Monday, May 15, 2006


Kalah bergaya.Haha


How was your weekend? Mine. Some part of it,played futsal and lost but gua must tell you we all adalah sangat bergaya. Tetapi lihatlah, chicsinred in blue. I know, dun say it.

Two thongs I realised. Rambut gua macam celake. I really need a hair cut. Yeah, i know that I'm supposed to keep it long but I looked like perempaun mati laki and tak mesraaaaaaaaaaaa ok berambut sebegini. Maybe, will get it cut next week. Tapi gua dah potong fringe last week dan hohhhhhhhhhhhh..rupa ku mcm setan.

Seken, i got double chin. See the picture carefully, if you can't see from the picture, silalah datang berjuampa ku untuk menyaksikan penggemukan ini. Juga, layla telah mengambil aku sebagai contoh perempuan banyak kedut. Hohh!!

Sorry for all the crap. Have loads of things in mind but I can't really write all of them.

Bisa kanker gue ini.

Anywayyy, enjoy your monday.
Keje rerajin okessssssssssssss.


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