Friday, September 28, 2007

Trip to the usual in Ramadhan


Yesterday I decided that today shall be the day that I shall blog about food in bazar ramadhan. I went to serdnag area in hope to get some pictures. I did but I could take more if there were less people there. Gile bersentuhan tubuh ok. Ramai gile orang. So I can't really snap.

Anyway, as every year, this entry would goes to everyone who where outside malaysia be it UK, Czech or Sudan or wherever you are.

Ini jual kuih ke jual ketiak?

I bought 4 pieces of these. Sangat sedap dan bermadu!

Anybody feels like having bubur?


Ayam berempah. Rangup. Krup krap

Love the colour, colourful!

Never miss to buy every year. Look at the ice ,sungguh memanggil.

But, the best thing that I found was


Of course I bought some. Was supposed to play with it last night tapi sebab terlalu bz makan sampai terlupa. Takpe nanti boleh main. Yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Happy weekend bunnies!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Human pet

Wan told me today that she had tuned into a facebook addict. Well, few days ago I told her I am already and addict and dia dengan eksyen nye berkata "Engkaula..aku tak!"

Kan dah.. haha!

Another satan's tool [quoting from Hedonistic Anonymous], facebook is indeed a tool that can get you hooked up. Well, at least for me lah :P. Anyway there are few applications that I love which include this one particular application human pet.

It's like owning a pet but the difference is, you own other human instead of animal. You can choose your human pet among other facebook members. Hehe.I like. But you have to berebut dengan orang yang sebok sebok jugak nak beli human pet itu with limited points.


Figure 1.1

Hihih, nampak tak gamba bunny dekat atas tu:P ? I was owned by some guy name Madlock Junior and he paid that amount to buy me from someone else. Jikalau aku terlalu cute[hihi] mungkin aku akan dibeli dengan harga yang lebih tinggi kelak [haha suke sebab menjadi permintaan ramai hihi].

I have my pets too you see but one of them is missing from my list because some iceland guy bought him. I named him mario sebab muka dia macam mario bros [boleh kasik nama sendiri okkk]. That human pet of mine looks like a gnome+mario ok, comel and aku dah berebut sebanyak 4 kali dengan mamat yang beli dia and for the fifth time that iceland guy bought back my pet dengan meninggalkan nota di dalam bahasa iceland.

"djofull þarf eg að berjast til að halda i þig"

Macam haram kan. Macam aku boleh paham jela kan apa yang dia cakap. Maka dijawab dengan chics

"hoi, tak acilah cakap bahasa iceland. mana aku nak paham ngok"

Anyway I bought my nerdy gnome back dengan 1k points and aku ada simpan lagi 6 k untuk emergency. Eat that you iceland guy. Bluek.

The thing is, all my pets are either nerds, chubby or weird. But actually I am aiming for a guy yang bernama penguin from NZ yg sangat kiut cuma aku rasa owner dia tu psycho. So belum membuat persediaan mental lagi tapi bersiap sedialah wahai kamu perempaun sepanyol![ yeah, she is a spanish babe]

I mean nerds, chubbies and weirdos also need some loving kan?

But to think of it again, I am actually a human pet, to my cat. Makan pon aku kene temankan, aku terpaksa share bilik dengan dia macamlah bilik ni dia yang punya,I have to wake up at night to pet her / to teman her to pee.

I hope one of her ngiaus, she said "baik betula human pet aku ni". She better do.

Ehem. Sorry for talking craps. Another news, I found my air kathira. At bazar ramadhan kompleks pkns

Figure 1.2

Tapi tak sesedap tahun lepas ok. Cair, tak pekat. Sebab abang yang tahun lepas tu tak jual :(.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sukati mak bapak je

Few months back I ate at a cafe which supposedly sell pasta and stuff [according to the owner] but I ate nasi lemak because I can't see any other pasta besides bologneise. How weird can that be? But the most weird thing is, in their menu they sell "kopitiam".

Kopitiam? You have kopitiam in your menu?

Yesterday I went to bazar ramadhan section 2 because I didn't feel like going through the massive jam just to get to the stadium. Throngs of human and lots of gerai but one gerai caught my attention." Nasi ayam hainan, dimasak dengan 4 rempah" Or tah berapa rempah tah, I can't exactly recall.

