe next weekla hor?

Nway, enjoy your weekend bunnies.
Love you!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Honey star I love you

He was born in 1998 when his mother, Donna gave birth to 5 wonderful kitten. Out of that five he caught my eyes on the first look. He, yellow and fluffy and with a sweet face. I named him honey star because of his honey coated fur and the way he purred when I stroked him. I even called him motor bot coz his purring remind me of the sound of a motor bot engine. Loud and go straight to your heart.

Purrr.Bo..bott..purrr. Sweet

Yes, he was the apple of my eye. Every night, he would be the one who would share my pillow and put me to sleep with his sweet smell and loud purr. Just before I doze off, I would kiss his lemak tummy then only went to bed. At that time, I love honey star more than anything till the extent I pissed my ex off by telling him if I had to choose between him and honey star, without doubt I would choose honey star.

Because he never fails to love me and make my heart melt even after few hours of crying session.

I even write a will for him. Stupid but yes, I love him that much.

Things change when I brought MJ to Shah Alam, MJ being the cat who never been separated with me not more than few hours followed me like a tail everywhere I go which left no space for honey star. He started to act unpredictable and started to do naughty things to attract attentions. On my 25th birthday, he left me a big wound on my wrist that I had to receive a jab from a doctor.

But not like some cruel bastard, I never hit my cat left alone threw him from the fifth floor even the fact he littered on my bed or he tend to gave me more scars.

I still love him. Like I love him from the first day when he was born.

Last week, his health deteriorated. My mum said he might be suffering from leukemia and had no chance to survive. I cried the whole night after she told me that she might had to put him to sleep. But then, the vet said he doesn't need to be put to sleep, few jabs will do to cure his jaundice and he'll be fine.

I was so happy. Yeay, I thought.

We went to my grandma house and return the next day only to find honey star lying stiff in his cage. I panicked but thankful to see that he was still breathing. After given some advice from a friend I called the vet.

Me: You said he'll be fine *quiver

She: Isn't she?

Me: Hell no. Did you gave him an overdose jab?

She: Ermm.. Not really. Well. I tested to see how he would react to the jab.

At this point I feel like screaming. What do you mean by you tested? What do you think my cat is you stupid bitch?

Me: Well, obviously it didn't work. He's flat now.

She: Oh, so you want to bring him over and put him to sleep?

Me: No. I think he is better here.

Lancau engkaula.

I am not ready to let him go. I can't let him go. I had him for 8 years and it was still not enough. I still want his stupid purr and stupid clawing. I still want my honey star. For days, I sacrificed my sleep just to feed him the 100 plus + vitagen mixture. I am so scared that he might go away that I checked his breathing every one hour.

On every feed, I told him he is a fighter and he can't leave me because I.. I love him.

For few days he survived until two days ago his eyes were started to be filled with cuss. Honey star can't no more see. And he can't even move not even an inch but his heart was still beating.

Didn't I tell you that he is a sweet cat? That really love me? And would try his best not to let me down? That's what he did. Even he can't hold it anymore he tried because he know I am not ready to let him go.

But how could I bare seing him like that? Lying motionless with a beating heart. How could I let him,the one who always soothed me when I cried after breaking up with stupid guys suffer. I can't. I could pretend not to care and wait until someone dispose his body but I just can't. Not me. I can't even sleep thinking of him.

So yesterday..yesterday I gathered my guts and hug him tight. Probably my last hug. Although he still wants to fight but I want him to have his peace. It would be only fair.

I told the vet to put him to sleep, half choked, trying my best to control my tears. As she reached for the injection I excused my self and took a seat outside. Wept.

My honey star. The yellow-loud-purring-honey-star.. Who loves to sleep on the shelf. Loved. Is gone.

The dr asked me whether I wanted his corpse. I said no and asked her to buried him for me. I don't think I'm strong enough to even glance at him.

Inside the car, I cried until there's no more tears because I know.. I lost my sweet manja cat.

Kakak am so sorry sayang. It's not that kakak don't love you. But I just have to do that. I hope you will forgive me and please know I did that because I love you. Just because I love you.

Maybe some of you don't understand what's the big deal. But to me, it is.

Rest in peace Honey Star.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Abang deejay

Hai arnab-arnab. Nama saya chics dan semalam saya telah pergi ke rumah orang kawen. Saya adalah suka pergi ke rumah orang kawen kerana lauk dan air sirap orang kawen adalah sedap sangat.

