Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mulut puaka

I have this friend yang mulut macam puaka which I dun really mind but when this friend of mine started to refer to a girl as katik and gemuk, I get offended.

During my secondary I have a low self esteem because of my looks. Perhaps to some of you, the idea of me being fat is not fat at all but with my height, 55 kg is considered fat. My thighs are as big as kayu balak and my face adalah mengembang ok. I still have few evidence of me being fat which is permanently stuck in my body. Celake, bila nak hilang pon tatau.

So anyway, during growing up years, surely you will have crushes on your opposite sex or in certain cases..err your same gender[haha]. My school used to have integrated event with other schools that allow us to meet other students from other school. Komfemla aku ada suka kat orang-orang but I never really say it sebab hehe gua tawla gua sapa babe but yang taiknye, all the boys yang I like will always fall for my girlfriends yang ayu ayu belaka. Not at someone gurkha like me lah kan. Dahla gems, mulut jahat pulak tu, ada hati nak minat orang. Ceh!

Even when I go anywhere, I never really get anyone's attention, nak ingat nama aku pon susah ok.

I know it's my fault because i love to eat and never bother to participate in any sports event, tapi tayahla kau bagi nama-nama gelaran dekat aku bila satu group dengan aku ok. Perlukah? Tahu tak aku sedang menstruggle semasa itu disebalik tudungku yang besa?

I managed to burn the image after I left school but until now I am extremely sensitive when it comes to appearances, figures and sizes.

Kalau kau nak keji aku berlagak ke, bimbo ke, poyo ke , rempit ke tak kesah sangat [walaupon aku akan anginla kan] tapi janganla bila aku tanya "kasut mana satu yang lawa?" kau jawab "semua sama je sebab kaki u banyak strecth mark". Memang satu OU aku mengamuk.

Or even when you see a fat girl wearing something not suitable for her and said "tak sedar diri gemuk". Aku hangin ok.

Apa kau ingat kau chantek ke?
Kalau ye pon chantek, apa lesen kau nak cakap macam tu?

Kadang-kadang memang ada orang perangai pundek yang keji aku macam-macam tapi depan aku baikla saje. Nak aje aku keji rupa bentuk muka bumi tapi haih, sebab sedar diri penah mengalami rupa bentuk berbonggol so tak jadilah. Kalau aku dah cakap tu, maknanya marah aku dah tahap maksimala tu. Hehe

So, if you happen to go out with me or lepak sekali, pleasela don't comment on people appearance tak kesahla kau rupa macam jane fonda ke or brad pitt ke, if you think you are better than them, just keep it to yourself.

Manusia, walau macamana pun rupanya, tetap ada hati dan perasaan ok?

Baiklah, i wrap this emo entry with a teka teki courtesy of one of my blog readers, recovery train

if u jump out of the butter and i jump in, what happen then?

jawabb jangan tak jawabb

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