Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Twenty Seven

I have been through various transformations. Was a scrawny kid when I was small that would practically wrote anyone's name if they lambat sampai skolah [tsk]. And I also experienced zaman pakai spek mata besa coz my mum used to think its hot [tsk tsk].

Had the opportunity to gain lots of weight even though most of people disagree but trust me I was 55 kg back then from 13 kg during form 1. Demm yuh nasik kawah. Also had undergone or suffered is more like it..various hairstyles. GI Jane, short hair, long hair, bopped, red berkarat hair, blondie but never really curled my hair. Because I am scared that I might turn into a poodle. Like..arff..arf

Met a lot of people from different background. Dated a number of guys that I do not wish to recall. Met lot of friends but the ones who remains close to my heart are teteks maybe because my tetek and their tetek grew up together fed with the same everything.

Made thousands mistakes and still on my way to correct them, if that is possible.

So, I would say. In the past 27 years of my life, I have been through lot although there is much to come and overcome [tsk tsk tsk].

27. Big number but beautiful [ ayat pujuk diri sendiri].

I think the number 27 indicates probably it is the suitable time to do some changes, for example, curling my hair and err whatever things that I was scared to do.

Ok. We finally come to this part where I wish myself.

Happy birthday to me. [So this is the q for you to wish me. Ha!]

My wish for this is year remain happy :).

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