Hari ini ialah giliran abang burger di depan rumah saya berkahwin. Walaupun dia adalah seorang penjual burger tatapi tiada burger bonus di hari persandingannya. Yang ada hanyalah lauk-lauk orang kawen sahaja. Selain itu terdapat juga deejay yang memainkan lagu perkahwinan. Saya tidak pasti samada deejay itu adalah hemsem atau pun tidak.

Yang kedua adalah rumah sedara sendiri. Kali ini lauk ayam masak merahnya lebih hebat dimana nasir bilal khan turut kelihatan di tempat kejadian tetapi deejay dan muziknya tidak hebat. Mengapakah perlu memainkan lagu seperti para hadirin adalah pekak? Adalah terasa seperti di kelab malam dimana hendak bercakap terpaksalah menjerit Cuma scene kali ini adalah dipenuhi macik macik dan bukannya hot babes atau tak hot babes yang cuba kelihatan hot babes.

Juga saya tidak faham ya, mengapakah perlu bermain lagu-lagu rempit saat awie berseluar ketat ataupun lagu bumiputera rockers dimana tiada unsure-unsur jinjang pemain disitu. Ini adalah mematahkan semangat memakan ayam masak merah kerana terlalu sibuk menyanyi bersama-sama dengan lagu yang diputarkan. Dan oleh kerana orang saling jerit menjerit pengantin adalah tidak dipedulikan lagi. Kasihan pengantin itu, sia-sia sahaja usahanya menempah baju dan mekap yang chantek.

Jikalau saya menjadi deejay saya akan tidak membuat perkara sekeji itu. Iyalah, saya nikan hormatkan orang tua walaupun ramai tidak bersetuju. Maksud saya, hello, kesianlah macik-macik yang datang itu okes. Saya yang masih muda ini pon dah pekak apakan lagilah..Dan saya akan memastikan seleksi pilihan adalah menepati objektif. Tidaklah seperti memutarkan lagu "mak janda" semasa hari perkahwinan ataupun lagu pelamin anganku musnah. Apakahhhhhhhhh? Tapi saya tidak rasa saya akan menjadi deejay. Kerana ehe.. adalah tidak sopan mencarut di majlis perkahwinan orang.

Tetapi, jika saya berkahwin, saya hanya mahu gamelan dan lagu-lagu melayu tradisional dan juga pemakai baju tradisional. Keirun dan skinner, aku akan buat kau pakai baju kurung hari tu. Haha

Eceh saya ini. Cakap poyo-poyo sahaja.

Tetapi cerita poyo saya tak habis setakat disitu. Ada lagi ok tetapi mungkin bersambung di masa hadapan kerana sekarang sudah tiba masa arnab- arnab membuat kerja. Sementara itu, biarlah saya sambung tidur dulu. Hihi

Selamat Isnin arnab-arnab.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Perut buaya

People has been asking me whether I had the chance to go to any open house which amazingly I went to none so far. Buttt I will, starting this Saturday and so on. So I told a guy, who happens to read my blog that I will be going to open houses starting this Saturday since he asked[gila berbelit ayat aku].

"Oh no. Kesian diorang. Mesti habis makanan diorang you makan. You kan kuat makan. Hehe".

I wanted to marah tapi tak jadi sebab celake, betulla pulak apa yang dia cakapkan. Chics adalah makan banyak ok, walaupun badan adalah tidak sepatutnya makan banyak. Dan selalunya perempuan adalah tidak akan makan berpinggan-pinggan dan boleh pergi makan 1901 setelah makan 2 pinggan nasik.

eh, manade makan banyak. Takdelah!

Hell. But you know, I'm not the only one. I think teteks do eat a lot, except tina. Nicky berpura-pura makan sikit padahal aku tau dia makan banyak. Haha nasib baik dia tak de masa nak baca blog dah sebab bz. Fadzi and Nikkit toksah cite. Bena bagi alasan dia makan untuk 2 orang [alasaaaaan :P].

Ok, setelah mengumpat kawan sendiri beralih kepada persoalan kenapa mereka ini makan banyak? Setelah berfikir secara analytic, saya mendapat satu postulat yang bolah diguna pakai. Adalah genius saya ini. Ha!

Ini adalah kerana factor persekitaran dan pengaruh rakan sebaya juga salah pihak pentadbiran sekolah.

Selama 5 tahun, we were being fed at least 5 times a day. Pagi pergi breakfast, nak nak kalau scramble egg, dimana kalau dah habis siap curik dekat sick bay. Scramble egg ni punyelah sedap sampai chics sanggup bangun di subuh musipat supaya dapat mengecop telur, jika lambat 10 minit pon, janganlah harap nak dapat. Weekends adalah mesti kerana ada nasik lemak.

