Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Turn off the light

Some people complained that Im hard to please. Hah, I used to be easy to please, very easy in fact but maybe life experience make me a mature woman [whatever that meanslah kann]

Picky, maybe I am. No, not maybe. I am picky. Dont ask me why, I have my own reasons and for those who know me well probably can tell what are the reasons. But, there are things that automatically turn me off. I dunno about other girls but yeah, thats me. Probably just me

Guys who call me dear in early stage
Apa ini? Baru chat sekali sudah penuh dengan..yes dear? Apa dear? Baru jumpa sekali dah dear sana dear sini?Hoh!

Guys who ate..gelojoh-ly
Quoted from gubra mak aku cakap, macamana lelaki tu makan, macam tula dia cottt bini dia . Ok?

Guy who love to pegang-pegang
Baru sekali dua jumpa nak pegangla? Hoih?

Guy with commitment phobic / womanizer / heartbreaker history
People change. Sorry I dont believe that. No, I might believe that but I just cant accept that.

I just love indulgence. Aku tak suka lelaki kedekut, thank you.

Guys who dont know how to respect woman
I dont mind if you are my close friends but if you are on the verge of courting and say things such as I suka tengok bontot perempuan gebu doesnt help at all. Kalau ye pon nak cakap, jangan cakap dengan akulah ok.

Guys who love to gain sympathy
Yelah, siapalah I ni, tak macam orang lain yang nak kawan dengan you. Memang pon, sebab tula aku tanak dekat kau. Letihhhhhhhhhhhh

Lelaki kaya yang berlagak
Macam kau sorangla kaya kan? Kalau ye pon kaya, rilek-rilekla.

Guys who are slightly taller than me
Im short so I dun want my children to hate me for marrying a short guy.

Guys who doesnt know how to lead / make decision
I hate it when a guy doesnt know how to decide. Nak makan suruh aku pilih, nak order suruh aku panggilkan waitress and tolong orderkan. I like a manly man. So decide, lead.

Guys who terlebih manja
I love manja guy but not terlebih manja. Like suka mengeluarkan bunyi-bunyian merengek yang pompuan selalu buat konon-konon comella tu. Dont steal my limelightla wey =P

Guys who thinks physical appearance matters the most
Kalau boleh nak yang cun aje, tak cun jangan harapla. Kalau kawen the wife still have to maintain the cun-ness kalau tak, kawin lain. So hubby, if you cant perform or cant buy me 5 manolos and 6 coaches with a Bentley, I can file for divorce ya?

Boring Guys
Aktiviti harian melepak tengok tv dekat rumah, read books or ermm main dengan anak buah. Dan sangat mematuhi keselamatan jalanraya, mematuhi setiap arahan papan tanda dan mematuhi arahan pihak berkuasa dengan cekap, mesra dan betul. What??

Hairy man
Nanti I lemas bang.Hahaha

Aduh I pening kepala and sakit pundi kencing.

Mungkin akan sakit otak juga kerana meeting semalam postpone ke hari ini.

Happy Tuesday bunnies.

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