Friday, May 25, 2007

Primary stories

After so long not lepaking together, I met ikhwan just now. And to add the suprise, dina was there too. I would say it was almost a year since i met him and it was all goodlah.

He then told me about his phobia towards dentist, which is exactly like mine. And he balme it on the dentist who always come for check up at our school, primarylah of course. Ye, dan die mengingatkan aku kepada seorang dentist perempuan ynag berambut kerinting yang suka menggodek mulut budak-budak. Dahla tu main blasah je.

And the dentist used to scared out like rasa nak terberakla. The sound of the driller adalah sangat menakutkan.

Lagi satu bende yang menakutkan masa sekolah rendah is rubella.

Seniors always said that rubella is an injection where the dr will take satu besi yang bengkok sket dekat hujung and panaskan atas api. Bila bahagian cangkuk tu dah panas, the dr will inject the needle or the besi bengkok at your lengan and congkel.

Tak ke rasa terkencet mendengarnya?

Another thing, rubella will always leave you some scar. if your scar is biggggg, meaning the medicine is working and it's good butttt, if the scar is small and hampir tak nampak, aiyoo, habisla tak tau, nanti awak kene amik rubella lagik.

The myth really scares the shit out of me ok.

Even later I find out the use normal needle for rubella but I was still worried about scar rubella aku yang kecik itu. I mean, what if kalau kali kedua dia betul-betul cungkil?


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