Wednesday, May 03, 2006

My heart will go onnn..and onnnnnnnnn

There are many things that never fail to cheer me up. Shoes, baskin, the teteks and cats. 2 months ago miu miu gave birth to 5 wonderful kitten and my mum's friends' took 3 of them , leaving 2 behind. I named them valentino and prada [shadap ok]. Valentino was a male kitten that is soooooo manja.

Everytime I reached home he would run macam tak cukup tanah towards me and follow me everywhere I go. And when I sit to watch tv he loves to brush himself to my feet and curl. Fuck, doesn't that make your heart melt? And he..has the most lemak-est perut smell any kitten could have. I love it when he put his tail up high when it was actually not straight but it curl coz his tail is crooked. Prada on the other hand was the timid one. She loves it when I stroke her but would put on her timid face. Yeah, last 2 nights she was sleeping on the sofa when I stroke her and I fucking swear she smiled at me and she golek-golek showing her bulat tummy.

I am soo in love with my cats.

Yesterday, I was feeling so shitty. My trust was betrayed by someone who I should have known not to trust, I let someone who is sooooooooooooooo wonderful down because of my stupid and selfish preference. I found out that I had to attend some computer usage seminar or awareness this thursday. It's like, gua tak kesahla lu kiut ke apa but what the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk? Aku ni dah banyak kali kene saiko dekat skolah, dah bepuluh awareness aku kene pegi tapi if the bottom line aku cakap aku malas nak denga cakap kau, aku malaslaaaaaaaaa ngeng!!And yeah, i hate being the one who have to monitor everyone when I hate to be monitored.

So, after office I thought the nightmare would be over. Well not really over but at least di alleviatelah kan. Not so true when I reach home and found no one running towards me.

" Oh, mak dah bagi kucing 2 ekor tu dekat orang"

Felt like jantungku di rentap.
I just..broke down and cried.

Noww.. I just wonder..if they missed me.. the way I missed them.
Shit, could someone pass me the kleenex?

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