Lepas tu ada rehat. I tell yew, my macik kantin, walaupon keding tapi masaknya adalah sangat sedap. Walaupun hanya tempe tapi perghhhhhh.. Sanggup beli mee mangkuk besa 2 mangkuk. "Macik, double 2", sambil meleh air liur.

Lunch adalah satu kemestian berlari-lari ke dining hall untuk mengecop ayam best kecuali masa form 5 sebab tayah berebut. Nak nak hari selasa lauk ayam masak lemak. Tapi jika lauk daging dendeng, sesiapa pon sanggup berbunuhan untuk mendapatkan lauk ini.

Prep petang takde makanla kecualiiii, kalau ponteng prep dan mengambil makanan junior tanpa izin. Juniors nehhh, food diorang heaven okkk. Sangatlah sedap dan bervariasi. Tapi takpe, masa last day ada majlis salam-salam maka bolehlah mintak maaf. Haha

Tea adalah makan kuih kuih dan air the yang glug glug panas terasa di dada. Uhh. Kemudian pergi ke koop pula memakan junk food atau makan ajela apa-apa.

Dinner then supper dimana bolehla meminum wahi [wahi adalah jenama yang ala-ala milola] tarik! Dahla supper boleh pegi beli nasik lemak pulak 2 bungkus. Lepas tu tengah-tengah malam pegi pecah dewan makan and amik tembikaii, rotiii, telurrr dan makan sambil practice menari.Oh, sebelum keluar dari dewan makan, jangan lupa amik punchcard macik-macik dining hall dan punch kadkan. Hehe

To think of it, yeah. We did eat a lot back then. As a provekan masa mula-mula masuk skolah berat adalah 15 kg dan keluar skolah berat adalah 55kg. Hehe. Gila boyak.

And you know, even until now, our activities will never fail to include makan. Sikit-sikit makan. Main bola, makan. Karaoke, makan. Tengok wayang, makan. Pegi melepak rumah orang, makan. Sambil mengumpat pon boleh makan. Haih

Siapla sape yang baru kawen tu, mesti kene paksa buat makan-makan.

I am never ashamed with the fact that I'm a big eater. And I seriously don't understand with women who hanya kuis-kuis makanan mereka.

Tidakkah mereka tahu, selain tido dan isap rokok, makan itu satu nikmat?

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


The raining season and baskin doesn't fit at all. The coldness brought by the rain had welcome my ritual athsma attack. The ritual lungs exploding feeling.

Plus, construction going on inside the house make things worst. The dust nearly choke me to death.

I hate it when I'm sick coz I will get cranky, especially if i'm on ventolin, memang semua orang nak kene marah.

So I was thinking, this might be the time I could see my favourite dr, dr iskandar but to my dissapointment he was not in the clinic. Neither did his wife [yang muka agak expresionless itu]. So I went to klinik anggerik but the dr was also not there.

Apa ni? Semua dr shah alam pegi konvensyen ke apa?

Eventhough I was a bit mad but deeply I was also grateful sebab tak payah makan ubat yang rasa macam setan itu.

Bloody chest, can't you just stop wheezing for a while?

Sheesh. I need to go, inhaler is calling.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Kad yang hilang

I was told that I had an appointment on the 8th. How canla since I won't be here so the lady reschedule to the 13th. Okla. Balik kuching aku pegila.

So pagi semalam I wentlah and had to wake up early since gua agak fail bab jalan-jalan ini. Dahla kad dia aku dah hilangkan tapi takpe dr die hemsem.

Me: Kad saya dah hilangla kak. Hehe
Asst: Ha?
Me: Tapi nama dr saya dr. megat.
Asst: Aa no,bor ingat tak? *wrinkle her forehead
Me: bal..bla..bla..
Asst: Eh, appointment awak ni bulan depanlah.

Taik. Patutla aku cek nama dr. megat tak bertugas hari itu. Hah.

So I though, alang-alang dah sampia sini marilah melawat-lawat. Thought of melawat wad bersalin dan berpura-pura sebagai melawat sedara ynag baru beranak but I couldn't find the wad. Mana entah buttt I found the saikaitrik wad. Adalah macam nak masuk tapi the door is not open indicating not welcoming public.

Last-last, pergi ke hospital adalah untuk memakan semangkuk bubur dan sepinggan egg sandwich sahaja.


