Thursday, February 15, 2007

Shaky & Cranky

I am on drugs and it's called steroid. It's making me shaky and cranky. So far no one get yelled yet because everyone is sleeping except for mj who is tidur-tidur ayam.

I wish I am on the other drugs, you now marijuana.

Ok. Mj just walked away, she is still mad at me for putting the ear drops into her ears. Not my fault, she keep scratching her eyes and that made me uneasy.She has ear mites in my opinion. So today I put the ear drops and she tries to wriggle and finding her way out of my room but I won't let her sebab aku belum korek telinge dia lagi.

She is one temperamental cat and likes to be alone. My mum said she adopt that from me. Yew know, I like to mengamuk and menyombongkan diri. She must be mad after I refused to let her go that she..

Kencing on my book.

But. I never kenching on anyone book or kencing on anyone at all.

Was I mad? No I did not.

I love her. How can I be mad?

Yet now she is merajuk on me lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. She chose to sleep under the rain outside the house rather di pelukan ku ini.

Salah ke nak hilangkan kutu telinge? Eeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Fucking ventolin. I hate it when I'm shaky..and cranky.

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