Friday, September 29, 2006


Since I was at sec 2 area, I thought might as well aku amik gamba-gamba makanan dengan tujuan menoture diri sendiri sambil menoture korang semua.


Sec 2 Pasar Ramadhan doesn't have that many optionslah but it is good enough for UITM student coz it's located nearby. I was thinking to buy roti john tapi abang jual roti john tu macam lem la pulakkan siapkan gerai die and it was so hot. I can't stand standing under the hot sun. Bought air kelapa for my brother and chow.

Nevermind. I will get that ttdi roti john.
Akan adalah insan malang yang akan dipaksa pegi ke ttdi [bersiap sedialah!!].

It's a long day I know but hey, don't be miserable. Enjoy these pictures.

Belilah kuih ye. Ada ermm ..lepat? popiah dan.. err..

Tak..jangan beli kat kedai tadi.. beli dekat sini sebab dia ada otak-otak! Pau kacang dan karipap

Tapi abang ni jual otak-tak je. Mesti lagi best dan pedas. Mesti dekat Sudan takde kan? Uhhh kuih melaka. Gula merah dia.. hohhhhhhhhh..cair dalam mulut, komfem tak jual dekat Sweden.

Nak ikan keli bakar..cicah dengan kuah asam..

Air tebu [slurp], air kelapa dan air erm.. fluorescent? Mungkin tembikai susu.

Apam balik yang nampak rangup dan penuh berkrim, tidak dijual di Jepun.

Ini gambar tiada kaitan dengan pasar ramadhan section 2 tapi kesedapan dan kelemakan ice cream baskin adalah standing dengan makanan-makanan tadik

Ok, sekarang bunnies boleh mula menulis list makanan untuk berbuka puasa nanti.


[kepada yang berada di sudan, mungkin boleh mula berfikir, malam ni nak makan kambing masak apa. Hehe].

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I was on ym yesterday and my cousin, ayang buzzed me. Ni tak lain tak bukan mesti nak gossip. Akak sukeeee. Hell yeah, kami adalah sangat suka bergossip and we are pretty close.

It was as usual until she asked me one question

raja syuhaira: So, emak awak tak menagakah hari ni?
chics: menaga? ohhhhhhhh.awak baca blog akakkkkkkkk? *
raja syuhaira: cerek mekah amat sesuai untuk orang kerdil.
raja syuhaira: tapi saya buka orang kerdil okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
raja syuhaira: wakakakakkaakka
chics: bodowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, awak bacaaa?
raja syuhaira: orang siap PRINT AND BAGI CIK MIMI LAGI!![ cik mimi is her mom]

Tidak. Mengapakah memerint dan mengedarkan sepada semua suku sakat? aksi menggelupur aku adalah tidak boleh dipertontonkan kepada saudara mara kerana sesungguhnya aku ini adalah role model masyarakat setempat. budak yang sangat ilmiah dan geniusssssssssss. Apakah artinya semua ini?

Then I asked her whether her sister, yana read it too.And she answered it penuh dengan gaya.

raja syuhaira: Wakakakakakaka
raja syuhaira: nak tau tak, MAK LONG pon baca!
raja syuhaira: tau..tau aje die baca
chics: shitttttttttttttttttttttttt
chics: terasa macam tak nak balik rumah dah okkkkkkkkk

Oh My God. That was so not kelaka ok. What is so kelaka when your mom read about stuff that you write about her? Dapatkah emakku berimaganisai bagaimana api keluar dari mulutnya? Demmitlahhh.

Ini adalah sungguh mentetaik!!

Sekarang emakku sudah tahu apakah kerja chics ynag sering tekun didepan komputer itu. Ku sangakakan buat ssigment rupa-rupanya.. hohhhhh!!

Hari raya bakal tiba, mungkin belum terlambat meminta maaf kelak.

Ampun mak, emak bukanlah seekor naga, kita insaf.

Ayang, kalau ko report lagiii... kasihanilah kakakmu ini.. hanya manusia kerdil..

* refer to this entry

Note: emak saya sangat baik dan sayangkan saya. Emak telah memasak ikan masak lomak semalam untuk menggantikan ikan keli saya yang basi dimana saya mengejutkannya tengah-tengah malam sambil mengadu ikan keli saya basi. saya sayang emak [harap emak termakan bodekan ini,sekian]

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


You know, of all the all months I really love ramadhan [except my birthday monthla, of course]. Like hell, where can you see lots of people going crazy buying foods. Well, to me it's kind of biasa since I'm always ga-ga over food but yeah, to see people flocked to buy ffoods. And, I love the night atmosphere, i dunnola but to me, ramadhan night, the feeling is always different. Rasa syahdu bila drive lalu tepi masjid and denga orang mengaji and see lots of car bersusun sembahyang terawikh. Also, to see people in kopiah and telekung followed by jolly children running around. I just love that. I don't know why.

And you and your whole family chattering while waiting for bebuka. The moment that the sound of mengaji stop, you will also stop talking and if you happen to look at the window, it was beautiful. Red sky and nothing but silence.

If people ask me what is syahdu? I will say those things are syahdu.

Oh, I have another syahdu story. I manged to buy pulut panggang and ikan keli salai today. Am I lucky or what? mana taknya, pukul 4.30 aku dah pegi pasar ramadhan. haha. Kira macam balas dendam terhadap tahun lepas.

