Friday, August 10, 2007


First. I just don't get it why people want to accentuate their accent even when it's inappropriate. For example, why some people like to pronounce Klang as "Kleng". I mean, you are not some goddamm mat saleh yang kau tak reti nak sebut nama tempat in your own country.

And ironically after that you said "let's celebrate malaysia's 50th anniversary together. Be proud to be Malaysian". Like haha!

Oh. Yeay!! I watched spiderpig today, simpsons adalah sangat kelakar, ketawa sampai habis popcorn masuk dalam baju. Now I can't get the spiderpig song out from my head.

spiderchics with the cast.

" spiderpig spiderpig, does whatever a spider pig does, can he swing from a web? , no he can't he's a pig, look out he is a spiderpig"

Taik. Aku kena carik jugak mp3 dia kalau tak komfem takleh tido.

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