Like WTF?
Sejak bila Hainanese chicken rice berempah?

I looked at the chicken, it looked more like ayam goreng disaluti some kind of tepung ala kfc or something.

Ini barula hainanese chicken rice ok

Do these people do any research before selling their goods?
Ini takde, asala nama glamer je semua nak letak
Tahun ni takdela pulak ikan bakar world, air tembikai mawi.
Mentang-mentang mawi tak femes dah, habis madu sepah dibuang sungguhla tau.

Oh by the way I bought honeyed chicken wings which in my mind should taste like honeyed chicken wings but they taste like rempah chicken wings instead.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bazar ramadhan

Hai arnab-arnab nama saya chics. Pada suatu hari [iaitu semalam] chics telah pergi ke bazar ramadhan. Cuaca hari itu sungguh cerah dan terik.

Adalah sungguh terliur ketika itu.
Sungguh keliru hendak memilih yang mana satu.

Ya, makanan semua adalah sedap-sedap belaka.
Telah berjaya membeli ikan keli salai masak lomak tetapi mengapakah gagal mencarik sambal goreng petai? Tidakkah ada seorang pon yang mahu mengopek petai untuk dijual?
Tetapi itu bukanlah penyebabnya.

Adalah terdapat beberapa gerombolan jejaka-jejaka muda yang kacak. Sungguh kacak ohhh. Walaupun mereka kelihatan seperti hilang identiti budaya melayu dan ehem mungkin hilang arah tetapi mereka adalah sungguh menyebabkan hati chis bertukar warna ke warna merah dari dari warna pink cair.

Mereka datang berkawan-kawan sambil berbual-bual mengenai apa yang harus dibeli dengan menggunakan suara kasar mereka. Sungguh serius di dalam berpuasa [wtf?].Tetapi chics suka

Sungguh menggelatat chics itu.

Adakah terpaksa memakai cantik cantik esok untuk ke bazar ramadhan?

Tidak juga, kerana ialah anak anak ikan hanya sedap dipandang tetapi tidak sedap err..dipegang[?]

Itulah dia ujian bulan puasa. Sedap dipandang tetapi haram dimakan sebelum waktunya.

Macam sial tak entry chics kali ini? Hehe

Monday, September 24, 2007

Last time

I am in my jiwang mood. Just because I watched the break up which was supposed to be a chic flick tapi sebenanrnye adalah sangat tidak chic flick okkkkkk. Mengocakkan air yang tenang di dalam jiwaku ini ok! Sekarang sudah berpusarrrr.

Ditambah pula when I think of our my berbuka puasa session with tetek last friday.

I was demam that day and the idea being in fully air conditioned place plus orang yang menggila nak bukak puasa sort of made me hesitated at first. Tapi when I think of all the tetek who I missed and keirun yang pandai pujuk by saying "ala tak bestla kau takde" [hehe] I went anyway.I went out early to beat the traffic tapi ahhhhhhhhhhh jam jugak, dalam aku berhingus hingus tu terpaksala bersabar drive slow slow. Ended feeling like a berhingus android with jelly legs. Nevertheless as usual, sesi kiss kiss pipi with teteks will always be a joyful one. So far they never fail me.

I am happy, yes but somehow when I think of it, I feel sad. Next year thing will no more be the same, ramai yang akan menjadi emak emak orang dah hmm yeah.. sometimes I wish things will always stay the same. Even though aku tau takkan boleh jadi.

Don't you love these happy people [especially the last one hihi]?

Oh, my updated list:-

  1. Murtabak nipis [yang kulit dia nipis dan garing tanak yg tebal] Murtabak johor :)

  2. Roti John yang dibuat sendiri [hee sedap ok, nanti kalau ada masa letak gamba ok]

  3. Laksa dekat pasar ramadhan stadium laksa akmal ke pebende tah namadie.sangat sedap

  4. air kathira.waaaaaaaa..please la ada abang yang jual tahun lepas tu

  5. BBQ honeyed chicken wings

  6. Cara berlauk

  7. Roti jala dengan kari ayam kecik kecik

  8. keli salai masak lemak

  9. cream caramel

  10. Hotcake McD. [haih boleh ke nak bangun drive pukul 4 pagi ini?]

  11. Pulut panggang yang sedap.[kalau pacik tu jual lagila tahun ni]

No, today tidak ada rancangan belajar masak secara bergambar walaupon tadi adalah memasak biryani pakistan.

