Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Second Day

Today is my second day working. Ehe..I find it a little bit tough to wake up early in the morning. Ngantuk giller!

In essence, everything was fine yesterday. Haha..Actually there's not much to do. Not yet. I bet when the workload is heavy, I'll be cracking up. Everything was fine until yamyam disapprove the way I dress. He said I dun dress that appropriate. Ermm.. Let me think, what did I wore yesterday? I think I did put on a shirt ( a lady's shirt) and a pants. Loose pants. Is that not appropriate? He wanted me to wear baju kurung or something like that. And u know what? The worst thing was, mom sort of akin to his idea. She nags (not nag actually) not to wear pants anymore, instead she wants to see me in long skirt. Urghh.. Imagine me in a floral skirt with a coat. Aaaaaaaa...

And my manager asks me to wear more make up.Haaa...Funny. I always get the note of people saying I put too much make up on me and now she's telling me it's not enough.hehehe..But hey, I've got no problem with that.

Ahh..I just wish I had more sleep...

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