Friday, August 17, 2007

Shall we dance

My mum is making herself busy, by enrolling few activities.

In the morning she will go for jogging and taichi and followed by sera-jam thingy. I am still safe sebab she did not managed to pujuk me to join those things because I am super duper malas.

Last week, I learned that she joined some kelas memasak and learned how to cook pizza. So, last Tuesday she was mempraktikkan segala ajaran dengan memasak pizza dirumah. Now, I was running late for the class but she made me stay a while some more sebab dia nak kasik bekal pizza for her daughter yang gigih berpuasa. Sweett tak sweet mak aku ni? Siap nak bekal-bekalkan. Sweeeeeeeeeeet.

And then she told me that next Tuesday she will be busy because she will be learning cha cha. Not making bubur cha cha but how to dance cha cha. And ahah, the next lesson after cha cha will be salsa.

Mama mia![ok aku rasa ni bukan spanish tapi aku letak gakla sebab nak expression lebih.haha].

Komfem lepas ni habis aku kene titik, sial.

Jangan cakap nak blaja belly dancing sudah.
Terus tergugat aku.

Enjoy your weekend bunnies.

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