Gua takde mood ok.
Happy working bunnies!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


I am so happy because my agony has ended, the presentation went well and I am no more have to toss and turn at night. And for the first time, he called me sharina [itu pon sebab aku cam terberangan dalam kelasla kan, so dia panggil nak suruh aku denga apa dia cakap]

Anyway I have 3 things to say about sick.

  1. I read about siri pencolekan, perogolan dan pembunuhan kanak-kanak. The last victim wads found by a worker who thought the big black package was meant for her boss. Least that she knew, the bag cointained a disposed body of a girl. I read that in utusan, what utusan missed or chose not to write was the genital was stuffed with brinjal and cucumber. This was reported by the english paper.

    I mean WTF la kau buat mcam tu dekat budak-budak? They are just kids and badan pon belum naik lagi, what is wrong with this people lah? Kalau tak budak-budak pon, why do you have to stuff things in people genitals? Best ke kalau aku sumbat lidi dalam saluran kencing or senang cerita kemaluan [gila sopan tak aku di bulan puasa ini?] kau?

    Sungguh sick ok.

  2. Have you heard of a song name nobody by akon? Korusnya begini

    Nobody wanna see us together
    But it don't matter no
    Cause I got you babe
    Nobody wanna see us together
    But it don't matter no
    Cause I got you babe

    Cause we gon' fight
    Oh yes we gon' fight
    Believe we gon' fight
    Fight for our right to love yeah
    Nobody wanna see us together
    But it don't matter no
    Cause I got you babe

    But I noticed he sang this part

    Cause we gon' fight
    Oh yes we gon' fight
    Believe we gon' fight


    Cause we gon' fa
    Oh yes we gon' fa
    Believe we gon' fa

    Wtf is fa? Whattt?Whattttttttttt?

    Aku series pening ok bila denga lagu ni mula-mula because when it comes to song, usually I will listen to the lyric and this song, dictionnya adalah sungguh taik.

    I mean what if we do the similar pendekatan to a malay song

    Kerana kita akan lawan
    Oh ya kita akan lawan
    Percaya kita akan lawan


    Kerana kita akan lawa
    Oh ya kita akan lawa
    Percaya kita akan lawa

    Isn't that bangang? Sorry if you are an akon fan but I find this song is somewhat sickening.

  3. I have been sneezing all day and my feet is getting cold. I think I am going to be sick soon.


Aku gelak sebab aku tau entry aku mcm sampah tapi takpela.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I am so tired. Anytime boleh tertidur ini. Adalah kerana banyak kerja yang perlu disiapkan. And today I will have another things that shall annoy me, presentation with the-not-so-favourable-person.

Or maybe my tiredness have something to do with the fact that I ate bermangkuk-mangkuk chinese herbal soup which were known to membersihkan aliran darah dan apa-apa yang perlu. I don't really know.

Anyway, I have 3 news for you. A good news, a bad news and a geram news.

The good news is, woofie will be released form the hospital tomorrow.

The bad news is, she is now blind. Some part of her organs and her brain was damaged but if God permits, with advance medication she may at least see little bit of light. But that depends. I shall continue praying for her in my prayers walaupun it is weird to think of I pray for a binatang haram in my pray but I think there is nothing wrong with that. No, I am not going to give her away, adoption service is close. I love her to bits.

The third news, I already ate kuih cara berlauk but more to like eating kuih tepung berlauk. Gila takde daging ok. Sometimes I don't understand why people berniaga if they don't have any keikhlasan in their heart anymore. Karl Marx sungguhla diorang ni, capitalist! I am thinking to cook that kuih this weekend but that shall depends on my mood.

Gua gile ngantuk skang. Gua chow dulu.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Menu ahad lalu


Why am I laughing? Coz someone got to eat murtabak already and ohh roti john. Yes home made ok. Dah semua yang jual rasa macam haram baik aku masa sendiri je kan?

Nola not susah. Maybe a bit leceh but worth it. Ok, disebabkan berhati girang, akan memberitahu cara memasak roti john itu.


Minced beef [accessible at any supermarket]
Serbuk jintan manis
Serbuk ketumbar
2 red onions
1 packet of frankfurter bread
3 eggs

Cook minced beer but leave out the oil. Masak sampai kering, sampai airnya semua hilang.

