Saturday, January 08, 2005


*Warning:Another psychotic entry.Sape yang takleh menerima elemen saiko can just sod off.

Yeay!I watched the premier of Bridget Jones with my STF sistas!Inspiring[hah] story I might say. A must watch movie for every gurl.

Anyway, I found myself having the same problem with the main character.Insecure[no, it's not the fatness and crankiness. ok maybe a bit of crankiness].Ok, fine. Finally i'm admitting that I'm insecure.Demm

I'm insecure coz I'm not beautiful.I'm insecure coz I'm not thin enough, I have fat ass extra flesh everywhere and I'm insecure coz err..Beeing hurt to much, which make me feel I'm soo not worth it.

Weird. Coz I never feel insecure before. I only realised this when I fall for this guy and for all the sudden I becoma paranoid.Maybe it's the bad experience invite the shivers kot.I mean what if he finds out the dark side of me and what if that I'm not just worth it?Sialla..Kenapala aku boleh ada pemikiran camni hu?

Tula dia, nampakla kan kalau fail bercinta mmg akan rasa down.Dahla fail blaja, fail bekerja,bercinta pun fail..adehh..Saiko sial.

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