Monday, July 16, 2007

Virgin suicide

I went partying the night before and it lasted till around 3 but I forced my self to wake up for the 8.00 am class. You can't miss the class when you are one of the main target of some lecturer who prasan diri as ustaz. So around 7.55 I arrived at the faculty parking lot at saw a red kancil parked in the middle of the way, not parked properly. I guess that's ok since the were less than 5 cars there. The window was misty and the engine was running.

Ok, whatever. I had to rush for tempat duduk blakang sebab aku tak ingin nak duduk depan muka lecturer tu.

After class, I went to my ex faculty to have breakfast together. The car was still there but now, more cars were also there.

My other class for that day was at 10, so by 9.30 I made my move when a friend stop me, not to far from my faculty.

Him: Eh, ada budak bunuh diri dekat faculty.
Me: Ha?Serious?

Him: Serious, aku nak pegi tengokla ni
Me: Eee, aku nak, aku nak! Jom

And I dragged him into my car and drove to the parking lot. In my mind I was asking myself, how did that person do it? Would I jerit when I see it?

By the time we reached the parking lot, a number of people gathered there which was unusual. Yes, memangla banyak kereta tapi takdela pulak aku selalu nampak orang berkumpul ramai mcm tu. They gathered around a car. Kancil. Red.

Oh my fucking shit. The red car I saw earlier.

I don't know why but I step foward to the tempat kejadian. Curious perhaps. No, I am not the type who are afraid when things like this happen. Although I am getik but I am the brave type of getik. hehe

It was a guy,chinese. His face was already pale and he was holding a C++ books in his hands. There was a piece of roti krim besides him. I still can remember how his tongue went out hanging from his lips.

Then I realised, the exhaust of the car was blocked with a rubber hose and covered with plastic.

Not too long after that, police came to the scene and shooed most of us. I am to dazed[not shocked] to go to class that I decided to lepak at cafe instead. Hehe

I don't know what happened to him but romours said that he commited suicide because he failed to accomplished his assignment. Some even said, he willed his car to his friend, a malay guy. Lots of stories being told about him.

But for sure, he commited suicide.

So that's what they said.

I totally forgot about that incident until last night, something occured to me while lying in the dark, waiting for my eyes to shut. Just don't ask me why I suddelny thought of it.


What if actually he does not committed suicide? I mean, who would read C++ books before they kill themselves while eating roti?

What is someone sabotaged him?

I mean, deciding to take your own life is not easy at all. Trust me.
It takes a lot of guts. So eating roti macam tak masuk.

But I am glad, it was none of the people I knew back then, in the faculty.
Tapi macamla aku kenal ramai orang pon. Heh

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