Then, dice the onions

Mix serbuk jintan and serbuk ketumbar together and add some water to make a paste, macam nak masak karilah kan.

Transfer the beef to somewhere else and add some oil into the kuali, then put in the onions.

This is when you pour the jintan + ketumbar paste. Uh I love the smell.And oh, add the salt. And finally, add the beef into it. Stir well.

Taraaaaaaaaaaaaa. The inti part is done.

Ok now it's time to beat the eggs.

And cut the breads into halves.

Ambik daging letak atas roti.

Cover it up with eggs.

And plop, terbalikkan dia atas kuali leper.

The end result.

Anak siapakahhh?

Sunday buka puasa menu : Nasi ayam , sambal sotong, buttered prawn, roti john and soya bean. Result = kembung perut = gagal diet.

Anyway, updated list.

  1. Murtabak nipis [yang kulit dia nipis dan garing tanak yg tebal
  2. Murtabak johor :)

  3. Roti John yang dibuat sendiri [hee sedap ok, nanti kalau ada masa letak gamba ok]

  4. Laksa dekat pasar ramadhan stadium laksa akmal ke pebende tah namadie.sangat sedap

  5. air kathira.waaaaaaaa..please la ada abang yang jual tahun lepas tu

  6. BBQ honeyed chicken wings

  7. Cara berlauk

  8. Roti jala dengan kari ayam kecik kecik

  9. keli salai masak lemak

  10. cream caramel

  11. Added:-

  12. Hotcake McD. [haih boleh ke nak bangun drive pukul 4 pagi ini?]

  13. Pulut panggang yang sedap.[kalau pacik tu jual lagila tahun ni]

Ok. Kelas memasak dah habis. Semua boleh sambung kerja. Sekian. Terima kasih.

Friday, September 14, 2007

2 things

I have two things in mind

  1. Woofie was poisoned. My boss found her lying in the drain full or vomit and terberak dengan campuran darah and her body was jerking. He said his old dog had the same symptom when it was poisoned.

    It was around 12 noon. Earlier, my boss unleashed her so she could play and that was at eight am. She was fine that time.

    Took her to the vet and the vet said, the poison might be wheat poison which, is rarely eaten by dogs. The vet said she might survived but unconfirmed. I hope she will. It was devastating to see her lying helplessly when she used to bark and jump when she see me.

    I am not sure whether she ate something poisonous or she was poison but it is weirdlah to think that she termakan. Because, she was a stray dog before and surely she could tell what to eat and what not to eat. And, other dogs are doing fine aje. My boss suspected, she was fed with something [meat/chicken] that ada racun. Reason for such action? If you want to masuk rumah orang or steal something, kill the dog.Or I dunno, they just want to book their ticket to be burn well.

    I really have the urge to mencarut right now. But instead doing that, I am going to take a deep breath and said. to who ever this may concern, I pity you for having such a small brain and a rotten heart.

    I curse that your genital parts will be full of pus.
    Jangankan manusia, anjing pon akan jijik

  2. In school, during ramadhan we wil be forced[to me it's forced ok hehe] to sembahyang terawikh. Then at each night they will read the fadhilat for that perticular night.Like for example

    Malam 1
    Keluar dosa-dosa orang mukmin pada malam pertama sepertimana ia baru dilahirkan, mendapat keampunan dari Allah.

    And you know what, i read that, those 30 fadhilat were not asli, it was a fake one, diada-adakan dengan tujuan tertentu. Read about it here. Read the whole thread.

    I was shocked.

    Adakah aku seorang atau ramai lagi yg telah terpercaya benda ini?

No. I did not get to buy murtabak. Apparently orang shah alam sangat lahap semalam. The queue to buy murtabak sgtla panjang and the other kuih muih sudah habis. Even keropok lekor dan nugget.Boleh?

Tak apa, bulan ini masih panjang.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Last night, I sembahyang-ed terawikh after 10 tahun tak sembahyang. Dan aku sebenanye dah terlupa macamana nak sembahyang terawikh. Boleh?


