Monday, January 22, 2007

Opss it's going to burst

How was your weekend? My weekend was great since nicky telah membuat makan-makan. Hell I tell you, she had transformed to perempuan serba lengkap dengan memasak segala jenis makanan sampai perut aku kembung. Which I like. So much.

The host and her new phone :P

Teteks in action. Tu sekor tu tak sedar perut nak meletup posing tetap maut.

Heyyy, ni laki siapa main anak patung niiii.

Mengontrol senyum sambil makanan penuh dalam mulut

Chics and shaza :)

Then went to accompany a friend to a wedding where I was the only woman at the table. Nak tau tak what is the most tak best thing when u were seated with all guys? Mereka semua buruk lantak dan makan banyak yo. Aku makan nasi suku dengan 1 lauk sebab lauk best seme habis dalam masa 5 saat. Boleh?

Luckly, we already plan to hit kampung baru fot hot salivating porridge and this was when one of my accompany started to ask his famous question.

Accompany no 1: What must they call this telur asin * staring at the telur masin.
Me: Sebab telur masinlah

Accompany no 1: Kenapa tak cakap telur masin je?
Me: Dah mulala ni.

Accompany no 2: But it's true!
Me: Dah jangan bising, makan jelah. Sama je kan

So, accompany no 1, scoop a piece of daging and put it inside his mouth.
Accompany no 1: Wah, the daging quite anis!
Accompany no 2: Yala, quite edap!

Boleh semua bende start dengan huruf M kau sukahati nak buat silent M? I wanted to buat muka gangster tak puas hati tapi mereka mereka itu telah bersatu untuk menentangku sehingga aku yang garang ini ,menjadi helpless yo! Nak marah pon tak boleh dah.

But yeah, whyla telur asin? Where the hell did the M go?

Happy Monday dearie bunnies.

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