Friday, November 24, 2006

Lactose Intolerance

Ok. It's been a while since I had pasta minus the one that I had in Kuching. You know pasta with some appetizers. Okla fine. It's been a while since I had Italian food. Since Ramadhan. Coz, who wants to eat Italian during Ramadhan anyway? Ok. I know some of you do so ehe..back to my story.

So two days ago I drag my company to have pasta at my favourite Italian restaurant but he decided to have 1901 instead. A new flavour of 1901 yang diclaim mempunyai rasa yang majestic tetapi akhirnya hanya rasa seperti cicah hot dog dalam kuah asam jawa. Heh. Thank God I stick to my aglio olio.

I guess my perut puaka is still berpuaka when I still crave for hot chocolate from starbuck. I mean, what do you aspect? It was raining that time, of coursela I need starbuck kan. Had a venti hot choc with some chips and talk shit all the way.

When it's time to go I realised something. Gua sakit perut. Oh no, am I lactose intolerance? Sejak bilala? Setahu aku, aku hanyalah kari intolerance. But yes, there was a feeling yang perut bergelora dan terasa lemas seperti hendak muntah. This is not good. If I am really lactose intolerance, meaning aku akan terlepak nikmat dunia seperti memakan blue cheese dan meminum swiss miss chocolate. Apakahhh?

But all the persoalan terjawab when I got home and wanting to watch tv. I unbutton my jeans and ... wallah tidak rasa sengal dan bergelora di perut lagi.

Barulah aku sedari.. aku bukannya lactose intolerance tetapi..jeans itu adalah ketat.

Aku adalah..buncit.


I'll start jogging tomorrow. You watch gwen stephanie.. yeww...

But.. I think kan tak jadilah tomorrow sebab I baru wash my hair and ermm.. yew like makan-makan this weekend. hehe.. Maybe next weekla hor?

Nway, enjoy your weekend bunnies.
Love you!

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