When I reached home, I salin the ikan into a nice pinggan and simpan did dalam oven coz I had to attend my class. But, fret not I have my pulut pangang yang yummyyyyyyy untuk dimakan dalam kelas although I suspected that itu bukan pulut panggnag tahun lepas sebab orang yg jual dia macam lain tapi hah, pedulik apa aku. Dah teringin k.

Had presentation and bla..bla.. The pulut panggang was ok and yeah, it was not last year's. Then I thought m I wanted to melepak after class like biasala but hoh, the ikan keli salai was calling meeeeeeeeeeeee.

My ikan keli salai. Yumm

Tapi..tapi..saya adalah sangat syahdu apabila saya membuka oven dan mendapati ikan keli itu telah....


Tak termencarut aku..Nasibla bulan puasa.

Sunday, September 24, 2006



Notice the new picture above? Even people always says that I'm keji but I've decided for this holy month, I shall not be so that keji anymore.

So here is a new picture. Taraaaaaaaaaaaa

A picture of women who is aboutttt to eat a stoberi [ my favourite] but hesitate coz she realized she is supposed to be fasting. Oh, and she's also waiting for the azan so when azan comes, she can quickly eat that yummy stroberi yang dibaluti cream. Uuhh, lazaaaat.

The picture is fade coz she is so mengigil sebab lapa[sebenanye aku rasa macam nak mati hari ni, padahal selalu je puasa sunat.huh!]. Ehe, no actually I ripped this picture on the internet so bila aku strechkan gamba ni dia mengembang but no biggie this is temporary okess.

Notice, the word puasalicious is prominent than the picture? This is because yeww bunniessss, I'm stressing out that yew bunnies are supposed to be fasting unless it's your red day.

And aha, I also change the picture at the comment box. Ia bermaksud, semasa puasa tiada penyeksian, hanya bulu-bulu sahaja yang tinggal. See how much I love yew bunnies?

Anyway, I know this is only the first day of puasa, but I'm listing out things that I want to eat sepanjang this puasa month.

  1. Ikan keli salai masak lemak
  2. Pulut panggang
  3. Honey bbq chicken wings 3 ketul [aummm]
  4. Laksa kuala kangsar
  5. Siput sedut [slurp]
  6. Roti jala with kari ayam
  7. Air tebu
  8. Murtabak
  9. Roti John pasar ramadhan TTDI [bilala pulak aku nak pegi]
  10. Ikan bakar muara

I can't think of anymore right now but I will be blogging about pasar ramadhan food again this year especially for bas, fahimi, nad [ko kat oversea jugakkan nadya?], hutaribochi dan juga kepada sesape yang macam tak boleh nak pegi pasar ramadhan dan merambangkan mata.

Kenangan silam bersma sashimi dan tenpura udon semalam

Last but not least, jangan ponteng puasa okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.


P.S: I might not be blogging actively from today onwards till 18 Oct sebab celake, assignment banyak and hoh, nak exam dah. So excuse me if there's no daily updates.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Hi Bunnies.

How's your day so far? Mine? M.a.r.v.e.l.l.o.u.s

Anyway, kan..kan..kan.. Sebab you bunnies macam baik and comel and telah memvote i dekat blog wong ah beng,sehingga i menang.

Adalah best memandangkan aku adalah gila glam itu.

I looooikeeeeeeeee

So thanks to abg 9, liverpool fans ,WWF fans and those who voted for me. Awak semua adalah sangat baikkkkkkkkkk dan mentak laratkan saya okes.

Siapa nak claim hug, silalah berjumpa saya. Hehe

Sekali lagi selamat berpuasa.

kisskiss + hughug --> last call on the bar, before puasa

Friday, September 22, 2006


Semalam, my brain was fried coz I am still lacking of 8 journals. Celake. Letihla otak aku nak carik dah.

To amuse myself and mengelak diri dari membaling keyboard atau apa-apa yang patut, I began to play with technorati. I typed one of my favourite word, pengote.


It leads me to a blog, owned by a girl who also write about pengote. Wait. Kenapa entry minah ni familiar sangat?

Me: You, read this link *paste the link.
Apek: She writes sama macam your style.
Me: Cibai. Not thatlah [ I mean kalau setakat tiru style, eheh..tak terkejilah pulak aku karang]
Apek: Cilakak. She copied your whole entry.
Me: But she trim here and there.

Few months ago, someone plagiarist wong ah beng's writing and claim it his. Well, I went to that guy blog's and hell yeah, it was ah beng's . Tak malu

Ehe. At least that guy tak trim mana-mana part and doesn't look as it really happen to him but this girl, she changed few words yang menjadi favourite aku jugak which is bunnies and a few sentences which haih terus menjadi seperti dialah yang menulis. Macam kawan dielah yang dilemma ada bofren yang macam haram.

Hell, the one I wrote about in my entry was one my bestfriend and I really care for her, kau ingat aku akan lupa ke kalau aku tulis pasal dia? Saat-saat aku meraba dia pon aku masih ingat tau. Hehe

But, then I checked the url again, wah dah tutup blogla pulakkkkkkkk.Tapi jangan risau, sebab akan cam ala-al amik komputer dulukan, akak dah paste dah sedikit bukti di sini, it's similar to my entry on 13 august but since tehcnorati search summed it up, so that website only pick it here and there. hehe

Dik, whyla?

You really like me issit?