Tapi takpe, masih ada jalan pulang. Hehe

Anyway, as usual, I will make a list benda apa nak makan sempena bulan ramadhan. Bukan buruk lantak ok [walaupon sebenanye memang ye pon :(] tapi yelah kan banyak bazar ramadhan jual makanan sedap-sedap. Saya adalah hendak memakan:-

  1. Murtabak nipis [yang kulit dia nipis dan garing tanak yg tebal

  2. Roti John yang dibuat sendiri [hee sedap ok, nanti kalau ada masa letak gamba ok]

  3. Laksa dekat pasar ramadhan stadium laksa akmal ke pebende tah namadie.sangat sedap

  4. air kathira.waaaaaaaa..please la ada abang yang jual tahun lepas tu

  5. BBQ honeyed chicken wings

  6. Cara berlauk

  7. Roti jala dengan kari ayam kecik kecik

  8. keli salai masak lemak

  9. cream caramel

Setakat ini itu sahaja.

Tetapi adalah ingin mendiet ini, maka dalam satu hari tak boleh makan lebih dari 2 benda.[konon]

Ok dah. Teruskan berpuasa

Kang nak buka apa?
Ingat nak beli murtabak.Nyam nyam.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Traffic light


Bulatan persiaran kayangan near my house was usually jammed during peak hours yet the condition will still be under control thanks to abang polis traffic. But perhaps abang traffic dah penat jaga or somebody needs some extra money that traffic lights were built at the roundabout. Yes traffic lights.

Did that settle the jammed problem? Not really.

Yesterday I was on my way to settle something, I found out that roundabout was already jammed and it was only 11 something in the morning. That was not the first time ok. Few days ago, dalam pukul 8 malam, that placed was also jammed.

Macam lanchau. Apa motif kau letak traffic light tu skang? I know it is supposed to be mengurangkan traffic but somehow I think keadaan menjadi lebih tidak terkawal kerana mungkin ada sedikit lacking terhadap penyelarasan traffic light itu. I mean, ada 4 roads that will lead to the roundabout and you put traffic lights dekat tengah-tengah roundabout? Oh man.

Dan ada dua traffic lights that blinked the yellow light indicating "kau buatla sukati mak bapak kau, pandai-pandaila" while the other two traffic lights are working fine.

Haih. I think abang traffic will be more berkesan at least takdela sesape stuck dekat tengah-tengah roudabout even the traffic light in front already turn green sebab being blocked by other car from other traffic.

Like I said to my boss, you can't stop a moron from being one.

Not that just, I can't figure out why:-

  1. Lorry driver harus nak drive laju-laju. Sempat ke kalau nak break if anything happen?

  2. Why people assume by giving signal, they can ssume masuk sukati without tengok ade kereta ke tak dekat main road? Habis tu aku yang tengah drive ni, nak terbangla ye? Dah bagi signal pon, tengokla dulu line clear ke tak nak masuk.Bodoh.

  3. Why do you have to honk when you know nothing would happen? Kau ingat kau honk, semua kereta kat depan tu tiba-tiba boleh terbang? Ataupon keluar dari kereta sembah kau ke?

  4. Apsal poyo nak potong-potong dan bawak laju-laju dalam town padahal kau tahu kat depan kau kene stop gak kan sebab traffic light.

  5. Macamana harus aku buat muka bila aku tengah-tengah nyanyi dalan jem tetibe abang lori seblah bukak tingkat dan phewit sambil gelak-gelak?


Nasib baikla besok puasa, tak payahla aku marah-marah lagi.
Ye ke? Hehe

Anyway bunnies, selamat berpuasa dan beribadat.
Jangan marah-marah. Nanti tak comel masa hari raya.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Black days

Sometimes I can't believe what I did during my stupid years.
Now, don't tell me I didn't warn you

Once, I remembered it was nearly dawn, all the club were close and my housemate and I were walking to the car. Except none of us can drive so we have to wait for our guy friends who were brave enough to drive.

My housemate were totally wasted that they had to be ditarik balik ok which made me the first one to walk to the car park with this one guy who..aku tak ingat dah nama dia sape. Suddenly I feel like terkencing. Dekat udang [mofaz] tu ade toilet tapi takde pintu.

Me: You I need to pee.
Him: No doorla love, tahanla.
Me: Tak bolehhh. Nak kencinggggggggg * hentak-hentak kaki. Apala macam haram sangatkan perangai aku masa tu.
Him: Hishhhhhhhh. Yelah.Yelah pegi sana kencing I cover line.

