Sunday, February 08, 2004

Crushed by a crush

Watched a documentary about David Beckham(yeah antusemut..u can laugh now :D) with mum.Ehe i have to say i'm among all the people who sort of adored him, even though i didn't care much about football.I like him b'coz he seemed to be a loving husband and a loving father.And the fact that he's kind to every body.The most thing i like about him is his features who really remind me of my first crush..My biggest crush.

I met him when i was in standart 3, he live in my neighbourhood and our house are just nearby.He is cute and gifted with a good look.Gorgeous.That time we used to play at the playground every evening.From combat2 to masak2..hehehe..he is sooo entertaining.He was also the main reason why i begged my mum to send me to sekolah agama and i told my mum to put me in the same class as he was.On my first day there, he taught to catch a grasshopper and eat it alive..hehehe..and after that we'll be doing our athelete practise togeteher..we became very close and i started to like him.. a lot!!I never told him because..i dunno..maybe it was because i'm not pretty and not interesting.He used to and STILL like pretty-pretty girls with 'ayu' attitude which are so not me.

When i started my secondary days, we dun speak to each other that much since i had to moved away far from home but still liking for him never fade.I usually will have crush for people not more than 7 days.Even worst if my crush start to notice me and asked for my number or things like that i would turn them down and my interest towards them will dissapear just like that..Weird huh?But it's different with this guy..We didn't see each other that much, just few times at parties where my friends place who are also happen to be his friends but we dun talk.Not a word.maybe just few smiles exchanged.Sometimes he would appeared at my doorstep since he's a close friend to my bro.And amazingla i felt akward in my own house whever he's around.There are times when i just sit on the stairs afraid to come down even i was so thirsty just beacuse i dun want him to see me in my tutty-frutti shorts.ahaha..I realized then, i became numb whenever i saw him..i can't speak,i feel like melting..sound so corny rite??My close friends at school knew that i really adored this guy since i named my walkman after his name.

The last time i saw him was few months ago in hartamas square..I was with yamyam and his friends talking shits as usual..then only i realised he was sitting next to our table when he stood up to leave that place.He did give me an eye before he left.I felt like dissepearing that time..There goes my chance since he saw me with my bf..hahahaha..mcmla ada can pon..oh well,he's taken now like old time..he's always taken..but according to my bro he's now attached to some datuk's daughter..hum..

do u still remember your first crush??

+it's just alittle crush+

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