Thursday, August 02, 2007


On my way home from class yesterday I was rounding at the roundabout when a black car nearly knock on me. Gile dah dekat ok, sikit je lagi. Luckily I had an ex who like to merempit that I know what to do. Haha

After the roundbout I could see the black car catching up and when the car appeared next to me I turned on my right to see who was the moron. Two guys, laughing - laughing. The other guy suddenly waved frantically and then before speeding, made a "call me" sign.

Hemsem.Tetapi cacat.


I wonder what was that all about.

Is it :-

A. They are retarded
B. I am reta.. nevermind
C. They are stupid
D. They are very stupid
E. They are very very stupid
F. They want to mengorat me [hihi].

Tapi, roundabout adalah memang jahanam.

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