Kau ni memang failla bab copy paste. Kalau kau buat assignment ni komfem dah kantoi dengan lecturer kau. Kalau nak copy paste pon pandai-pandaila, janganla guna terms yang kau sendiri jarang pakai. Heh!

Naz asked me if I was flattered. Was I? I don't think so.

Tak kelakar ok buat camtu. Mungkin dia tak tau yang aku agak gila glam, so lain kali nak quote pon, silalah bagi credit boleh?

Kalau tak reti camne kan. Macam ni, akak ajar.

"Dalam dunia blogging ini, memang banyak tikus keji , seperti kata wong ah beng"

Dapat? Kalau tak dapat, sila baca semula dan ulang sampai lancar.

But I guess you really like me, therefore I am going to post my picture especially for you.

Khas untukmuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Suka tak?

Akak sukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Lupe, selamat berpuasa!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Kids, exploited?

It's my hair treatment day and aha i needed that since I was in serious stress. So after letting the cun hairstylist, Ginny treated my ahir, I went to pay the parking ticket where a boy, probably aged around 11 to 13 approached me with boxes of raisin in his hand. He was wearing a worn red baju melayu and a songkok.

He: Beli kismis kak?
Me: Takpe, makaseh.
He: Belilah kak, saya nak tolong mak saya. Mak saya sakit.
Me: He?

Right. That was not the first time I saw him. Not to say I'm not kesian but hell, anyone could detect that kind of lie. I saw him several times at different malls with his other friends sometimes persuading people or sometimes running around playing tag or something.

Dik, if you really want to help your mum, why don't you go back and study? What are you doing merayau-ing during school hours anyway?

Well, maybe he's not panjang akal enough to think that in my opinion mungkin dia dan kawan-kawan mereka dipergunakan. What frusfurate me was, the product is some kind of supposed-to-be-Islamic product. Siapala yang sampai hati nak suruh budak-budak ni jual mende tu dari pagi sampai malam? Ni kadang-kadang aku pegi beli kfc malam-malam pon aku nampak muka budak tu jugak.

Come on, to help your muslim fellow, to me that's not the way. Why not you don't use kids to gain profit and do it in some other way?

My second experince was in section 2 where I wanted to bind my paperwork. When I was about to get into my car, a girl approached me.

She: Kak, boleh bagi 5 ringgit tak? Saya dah berapa hari tak makan?
Me: Bukan semalam pon awak cakap mende yang sama ke?
She: * Went away.

Hell yeah, I heard she told the same thing to a pacik the day before.I saw her once with her parents, unsure whether it's her mum or whatever but they were shopping for things and she was sucking for ice cream. Muka mereka berdua adalah sama and they have the same style.

A week after that, I saw she talked to a macik who was about to get into the car. I did not say anything and went into a kedai to buy chocolate[i loove!] but not too long after that I saw the macik and the girl entering the shop. The macik bought beras for the girl. Instead of giving her money she bought something for her which to me was wise.

My point is, where are their guidance?
And do they not know what these kids are doing

Kalau ye pon nak buat extra income, itu bukan caranya.

The saddest part, both of them are malay and muslim.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

*toot* youlah wey!


Someone left an offline message on my ym saying that his company banned my website because this blog contains explicits words. I mean the software they used detected that ehe I swear too much.

Hell, that's true.

Ee.. Blogging is to ease my mind and I swear when i'm angry.. happy..sad..'s like I swear most of the times.

Once I remember telling a friend that I might stop swearing. I told him, I quit drinking, I quit smoking [thenn] and maybe it's time I quit swearing. And he look at me and saud " Then, your name is not chics anymore". He.

But yeah, dun give a shit . hehe .. i mean opss.

And also some people request me to change my layout sebab ade gamba bons. Ala, aku sukela layout nihhhhhhh.. letihla nak pikir layout baru. Gamba bons best apa. Yela.. mata korang dah berpinar buat keje,tengok banyak nombor, rehatkanla mata pulak tengok bontots and teks.. kan ke best? Hehe

Tak best ke? Alaaa..

Ah, whatever.

Anyway bunnies. Ada orang dah tanya whether I am planning to hold open house or not this year. Sebab last year aku tak buat.. well.. I dunno yet coz penat ok open house.

But I know that this year, I want to beraya dekat rumah basri. Hi basri, i know you are reading this. I want to come to your house this raya. Can or not? Cann right. If I come, you must masak sedap for me you know coz I eat a lot. Hehe * saiko mode off.

And ohh.. I promise, i call you first before I burn down your house. * saiko mode off again.

Ok. I want to continue searching for the fringgin' relationship management journal. Sape jumpa sila emel aku okes, Aku upah hug nanti.

Seres shit, I think i'm going to flunk my PR paper.

Shit, aku termencarut lagi.


Celake, penat aku carik journal satu pon takde. Yang dia ni pon satu aku dah bagi 4 yang best approve satu je sebab source dia sama. Kau ingat senang ke nak carik journal ni haaa? Dahla id kad aku dah hilang, nak pegi library pon tak boleh dah. Ala, tapi library pon takde. Hari tu dah pegi.


Macamna nak buat ni sekarang ni? Adakah aku perlu reka journal sendirik?

Marahnya aku itu!

Aku tak kira, jumaat ni ade orang nak kene belanja aku baskin kalau tidakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...

