Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Few days ago someone drop a message on my YM. She was a dentist, an old friend of mine.

"Congratulation on your new baby chics, send my warmest congratulation to your hubby.Sorry tak sempat tgk baby you"


Me?Baby? Hoh? Bapak scary.

"Ehe, am not even marriedlah.." My reply to her. She apologized. She alleged that she must mixed me up with someone else..or perhaps she heard rumors that I had a baby recently. Damn. Siapalah rumor mongers ni?

Hello,orang yang nak kawin dengan aku pon takde, camanela? Kalau nak gossip pon biarla berasas ok.

But that was not the first time. Few years ago I was cruising some mall in KL. There was this lady selling colourful balloon. Alah you knowlah, the one yang boleh buat-buat bentuk tu. Hoh, I tell you, one of my favourite things in this world is balloon. Back then during my party years, I always fought with some inebriated ladies for balloons and later tied them up at my kepala katil with ribbons. So the lawa. Anyway, that's not my point. I was so excited when her assistant made me a heart shape balloon with a teddy bear in the middle. When I wanted to pay for the balloon, she opened her mouth

"Why not you grab some of this ballons for your kids. You can learn to make them by some leaflet that will be given along with your purchase. I am sure they'll be happy."

For my kids? Kejila lu aunty. Instead of saying something nasty I just smile politely at her. Actually I was tongue tied. I mean out of so many things to say she said I had kids?Dahla plural pulak tu, kalau singular takpelah jugak. Eceh, blaja grammar la plak.

Honestly..tell melah people.
Adakah aku nampak seperti mak orang?

[tolonglah cakap tak]

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