I don't know what was I thinking but I did pergi masuk dan dengan selambe kencing dengan mamat tu jaga pintu. It was dark, pitch black so I assumed he didn't saw anything. Tapi dekat luar tu ada lampulah kan

After that I sengih-sengih kuar, sebab puas hati dapat kencing.
Then, unexpectedly he kissed me.
Automatically I kissed him back.

Until, the voices of my housemate yg bising stopped us.

No, nothing happened, true that he followed me home but we only played poker or continue partying at my house after that. Promise.

For the record, nobody know about this, not even my house mates.

Keji sial.

Monday, September 10, 2007

End of weekend

I am going to ask you the usual question.

How's your weekend?

Mine dipenuhi dengan menyamak satu badan tetapi diiakhiri dengan rasa gembira.

You see. Last week, I found MJ looking uncomfortable and she kept doing the choking gesture. Plus, she always scratched her mouth. So I sensed something was wrong. Adakah tercekik? Oh no, tercekik adalah sangat bahaya ok di kalangan kucing. Boleh membawa maut.

So, feeling super genius I held her in my arms with menelentang position, then I patted her back. Buk. Buk. Sekali terkuatla plakkan. Terdiamla plak kucing aku tu. After that I inspected her mulut yang tungkik itu and saw nothing stuck inside, so I thought I made it.

This is not Mj. This is the gula-gula susu.

Tapi the next day, she kept repeating the same thing. By this time dia tanak dekat dengan aku dah sebab takut kene bantai macam semalam even though it was meant to un-tercekik kan her [excuse me, I read this from a book ok, bukan main blasah je]. However I managed to tangkap her but this time I thought something might stick on her teeth maybe. Bukak, tak nampakkk. Bukak lagi, tak nampak gakk. I keep repeating that for few times and I think I hit the red button.

Kucing aku ni moody sket. Suka tunjuk prasaan dan suka merajuk + eksyen + kuat mengamuk. Sometimes I wonder, apakah kucing boleh mengikut perangai tuannya?

After that incident, she was no more manja with me. Aku nak dekat pon tanak ok. Terus lari, tanak balik.Tidur rumah neighbour yang banyak pokok bunga. I tried to call for her, usually, she will run dengan penuh kegetikan mengikut aku but this time she just showed her face then bila aku nak dekat, masuk balik dalam compound neighbour itu. Macam haram. That really made me sad. My MJ didn't love me anymore :(.

I was so upset sehingga telah membad mood lalu menempiaskannya kepada orang lain. Hehe

Anyway, on Saturday I went to visit woofie [still remember her?]. She was..kotor and busuk gila sebab bila terlepas dari chain die suka guling-guling and tah pape tah lagi. So I decided to mandi herlah. Oh man, bongek gila ok woofie ni but yeah, eventually she turned out putih berseri dan berbau wangi. While me, I have to samak my whole body. After that I treated her with a walk at the park [macam dalam tv la pulakkan haha]. Sometimes I wish nobody would take her away but I know, that would not be the best idea. Cepatla wey, takde sape ke nak adopt die ni?

What's inside.

No, that was not the happy ending.
Biasa, akukan longwinded sket.Hehe

When I reached home it was already dark. I thought I should try to pujuk MJ for the last time so I went and go "MJ..Mejay..Mary Jane.. Ngiau..tsk..tsk". But No answer. Sad.

But as I entered the house, there she was sleeping on the chair. I hold her and put her on my bed. She did not run. Instead she mew and when I kissed her lemak-ness perut, she purred.

I missed that.

Oh she is fine now. And yes ,she slept with me that night, no more running away. In fact as I am typing this, she is sleeping on the floor, next to me.


Friday, September 07, 2007

Who wants to be a superhero?

Ok now. Who watched who wants to be a superhero last night? . [The link is showing the latest season not the one that we got to watch last night]

Honestly my first impression was "apakah jenis freakshownya ini?" but then again, think before you speak. Memang ianya agak freak show dan adalah terasa sesetengah yang masuk itu adalah pelik terutama sekali the big guy iron man. He annoyed me. Like really. Sungguh kelihatan seperti " I was born to lead not to read" ok.

Anyway, of course I can't help thinking, kalaulah aku masuk kan, superhero apakah yang ingin dijadi oleh chics?

