Monday, February 23, 2004

Cheerish the Love we have

Punto died on Saturday night. I guess he just couldn't take it anymore.I wasn't there by his side when he died beacuse i just can't bear anymore death. i didn't even attend his burial ceremony.Perhaps it's true that some people beleive, ignorant is a bliss. not that i dun care about my cat it's just that..maybe i just dun want to care anymore..The truth is i just dun want to get hurt anymore..To doesn't mean i dun love u baby.U know u mean a lot to me..I'm gonna miss u so much!

Today, i feel much better.For the first time in my life, i took an interest to know all my cousins better. before this we would only shake hands just because it's our culture and perhaps some smiles and casual talks. But for past few days, i spoke, eat and hang out with them.I used to ignore my cousins who are younger than me coz i think ahh..i got better things to do and they might think like wise but i was wrong..I guess my uncle death, brought us together(sound corny).And how wrong all my perceptions are!!I even took the chance to hold Kimi who is only 1 1/2 year older.I NEVER HAVE ANY INTEREST TOWARDS BABIES BEFORE. I just dun like baby because ..maybe i just dunno how to treat them and well..i was known for being a tempremental person. To my amazement, it was such an incredible feeling to hold a baby..and he likes me..alot.. :)..

"uhh...Kak Nina pegang baby..seme org tengokk!!" That was what my other cousins said to everyone

"Hoh,bagusla tu..when r u gonna have ur own..perhaps this year?" That was my aunty..duh!!

The lesson i learn was..
Never ever take your family and your love ones (including pets) for granted.Cherish them coz u will never know how much u'll miss them when they are gone.

+love me when i'm gone+

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