Aku nangis :(

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Ok now I want to menaga.

I am in a bad mood coz I didn't get the tittle that I want for my term paper. Actually to think of it I shouldn't be but I should because I am one mengada girl and actually I already sort of know what to write and have the rough idea in mind. Now I have to be satisfied with my new topic The Information Economy. What The Fuck am I talking about nehh? Bapak boring. Nevermind,

Also, I have 3 term paper which due in the same weeks, which is next two weeks. Like.. I'm so going to die.

Because I am feeling shity, pasar ramadhan this year better have the two stalls that I like last year. The ikan keli salai masak lomak and the so sedap pulut panggang. Hell, I mean, tahun ni aku free dah boleh datang pasar ramadhan secepat mungkin, kalau takdeeeeeeeeeeee....Hohh!! I also want air kathira but honestly, I kind of berputus asa ok nak dapat air tu dekat sini.

Speaking of Raya, Oh I soo love my baju raya. Even tak siap lagi but hell, I can tell it's going to be gorgeous. The theme is red and gold. I know that I'm supposed to hate gold but hell, gold is so hot this season and I have to buy some gold earring and you know the chain type bracelet also in gold. No necklace coz I asked the tailor to sew sequins around the teluk belanga neck. Hihi...

Oh..Oh..and I also have to buy red lipstick , maybe from stila or m.a.c i still prefer stila.

And of course new shoes.. open toe in red..or just red sandals with diamante. I know the bling bling is kinda out but I still love it. lingeries sebab maid aku macam dah curikk semuaaaaaaa lingerie aku yang best best. Dia nak menyeksi depan sape pon aku tataulah. Kejilah! Dahla pagi buang contact lens aku. Hahhhhh!! Hilang sudah sorang budak mata hijau dekat shah alam :P

Yeah, I need new contact lenses and new specs too.

He. I wonder why I feel so much better now.


Monday, September 18, 2006


After months procrastinating, I decide it's time to visit the dentist.

Bukan apa, I procrastinated because I am scared of those bloody machine that dentist uses. Bloody horror and I tell you, sangatlah sakit bila driller itu mendrill your gums.

Initially, I chose Klinik Azizah coz I'm in love with her husband. Her husband is a cool doctor despite wearing serban with many uban. Hell, he makes me weak on my knees. Like, everytime when he saw me buying junks near his clinic he will ask "Na, Apa kahabar hari ni? Sehat?" , with his sweet smile. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. Sweet. Anyway, Dr Azizah told me that her clinic will only continue it's operation after Ramadhan.

Or maybe she knows that I am having a crush on her husband. Oh no.

My second choice would be Dr. Sharina. I bet she's pretty and hot [haha]

The clinic. Brr

Because I'm a scardy cat when it comes to dentist I brought along a companion, you know to give me some encouragement. Reaching the clinic I saw this receptionist guy in Italy jersey. Filled in the form bla..bla..blaaaaaaaaaaa.

While waiting I feel like terkincit. I am sooo bapak takut ok. I was thinking should I proceed or should I like blah aje from that place? I mean, hello. This is dentist we are talking about okkkkkkkk.

Too late, he called my name.


When the dr asked me to lie down I panicked.

"Sakit tak dokter? Banyak darah tak?"

"Sakit sikit aja, macam kene gigit semut. Baring meh".

Shit I bet she's lying. I bet it will hurt like hell but she just wants my money. Nasib baik ko chantek. Huh.

As the Italy guy put some kind of bib on me, my eyes began to watery. Celake, bolehla pulak aku menangis dekat dentist! I wiped my face and asked her whether she can let me go home..

And the Italy guy laughed. Along with the doctor.


Fine, because I am such a macho girl, I let the dr do her jobs anyway. She switched on her machine and that thing started to molest my mouth and I started to squeeze my company's had. Aku rasa mau patah tangan budak tu aku squeeze.

Almost one hour later the dr finished her job and said that everything was fine. Yet that Italy guy was still smiling.

Apa yang kelakar sangat haa? Belasah karang.

Despite having lutut menggigil, I am happy coz finally I get my scaling done. And aha, I promised the dr I will come back after six month. Now, we can guess who will smile the sparklest during hari raya. Haha

After that, I treated myself with my ultimate pemujuk, baskin robin.

My looove!

Ala, takpe, 6 bulan lambat lagii.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Membakar dapur

Hai nama saya chics. Semalam adalah hari yang sangat penat dan melapar bagi saya. Sudah terbayang ayam masak merah yang emak saya masak yumm adalah amat sedap itu. Tetapi impian saya musnah apabila emak mengsms dengan mengatakan dia telah memakan kesemua ayam yang tinggal.

Hoh. Apakah nasib ku ini? Tapi saya telah memergi ke seven e dan membeli sekotak megi pama. Haaaaaaaaaa, adakah anda tahu apabila makan megi ini, bibir akan jadi besar seperti disengat tebuan? Ini adalah megi pama adalah sangat pedas okkk. Slurp.. slup..Pamaaaaaaaaa!

Apabila saya sampai di rumah, kelihatan sebuah periuk dengan sebuah penyenduk di atas dapur. Pemegang penyenduk itu bewarna kuning dan dibuat daripada plastik. Saya mengabaikan kedua-duan entity itu dan meletakkan di tepi sambil meletakkan cerek mekah diatas dapur. Cerek mekah adalah sangat comel ok. Sesuai dibuat bermain masak-masak dan sesuai untuk orang-orang kerdil. Tapi ini amaran, saya bukan orang kerdil ya.