Now you see, the contestent in this series have to come up with their own idea of superhero iaitu dengan meng-create their own superhero costume beserta gadjet or accessories. And of course, your appearance will portray what you want to become. Like ada seekor minah ni named herself as cell phone girl but honestly she didn't look like cell phone to me. I mean, how does a cell phone gilr supposed to look like anyway?

So after a serious discussion[haha] with a friend, I decided if I masuk I want to be


Secret Identity
blog + cam whore

Bulu bulu whip
Glow in the dark tail with a pink bulb

Born as prospector for animals. Hate those who walked with two legs and claimed to have brains yet acted like they have none.Will deceive the enemy by wriggling her ears. Whip the enemy with her whip and will keluarkan signal kecemasan using her pink bulbed tail [Japanese man made]. Yes, the whip memang bulu-bulu tapi bulu bukan sebarang bulu. Bulu boleh menyebabkan kegatalan yg teramat serta berbau tungkik.

Please don't show her your long carrot.

Pengote who dress in crocodile outfit

Catch Phrase
Keji ok.

So tell me, what superhero do u want to be?

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Finally. I managed to ganti all my puasa yesterday. What a relieve. Tak perlulakh aku menyedekahkah sebendang padi kepada orang, quoting form june [sebab dah tak ingat sejak bila tak ganti.hehe]


  1. Naz have been inviting me so many times to join facebook tapi aku eksyen + malas. Because I thought I have enough of all this stuff. I had friendster, myspace and hi5. Tapi friendster je yang active.Close down my myspace and hi5, ntah tatau apa progress. And I promise myself, no more social networking thingy sebab aku kan ala ala kera sumbang. But, yesterday I was so gatal that I join facebook. And now adalah addicted. Bongok!

    Jadi marilah berfacebook.Hehe

  2. I have a friend who is going to get married soon. Few days ago he asked me

    He: You, I need your opinion. What if I want to go foe a short vacation to Jakarta with my ex before I got married? Dia pon nak kawen gak tapi dengan orang lainla.
    Me: Bodoh! Jangan nak jadi pengote ok!

    He: Ala, tak boleh ke? 6 hari je, lagipun ni last before I kawen.
    Me: You ni kan, I bagitau awek you nanti baru tau.Janganla you, sian dia tau.

    He: Tapi semua kawan-kawan lelaki I cakap, nak pegi baik pegi skang.

    Macam sial.

    First of all, apsal kau nak pegila sengal? What if girlfriend kau buat macam tu, adakah kau suka? And what's with to pergi for the last time. Dah ex tu dahla..takde de nak for the last time ni der. Tu semua alasan gatal kote tu.

    Secondly, apsal la lelaki boleh bagi advice macam tu dekat kawan-kawan lelaki dia? Maybe lelaki yang dia jumpa tak cukup responsible or tahh aku pon tataula.

    Tapi yang paling sengal dah book tiket tu. Kejila yew ni [nama dirahsiakan]

  3. I am falling in love with gula-gula lembu. Sebenanye gula-gula susu tapi gamba lembu dekat packaging.Leeeeeemakkkkkkkkkkk

Happy Thursday bunnies.

I love thurday because thursday is my jalan-jalan day.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


My boss is a good example of an old soul guy who trapped in today's world. He doesn't like to own a car because he might contributes to the pollution and listen to songs which I never heard of. And oh, he still used tailored trousers from his trusted makcik pembuat seluar ke pakcik, i also tataula.

One time he told me that he loves to listen to traditional celtic music [I really have no idea what kind of music this is] and he always told me he loves the carpenters. I said car whooooooooooooo?

Oh well, there are so much more but I malas to write here.

So one day we went to some mall and there were a background song in that particular mall. Probably some guy singing an rnb song and he sounded so meleweh-leweh.

"Shit. I hate this guy. He is ruining my favourite song"

So I asked him, what songla. He said it was superstar by carpenters. And I tell yew, he was really pissed.

Initally, I was thinking it may sounded something like superstar yang femes semasa akhir 90'an dimana ianya rancak dimainkan di disko-disko [sapa yang suke gi modesto keji tu taula kot hehe]. Now, since he always talk about the carpenters it make me wonder, best sangat carpenters nih? I mean, I looooveee music and I find that music can really mempermainkan perasaanlah. So I decided, what the hellah kan. Aku try jela download lagu tu.

