Saturday, July 14, 2007

Loser on saturday

Today was a great day since emak cooked her so sedap soto. Not especially for me lah but for my cousin, yana and her husband. Ok, honestly I didn't know that after you got married you have to pay visits to your relatives to mengenalkan your spouse. Gila leceh ok. Macamla tahun depan ke, raya ke tak jumpa kan [kalaula mak aku baca ni komfem kene kuti].

Anyway, I realised one thing that people always say tapi aku skeptical. Orang kata orang kawen ni muka berseri and before this I was like..duh! But to day I witnessed it. Yana looked so ravishing ok. Berseri-seri and glowing. Chantek.

Kening tinggi sebelah. cacat sial aku nih

And as I listened to usher, tetibe terasa nak pakai lawa-lawa dan menari-nari. Lama gile sial tak buat kerja tak berfaedah and today I missed it.

And Zaireen messaged me on friendster. I missed her too!

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