Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Lump on my back

I got a lump a size of a small marble at my back.Close to my back bone.At first I thought I was sort of mosquito bite but mosquito bites or what not should feel itchy or atleast show some reaction to any pressure given by me but this thing showed none. What the hell was that?I have a high imagination but I just don't want to go there.Takut sial.Aku dahla tak kawin lagi[not to say that I].Perhaps I should pay a closer look to my health.No more fattening foods and especially no more ciggies.Uh, that's quite tough isn't it?Ok.Yeah I know that I quitted smoking last year but bad habit die hard.Does it make sense?Oh..Nevermind.

Talking about ciggies, yesterday due to depression I went out for my ciggie break at the staircase.I realised there was a fire extinguisher at the staircase meaning that it's not a fire proof staircase.As we know, during fire, we are not suppose to use the elevator and suppose to use the staircase instead.But what if the fire starts from the staircase itself?How am I suppose to get down from 9th floor when there's only 1 fire exit?Does that means my destiny is to be fried to death?Uh..Maybe I should listen to this guy advice to use my pashmina as a parachute.Hahaha.Anyway, what are we malaysian especially in engineering and construction do to prevent people like me to be fried to death?Any takers?

I dunno but it's scary to think.I mean what if the fire starts.God, dah..dah jangan pikir pegi buat kerja.

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