Monday, November 13, 2006

Cuti Cuti Kuching

I had a great trip although I hate long journey [2 jam tu long ok]. But it was goodlah. What was good? The shopping was good. Ok. Don't let me bore you with long essay, I'll make it in point form.

3 things that I forgot to bring although I thought my bag was full

1. My sunglass. Gila menyampah
2. Shoes [I mean more]
3. More underwear

3 things that I missed when I reached there

1. MJ.
2. Lauk yang emak masak[ aku tatau apsal aku suka jugak nak makan masak lemak walaupon ade mee kolok and segala mak nenek mee]
3. Mestila nak manja dengan emak :P

5 things that are cool about Kuching

1. Gilalah beg mengkuang dia 3 for 15 inggit okes!
2. Gelang beads 6 for 10 inggit. Gila rambang mata.
3. They have weird looking houses and they are actual people live there
4. The family I stay with is cool.
5. They have a gunung that look like a sleeping princess . The princess squeezed her breast to feed locals and squeezed until her breast bleed coz it was not enough. How cool is that. Me myself tried to make chocolate shake from my ermm breast tetapi sampai hari ini tidak menjadi. So not cool.

5 things not cool about Kuching

1. Lauk tak pedas. Manes ade
2. Penjual barang adalah garang garang belaka.
3. Pukul 6 petang dah gelap, by 9, it's dead.
4. No baskin!! I seriously think they put some kind of drugla. hidup tak keruan ok.
5. The traffic light adalah sangat lama. Kalau aku sakit perut komfem jangan lupa pakai pempesss tauu.

I so missed my mum's cooking that just the moment I reached home, straight away belasah nasik 2 pinggan . Plus cium MJ + makan baskin.

As the result, I'm demam now.

As usual, pictures are here.

Tq and have a nice monday.

Monday, November 06, 2006


How was your weekend my lovely bunnies? My weekend was spent with 2 favourite person non other than nikkit and tina. Sleep over at nikkit's was always fun.Banyak makan dan banyak mngarut but I like. If you can sleep with nikkit then you will understand. Hehe

So anyway bunnies, I am in the midst of packing [tak start pon lagi sebenanye. haha] because I will be out of town tomorrow onwards and will only be back next week.

Holiday on Monday. what more could you ask? Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

So any lepaking, minum-minuming or whatever-ing shall be continued next week. Will try to blog .Itu pon kalau ade masela. Maklumlah pegi bersuka-suka mana nak ada masa duduk depan pc, lain lah kalau orang yang kene pegi keje ye tak? Bayangkanlah, mana nak makan sedap-sedap lagi, nak golek-golek kemalasan lagi.Hehe.

Ok. Enuff of crapping. I need to pack now and sleep so I will not miss my flight and make sure my handbags and shoes are brought a long. Adalah mencacat jika tertinggal sandal ataupon beg yang kiut [dan seharusnya penting!].


Oh..Oh before I forget. Happy working and happy examing especially to miss elene. hehe

Mwah. Mwah. Mwah. Mwah. Mwah. Mwah. Mwah --> One week stock.

Updated [2:08 am]

I am half way packing when I realised that one bag is not enough. Dah penuh dah bag tapi hair dryer [i only trust my hairdyer, tq], kasut, mekap, hand bag, facial product tak muat. Itupon I have limit only one jeans shall be brought along and ermm..only like ermm.. 25 tops will be brought along. Macamana ni? Takkan nak bawak 2 bag? Bukannye pegi jauh pon.

Do I have to like carry another hand luggage coz I already got one. Orrr.. Ahh If I bought two bags just to go..kalau balik nanti adakah 3 bag?

Dan yang paling penting, siapakah yang hendak mebawakkan beg yang banyak itu?


Friday, November 03, 2006


Look what I found during raya? Theme song for maero attack and all this while my brother who was the one who had it. It just that I didn't know.

So I was trasferring the song from his cellphone when elle, my cousin asked me what song is that and I told her it's maero attack. Elle is 22 years old btw. And she said "Maero what?"

What did she mean by maero what? It's maero attackkkk.

You know..Chun, yojia and sammersault berpusing. It's like superb okes. I even quit my sekolah agama just to watch this series. Now before you critisize, I got A1 in SPM for my agama,tq. [defensive gile. Haha]

Oh My, you should see the hype. Dengan tiba-tibalah semuanya nak main bola tampar dengan aku aku sekali padahal tak sedar diri nak angkat diri pon tak larat. I mean,hell the ball was keras kkk and the moment it hit my hand I felt like crying. Bapak saket.