Kemudian saya berasa sangat letih dan badan melekit seperti seorang pemanjat pokok rambutan. Dalam perjalanan untuk mandi, adik saya yang agak mengada telah memarah saya supaya mengeluar kereta. Saya ingin melawan tetapi tidak berdaya itu maka, keluarkan sahajalah kereta

Tetapi... Apabila saya masuk ke dalam semula, saya telah terdengar satu jeritan.


Waaaaaaaaah, emakku sedang menaga! Mengapakah??

Untuk berlakon cemas dan berpura-pura kesah saya berlari ke dapur. Wahhhhhhhhh! Api sedang marak menyala dan emak saya sedang mengetuk-ngetuk sesuatu sambil menaga. Sebenarnya saya masih tak tahu dari mana api itu datang. Adakah dari periuk atau cerek atau dari mulut emak saya yang sangat marah itu. Matilah aku kali ini. Maka akan tamatlah riwayat seorang puteri di tangan seekor naga malam ini. Ohhhhhh.


Saya berasa agak takut dan mahu menyamar sebagai peti ais atau perabut-perabut dapur yang lain.

Api itu memang besar sehingga menyentuh siling. Rupa-rupanya api dari cerek telah membakar penyenduk plastik itu dan mencairkan plastik. Dapat saya lihat benda meletup-letup dan berterbangan. Kalau emak saya cool, maybe she can appreciate the beauty. Like kunang-kunang in the house tetapi saya diam kerana saya tahu saya adalah dalam bahaya. Mungkin emak saya agak mood malam tadi dan mungkin juga dia rasa bersalah memakan kesemua ayam sehingga dia memutuskan untuk menaga untuk sekejap sahaja.

Tetapi ehe, mungkin dia akan menaga kembali setelah melihat wajah dapurnya yang agak macam setan bila siang menjelma.

Baik aku bersihkan dapur dan cuba membuang kesan kebakaran yang melekat dengan segera, kata diri saya semaktu memakan megi pama. Jika tidak...

Bayangkan jika rumah saya terbakar, mungkin arnab-arnab terpaksa membuat tabung untuk saya untuk membeli kasut-kasut dan beg-beg yang baru.


Sekian dan salam sengal.

Perut saya masih gebu sebu.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hot Date!

Oh. God I'm so tired. Like tireddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.

Anyway, have you heard one of the fly fm slots where you gotto ask your crush out by calling fly fm? I mean if you have a crush to someone but you are too shy to tell them, you could just nag these people at fly fm to call that person for you.

Gilalah. Aku ni haa ada crush dekat sorang budak sejak dajah 3 takde sape pon nak tolongkan, walaupun aku agak satu shah alam dah tau. hehe

But think of it, what if you happen not to know that person who wanted to ask you out, bagaimanakah? Or if that person who you had a crush on said no. Hell, malu 7 keturunan ok. Like yesterday, this guy said no to the girl who ajak him kluar. Heh, she might be thinking "what's wrong with me? Am I ugly? Am I too fat? Are my boobs too small?". Haih!

But if everything goes ok, dapat kuar dating free ok.

But you know, some cheapskate couple might use this as an alasan to kuar dating free. Like, the guy can pretend he have a crush on him and she can pretend she don't know himla kunun-kunun. But then, when she said ok, i'll go out with you, aha. Now both of them can like go for a free date.

Or you can use it as a prank like to main-mainkan kawan-kawan ynag agak suka sangke hemmsem dan cun dengan menyamar sebagai lelaki/perempaun keji yang mereka kenali dan geruni. Kemudian adalah boleh gelakkan keesokan hari di kolej atau tempat kerja. Hahha. Best. Best.

Tsk.. Make sense kan?

But yeah, at least it help those genuine people who are too shylah kan?

Ape diela aku cakap ni, am a bit dizzy. Seriously I need to be excuse now. Gua rasa nak muntah.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Puffing mbeks

I am having a big headache with nausea. No I'm not pregnant.

It's the bloody kambing at Nurel's wedding. And it's my bloody fault. I soo love kambing so much ok that I eat melampau batasan. Orang dah habis makan nasik aku makan jugak kambing lagi sebab lemaknya adalah sangat sedap. Dan isinya sangatlah lembut. Ohhh!!

"Chics tu makan kambing banyak, tak sedar diri high cholesterol"

But I'm glad I went there and I ate those kambing coz I got to see Nicky. I so misss herrrrrrrrrrr.

She is still with her atkin's diet although aku rasa sejak zaman vista lagi aku dah denga die berkobar buat atkin’s neh dan tidak lama kemudian kami bersama melantak carbo banyak-banyak. Hehe.

On our way, we stopped by at mamak since semua pelahap tak kenyang-kenyang walaupun dah melantak dekat rumah orang kawen. Initially, I wanted to buy roti bakar and sup lidah only but.. the plan changed when I saw her.

Isn't she cute?

Even the stick itself is pink.

Tadaaaa! Rokok berperisa stoberi. Asap dia pon kaler pink okkkkk [ kelabu pinkish]!! Hello, bukankah buah-buahan baik untuk kesihatan? Ianya juga baik untuk sesiapa yang mengalami masalah sembelit.