Oh my.
Ianya sungguh mengusik emosi sehinga ternangis [poyo tak poyo skang?].

It reminded me of the time where I looked like toyol and just love to breathe the air of shah alam that time. We were among the first to move there.

It reminded me of the time when I sit on the marble flow and admire how pretty norkumalasari look in my mom's jelita magazine.

It reminded how happy I was when Ros Kamal took me out to play at the playground petang-petang.

I am not sure about you, but her voice adalah seperti time machine dan penuh emosi. Like my boss said, not many artist nowadays can deliver songs like the old artist. Menyerap. Meresap.

I don't really know that much about her. But.
She died in a tragic way as tragic as this song may sounds.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Biskut prince

I remember liking this one particular biscuit called biskut prince. It's like any other cream sandwich biscuits except the two biscuit that crammed the middle cream were so yummy and creamy and they were coated with some egg-looking-layer that taste sweet.

The inner layer which I usually preferred to be vanilla taste just wonderful. Not too sweet.

If I am not mistaken the packaging was in red colour and there's an illustration of a prince on the packaging.

Yew bunnies, know or not what biscuit I am talking about?

I almost forgot about it until last weekend, I was accompanying a friend who wanted to buy his football ration for the usual liverpool match night. He bought a packet of the red packet kuaci and some other stuff. Which remind me, they even sell the same brand of kuaci with menthol flavour? Like what? How can kuaci be berangin? Macam keji je kan rasa dia.

Anyway, I wanted to buy something for myself to of courselah kan. Naturally I wanted a packet of choki choki which probably hold 6 batang of choki choki inside buttttttttttttttt since I am on my on and off diet I opted for biscuit instead. This is when I remembered biskut prince.

Tetapi macam biasalah, kalau aku teringin sangat nak makan benda-benda mesti tak ada. Then I realiased it has been years since I saw that biscuit. Ntah ntah dah tak jual :(. Tapi tempat yang aku pegi tu memang confirm takde.

Sebagai substitute, I bought biskut beruang meiji instead.

But..Nak biskut prince. Nak 3.

Anyway, I was overjoyed that the team won but I was not happy with the conversation I had with that friend earlier.

Scenario: we were watching enough which cast J lo as someone name slim. I already ate few hours ago but my friend barula nak sampai rumah akukan dan mula memakan nasik sebab ternampak ada lauk sedap. The lauk that day were kacang panjang goreng udang, ikan apatah masak bercili dengan daging oyster.

The friend: Eat togetherla
Me: Nolah. I ate already. You eatla

Borak..borakk. I baca-baca paper when suddenly tak tahan tengok ikan sambal lalu pergi ke dapur mengambik nasi.

The friend: What movie is this?
Me: Enough *sambil menyenduk nasi

The friend: Hmm.. I think I want to make a movie bertajuk Not Enough
Me: Heh? Pasal apa?

The friend: Pasal budak yang tak pernah kenyang makan. Always not enough. Hehe

Selambe gila kutuk aku sambil habiskan lauk.
Macam haram.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Rumour has euwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Few hours ago I was watching 'rumour has it' with my mom. I adore jennifer aniston especially after she divorced brat [or is it brad?heh] pitt.

But I decided not to continue watching after I found out that movie was somewhat disturbing. Well, at least to me.

In that movie, aniston [sarah] was engaged to mark ruffalo [jeff] and decided to track a guy who she thought was her father. Apparently that guy slept with her mother a day before her mother's wedding day [to her father] and also slept with her grandma but turns out not to be her father sebab lelaki itu adalah mandul. To cut the story short, she ended up sleeping with that guy,Kevin Costner [beau burroughs].

I mean, wtf is that all about? Lelaki tu main dengan 3 keturunan, and for the girl to sleep with the guy who slept with her mother and grandma when she is engaged to another guy is sooooooooooo disturbing.

As much I hate pengote, I hate this type of women more.

Sorrylah, otak aku bukan otak western ok.
I can think liberally but only to certain extent.

Plus, I just don't like hero tua.
I don't know why and the image of a hot babe being humped by hero tua walaupun dia di claim hot adalah sangat tak masuk.

Adalah euwwww.