But before that, Chiaki. A tale of a girl who wanted to be a stewardess so bad and finally fall for her trainer. Gilalah chiakiiii, nak sangat aku jadi stewardess masa tu padahal dah tau diri akan menjadi pendek. Jangan main-main, adik aku pon suke tengok ok. Maid aku masa tu pon suke tengok.

I still love those 2 shows and I really really wish to watch it again although it may not be as interesting as before. Tried to look for it in torrent but takde and even the pictures of those movies pon takde. Haih. Ini sungguh mengecewakan.

I guess back then we don't have much channel like we have today which menyebabkab aku tengok crite-crite macam tu but hell. I am proud of it, at least there is something to remember. something simple yet mean so much compared to PS2.

Don't get me wrong. I love PS2 too.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Flirty at ten thirty

Few weeks ago he stopped by at my house as usual, to chill together but I got company at my house that night so we just lepaking in front of my house and talk. About work, about my class and finally about the girl that he had a crush into. Aku ni ha dah berbuih mulut aku bagi cadangan sampai otak aku dah beku macamana caranya supaya dia dapat mengorat awek tu. Tapi tahapnya masih suam-suam kuku. That night he told me his idea and he need to do it fast since she's resigning and I said why not.

I didn't expect him to really go for it tapi dude aku ni pasal pompaun dia memang romeo. He would no anything for girls that he like but listen up, he doesn't waste them least not his attentionlah kan.

So he called me around maghrib yesterday

He: Chics, aku dah buat dah mende tu?

Me: Buat apa diela?

He: Ajak Kat kluar tru

Me: Wah, serious?

He: Yela, malam ni kau dengarlaa.

So I waited for that slot last night. Oh my God, I know you are pretty lame but I didn't know you were that lame. I mean "She's smart and pretty. And I am totally opposite herself". Totally opposite herself? Dude, sejak bila kau tak mengaku kau hemsemm neh?Dan mengapa kau harus bersuara sengal di radio? Di manakah mr cool yang ku kenali?

Anyway, I do think it was cool, that you finally asked her out and she said yes. And the bonus is, she sounded enthusiastic.

All those brainstorming on how to ask her out finally fruitful. I bet you are smiling like a sick puppy right now.

Kawan aku..kawan akuu..

Tapi, cayalah dude. Atleast you will woke up with a smile tomorrow and working still smiling even though she's no more there.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Francesca Peter & Dry Ice

Smile sunshine for it's baskin day

Diet issues: low fat rapberry swirl and not-so-low-fat almond pistachio

Haha. This is an evil laugh after succeeding in buying my baskin yesterday.
Since I'm on diet, I bought low fat rapsberry swirl to go with pistachio almond instead of my usual butter pecan.Although the colour combination is like ermm..deeparaya but hey the taste is superb.

So anyway, I think baskin recruited some new workers coz I never see some of them before which explain why one of them put some dry ice in my paper bag.It's usual to do that but not for me la coz I leave like 5 minutes away.

Usually I like to throw ice into the sink coz it will melt away.So I threw the dry ice into the sink where the was a puddle of water inside and ohh..

Tiba-tiba kluar bunyik bluk..bluk dan berasap-rasap.

And the image of francesca peter [macamana nak ejela?] came to my mind, in her baju kurung singing for muzik-muzik with this kind of asap as her prop. Or maybe some rock kapak group singing in the dark with the asap asap on the back ground, so brutal looking but actually menyanyi lagu mendayu-dayu. Brilliant. I felt so old school as I watched the smoke began to invade the whole kitchen.

Yeah and then I thought of my mum. Mungkin dia akan berasa panik sekiranya dia terturun ke bawah dan ye, seharusnya dia akan.. menaga. Thinking that I am trying to burn her kitchen because I'm too lazy to return all the raya pinggan mangkuk to the cabinet [but I was lazy anway :P]

In a rush I scooped the dry ice using my hands since the kitchen was so foggy and..celake bapak saket okes. Habis tangan aku kene gigit dengan ice tu.

Damn, how could I forgot pengajaran cikgu mat taib in form 2 that we cannot have direct contact with dry ice.

Eventually, I use the pan inside the sink to scoop them and err..I throw them into the dustbin and I never want to know what will happen. I guess t was ok since my mum was laughing instead know.

Tiba-tiba baru tersedar, I was supposed to talk about my baskin. Not about my awestruck towards ice kering.

Nevermind.Happy Tuesday bunnies!