Sungguh comel dan menawan hati.

No, you are not allowed to ask question and yes, you can make your own assumption.

By the way, do you think kambing and minty stroberi is a good combo that might contribute to my headache and nausea?

Someone even told me to take lecithin and lots of water.
I think that's crap.


Happy Monday Bunnies.

Nak Tak makan stroberi??

Friday, September 08, 2006


Setelah gagal menjadi gigolo, rakan saya ini bercita-cita pula menjadi seorang penjual dvd haram. Dude, kenapala? Macamana kau nak ngorat awek cun kat sini lagi kalau ko jual dvd haram? Kan kita dah bersetuju bahawa awek cun hanya akan terpikat lelaki yang kacak bergaya dan kaya? Haih, macam-macamla kau ni dude.

Apa-apa pun, saya masih lagi melayan soalan-soalan beliau dapat usahanya mengorat seorang awek. Nak kata blur, aku rasa dia ni romeo habis. Nak kata tak hemsemm, aku rasa dah cukup hemsem, nak kata tak stylo pon tak jugak. Mungkin jugak kau sengal tahap maksimala dude. Tapi takpe, usaha tangga kejayaan ok.

So, di keluaran kali ini, ingin saya menulis serangkap pantun untuk beliau.

Utuh sungguh buatan cengal,
Ukiran di tempa untuk mengindahkan,
Kalau anda lelaki sengal,
Simpulan itu kan saya leraikan.


Perempuan Garang
Pernah cuba nak mengorat perempuan garang? Baru cakap hai dah kene maki. Jika anda berasa dengan menkatakan ayat seperti " You ni, makin marah makin cantikla" adalah sweet, anda salah. Itu bingai namanya okkkk bukan sweet. Tektik untuk mengorat perempuan garang adalah dengan berkelakuan tegas dan berkata dengan kool "kenapa nak marah-marah ni? Cakap elok-elok kan senang hati". Dengan ini kalau dia nak marah jugak lelaki tu cuba kool jugak. Jangan sekali-kali berlagak seperti roy dalam cerita gila-gila remaja atau naik hangin dan berkata "Kau ingat kau lawa sangat?" sebab tu tandanya korangla yang tak hemsem. Dahla tak hemsem tak dapat ngorat pulak. Eeeee.

Perempuan Ramai Peminat
Ungkapan "You ni cantikla", "You ni specialla" atau "Senyuman you menggodala" adalah cubaan-cubaan ynag sangat keji sama sekali. Korang ni pon, komfemla lebih sepuluh lelaki dah cakap macam tu. So, if you too, said the same words, apa yang special sangat tentang kamu ini? Be differentla. Be funny, be original . Just make her comfortable. You juga boleh menajdi seorang yang persistant tetapi jauhi perbuatan lame dan sikit-sikit nak call konon-konon tanya khaba.r Be yourself tapi kalau rasa diri tu macam tak best, lupa kan ajela. Hehe.

Perempuan Berdikari
Senang aje sebenanye nak mengorat perempaun berdikari. You don't have to worship her, just ler her be. Biarkan apa yang dia nak buat but, you can always be a good listener and hell, ko jangalah pulak nak potong line nak bercerita pasal kejayaan diri kau je. Perempuan berdikari menyampah mendengar cerita hebat lelaki seperti "Oh, my ex semua cakap I dapat puaskan diorang", "Oh, I lagi 2 tahun nak jadi millionaire", "I ni pencinta agung". She doesn't need assurance la. She just need someone to have fun and to appreciate her. And also, please, jangan tunjukkan diri anda lemah dan super menggelupur. Mereka benci. Kalau anda lemah, pergilah bergaul dengan lelaki samseng mulai hari ini.

Perempuan Mata Duitan
Senang cite, kalau korang tak de duit, lupakan. Unless, korang terrer nak menipu or you know that for sure you could give her what she wants tapi ingatlah, ini memang menempa bala namanya. Bak kata pepatah ynag mereka pegang "No money, no honey!"

Perempuan Emo.
Kadang-kadang dia seperti seorang yang berkarisma tapi kadang-kadang sekelip mata boleh menangis. 5 menet lepas tu boleh gelak-gelak. Believe it or not perempuan seperti ini tidak akan sentiasa meng-amusekan dan hehe pengalaman bercinta dengan dia adalah seperti naik roller coaster oleh itu banyak-banyakkan bersabar and ye, you will be asked the same question over and over again. Layan kan ajelaaaaa. Masa nak mengorat pon, mungkin akanmengalai beberapa pengalaman ynag mengelirukan. Satu hari layan, besok anginla pulak, lusa buat-buat tak kenal, tulat ajak tengok wayang. Apakah? Ala, kau follow aje. Nanti akan tiba satu hari yang tepat dimana it will the the right day untuk mengayat habis-habisan sehingga she will get melt.

Perempuan Awek Orang
Haih. Mengapalah nak mengorat awek orang? Tau tak ini perbuatan keji? Dah pergi bertaubat sekarang.

Perempuan Serba Serbi Hebat
Rupa cantik, kerja bagus, family background bagus, kawan-kawan semua glamer and you are just the average joe. Sungguh terasa diri seperti tungau di celah rumput but hey, have you watched hitched? Trust me, kadang-kadang perempuan macam ni masih terase unsecure dengan diri sendiri dan mencarik-carik the meaning of being happy. The way to get through their heart is, first get a stable job second have a decent personality yang tak sama dengan personality kawan-kawan dia. She might need something different sebab kalau bende yang sama apala yang thrillnye? Invite her to other world she never know, your world. [walaupun itu mungkin agak menakutkan].

