Thursday, January 27, 2005

Virtually pervert

OK.I just don't understand why people must be so pervert that they have the guts to post the picture of their dick on friendster or my space with the caption such as "come and get me".Apela korang dapat buat camtu?Suka sangatla jadi flasher tu?Come on la wey, muka aku ni nampak pervert sangat ke huh??

Maybe they're just sick.There is this one guy who did that and I replied "be burn in hell" but his reply make me laugh.He said "Sure will do but u and heaven?Hahah.Fat chance".It;s funny in a weird so.So I reply "Cute" and to my amazement.He freaked out, replying with "??+??=??".Hahahaha.He is sick allright.Maybe his purposed was just to disgust people, in a way he did but hehe I do think he's having inferiority complex.Ok craps.

It's just funny how lame people can be online.I mean "Your pic is so hot that make me sweat??" or "Can I keep you??".Come onla wey, lame gilela ok. Kalau nak kasik pick up line pon kasikla lain dari yang lain contohnya "U carik keje ke?Oh I denga ade opening dekat i-perintis"Haa..camtula.Barula aku nak respond, ini bagi yang tak ikhlas..camne??

Okla.Tonnes of works to do.Ingatkan lepas dah resign bolehla rilek-rilek tapi nampak sangat diorang ni nak mengerah tenaga aku before aku blah.Huh!Ingat aku sami tangan lapan ke?Sheesh!!

Nice day ahead okie??

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