Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Maya Karin Keratin

I was doing my job while having a light snack when I realized I had eaten half of the tin can. Shite.That is supposed to be a snack bukannya di makan seperti nasik and it's only what..11.06 a.m? One more hour to go for lunch.

And my hair..it looked like penyapu.So the keras.Ala you knowlah the penyapu yang rambut die kaler brown tu.I complained to ag about the keras-ness but he said "Tak sayang, rambut you lembut".Hoh.aku masih juga tersenyum dalam ketertipuan itu. So yesterday, after a mild pressure of seeing all the sleek and shiny hair of my Chinese colleague, I went down to shins to buy some hair treatment product. And some groceries, not actually groceries.Ok fine, groceries. Food and Kleenex. Heaps of kleenex tissues.It's the rainy season and my nose sometimes abide to the whether.I used mom tissues before this and it made my nose look ugly.No kidding.

So, do you think my hair will look like Maya Karin's?
Or perhaps I will look like Maya Karin? Hehe..

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