Perempuan Feminist
Aha. Pernah kah anda berjumpa perempuan yang kalau boleh die nak konker semua? Macam, heyyyyyyyyyy, aku adalah tidak perlukan lelaki ok. Perempuan boleh buat segalanya. Tidak, berlakon alim dengan mengatakan hawa dijadikan dari adam adalah salah. I mean that fact is so true, undeniable tetapi takkan jalan dengan diorang ni ok. This type of woman dah sampai tahap maksima dah. Perkataan sebegitu tidak akan mendapat balasan. Even ramai lelaki berasa pompuan macam ni menjengkelkan tapi ada jugak yang tertarik. You must be someone greater than her but not showing what you have or how interesting you are. What I mean is tak payahla poyo2 kau nak tayang bmw 7 series kau ke, nak tayang kau ade rumah dekat whatsoever heights or cakap berapa gaji kau sebulan ke, just excel in your own field but bekerjasamalah dengan mereka. Perempuan yang berkarisma akan jatuh hati dengan lelaki yang berkarisma dengan syarat, lelaki itu tidak poyo dan meninggi diri.


Happy weekend bunnies. One hug for the weekend and another one for the days that I did not able to blog.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006


So I was thinking. How am I supposed to buy porn cds? Isn't weird if a girl asking for porn cd? And hello, like muka macamana harus aku buat ok? Adakah muka stone? Excited? Ataupon horny?

By hook or by crook, I have to get at least one to show that I really went through the experience. Selalunya aku download aje mende mende karut ni, takdenye nak beli. But for one of my paper kenela pulak beli and harus ada rakaman tentang pembelian tersebut ok, so dapatlah mengetahui keaslian pembelian itu.

So, eventually I asked someone else, who happen to be a guy to buy it but aku ikut sekalilakan, so atleast I know what info I could get from the ah beng. Ala, you know konon-konon takjub dengan pekerjaan mereka padahal nak tau pasal mende lain. And yes, I wanted to take few pictures and if possible video.

We went to this sekumpulan ah beng yang menjual cd itu. Sekali tanya je terus dia bawak tepi. I said I wanted a malay porn. He offered Malay, Thai, Indian, Chinese, Italian, pendek kataa semua kaumlah dalam dunia ni dia ada, still I insisted on Malay coz I wanted to stress the point that some of Malay girls in Malaysia telah diperdaya dengan pil-pil khayal or just berkhayal berlakon seperti Baby Rina or Jenna Jameson.

Ah beng 1: Melayu punya ata. Lu tunggu sekejap * Chow pegi amik stok
Me: Banyak terrerla you, I carik banyak tempat melayu punya takde pon.
Ah Beng 2: Ohhh, Itu pasal kita ada stok maa. Ada kaki..
Me: So, macamana dapat?
Ah Beng: Wa punya boss.....bla..blaa
Ah beng 1: Nah.
My Friend: Apsal cover dia cakap western? I nak melayula boss
Ah beng 1: Lu jangan risaula boss, itu cover aja maa. Sini lalam melayu punya jugak.
Me: Hehe. Best best.

We then took the cd dimana casing luarnya ialah Monster's House. Memang monster betul.

Beli CD monster bang

To me, porn Melayu is something yang mencuakkan. I remembered one of my reader then, melawak dengan aku cakap gamba aku tuka baju ade jual dekat uptown. Memang macam haram. Yela, aku kan suka terlupa tutup langsir and tingkap bila menukar baju dan aktiviti aktiviti yang sewaktu dengannya dalam bilik.Ingat tak cuak ke hah?

I remembered when cd pramugara yang terlampau being released, I was shocked to see someone who looked like my friend was inside that movie. Tapi nasib baik fringe pompuan dalam crite tu membezakan segalanya yet, not everyone is observant. My friend went to some stressful time when people started to talk about it and yang peliknya dia sendiri tak tengok and finally, when she watched it with us..

"Babe, aku babe!!Muka aku babe!!Aku belakon porn!!"

Cis, excitedla pulak but yeah it was not her although mukanya adalah sama cumaaa..kawan aku mana ada fringela, rambut dia sama panjang dari dulu lagi. See, adalah sangat merbahaya ini!

Back to the cd that I bought, last night lepas balik dari sessi interview dengan mangsa porn addict and dengan beberapa orang alagi. I wanted to look at the cd. Agak kuries ok, kot-kot ade yang aku kenal ke. Hehe

Mula-mula play..tulis cina. Eeee. Apa ni, aku dah stresskan tadi aku nak melayu tapi takpe maybe kompeni yang payung ni kampeni cina. Tungguu..Hah nampak orang, excited! Excited! A guy is kissing a girl from behind. Tapi..apsal pompuan tu nampak semacam?

Beberapa saat kemudian..Celake. Dua-dua pakai spender rupanya. Dahla cina pulak tu. Gila kejiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Hohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

My conclusions are

  1. Mungkin ah beng tu rasa macam aku ada ala-ala nak ngorat dia tadi sebab extra peramah so he wanted to stress out that he's gay, so he gave me a gay porn instead.
  2. Mugkin ah beng tu nak ngorat aku sbb tu dia bagi salah cd sebab aku dah amik no tepon dia. [haha]
  3. Mungkin ah beng tu berminat dengan jejaka yg telah menolong aku membeli porn tersebut [ I know that person feel like punching me now. Haha. Sorry, by now, you are too far away to do that].
  4. Mungkin ah beng tu bingai.

