Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Shine and sparkle, Lindsay!

I am thinking to make an appointment with my dentist. Her name is Dr.Sharina. Haha. How weird is that?

Considering going for scaling. And maybe later polishing. You know, I was watching parent trap where they had small version of Lindsay Lohan. Freckled face, small boobs, chipped yellowish teeth but walla today she's a bomb with flashing white teeth that make me drool for her.

The problem is..I'm kinda scared of the idea going to the dentist. You know all gadgets that they used. Especially the cleaning gadget, the one that make the "tttzzzzz" sound as they polish or drill your teeth, the same time your lips tremble because that horrifying machine is damn hot too. Possibility to get your luscious lips burn is there. You might have clean looking teeth but what's the purpose if your lips look like some burn fish lips. Think Melanie Griffith and her wrinkles [aah] and imagine the blood..after you gargle..Uhhhh.Scary.

By the way, do you guys have this campaign in primary, where the school invited dentist and nurses to teach you how to brush your teeth? Hah, I tell you, I was amazed by the big teeth replica rather than what they taught us. It's like woow..can I touch them? Anyway, when I think of it now, it's kind of disgusting. I mean you sat next to your crush and brushed your teeth together while giggling with your girlfriend on the other side. How cool is that? I still remember my toothbrush, it's red with soft bristles.

During secondary, I love it when the dentist visited the school because it meant that we can skip class and haha the whole period after that. Still can remember they used this brownish card with teeth diagram, some marked with "x". Never know what did that meant until now. I was also fascinated with braces. I used to think that people with colourful braces were cool. Like, hah I'm sooo cool, I have silver teeth that made me look like terminator. I even begged my mom to get me braces but she said I don't need them. I even begged her harder during my asasi years after my friend, Sarah told me that her dentist was such a cutie. Yet, I failed again.

I also think that people with prominent fangs are cool. Not cool actually but sexy.

I think being a dentist is something difficult. Not the study [of coursela the study part is difficult] but the part when you have to inspect people mouth. Hoh, what if that person has bad breath or rotten teeth? Oh no. If I become a dentist a lot of people are going to suffer. Big time. I mean how could you let an accident prone chic like me handle your teeth. I might drill your gums accidentally. So be thankful for that, ok people?

Nyway, should I or should I not allow that frightful machine gets near my mouth?
What if that doctor turned out to be like me?
It would be an excruciating experience isn't it but ..on the other side..think..Lindsay Lohan..


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