Tapi tu elok lagi, nasib baik dia tak bagi aku porn ynag stok makan taik. Kalau tak mesti lecturer aku ingat aku saiko.Hoh!


P.s: Disebabkan wong ah beng buat poll, maka aku terpaksa memaksa korang pegi ke blog dia dan memvote aku. Hhehehehehe.cepat vote untuk chicsssssssss :P. Keji tak keji

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Edge of Reason

Being a girl, I love Bridget Jones Diary. I mean, hell, the story about an ordinary woman who is slightly oversized and practically said anything that crossed her mind, where acting stupid is allowed and not considered as a crime. Well, to me that's only human. Aku tak taula kalau-kalau ada orang yang boleh mengontrol diri 24 jam as if the tahap kecunnan adalah tahap dewa and if we happen to have this type of people among us, she'll probably be boring, you know like Bree in Desperate Housewive. Ehe, sorry, no pun intended.

Anyway I was watching the sequel of Bridget Jones Diary, The Edge of Reason when it occur to my mind that life is so simple.

Ok. Hear me out. Have you ever been in the situation where there are too many choices around you that you suddenly don't know which one to choose? It's like ohh, that one looks juicy but thaaat one is not bad either but uh uhh what about thatttttttttttt one?

It is nice to have choices but sometime it could be tiring and confusing of course. For example, let say you are single and let say that they are few men who seem interested in you and that sort of make you confused because first, they might seem everything nice but aha you'll never know what's inside the package and you can't afford anymore blip. Second, probably you don't want to get any headache kesan percintaan yang putus di tengah jalan but hatimu itu gatal mahu berteman.

I don't know about you guys but I prefer to be sweep off my feet without my conscious meaning tau tau aje aku dah suka orang itu. It such a turn off when you know someone is after you and yet his attempt is so obvious. Maybe certain women would appreciate that because hey, it's an ego boost but kau rasa ianya sesuatu yang merimaskan. It's like, can you leave me aloneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? Did I not tell you that I'm not interested to be with someone? Or something like that.

Well, maybe that's not fair. I mean, if you really like someone of coursela you will have to try kan but hah, how to differentiate between and honest attempt or those attempt who are missed up with lust. I know that I'm not making any sense hear but just stay with me ok.

Back to edge of reason, the boyfriend yang bernama Mark Darcy is a male who is sort of insensitive and practically can be seen as someone who is quite bad with words although he's a lawyer. The competitor is a sweet ass talking Daniel who is not only good looking but my, sungguh memikat hati.

Manakah yang lebih penting, rupa fizikal yang menarik berserta kata-kata manis yang mencecah langit atau rupa yang so so and selalu cakap benda yang salah but with pure intention [Cuma kadang-kadang perlu dikeji sebab terlampau blur].

Kalau anda sudah ikhlas berbuat sesuatu, buat sahajalah. Tidak perlu berbasa basi dan mendambakan bulan dimana akhirnya bulan akan pergi bila siang tiba [gilalah ayat akuuuuuu]

At the end of the day, you would realized who is the person who claimed that they really care and prove it and the one who said they do care but try to prove it andddd..mix it up with other agenda. And because you know that he did not try to impress you in an obvious way, you will also feel ok to act silly and to act as whatever you want because you know he did not bring that kind of manner around you in the first place.

Adalah menjadi kesalahan untuk menulis sms yang berbunyi

"You are an ungrateful person , I tried so hard to impress you all this while".

Bang, at the first place, who asked you to impresslah?

Nampak macam terlari topik tapi takpe.

Ehe , my conclusion is open your eyes widely, although there might be thousand of choices but there will surely be the one that shine brightly even though the sky doesn't seems so blue.

They will surely be some obvious signs and it's up to you to interpret them.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Ahaaaa. Finally the wedding is done. It was ok I guess. I was happy to menggelatat with my cousins again although I was kind of menggelupur mc-ing the ceremony. Findings:-

  1. My brother is going to have dance floor and tehcno music for his wedding.

  2. My uncle loves to layan kepala listening and tiesto and knows the existance of the pop pills and ehe I wonder.. Pacik camno buleh tau neh?

  3. My cousins butts are twice size larger than me. Haha

  4. All of us a camera whores.

  5. I want to have babies. Hehe

  6. Wawa course forced her to wear make up everyday and dress decently and her latest assigment is to write a paper on how to wear eyeliner in a correct way. Demm yuh wawa, I sooo like that course.

  7. I realized I dah tersilap amik course. I should have take photography[haha] or make-up ing.

  8. Red is soo in that's my all my baju raya will be red. Tengkiu.

  9. I was bombarded with the-so-oh-famous-turn-awak-bila-lagi question that I decided to own up I am a lesbian. Ehe nottt. I told everyone I am only 16, mana boleh kawenlah!!!

  10. Wedding is nice but to find someone to wed to is soo nooot.

  11. There was no ayam masak merah, I was devastated. Hehe.

More pictures here.

Happy Monday Bunnies. Enjoy your day at office!