Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Jangan pandang bawah

The weather was heaty and I couldn't help but sweating. Dahla aku baru basuh rambut tadi nih, habis dah basah-basah :(. Somehow I feel having long hair is quite troublesomelah. Nak potong sayang dan belum masanya lagik.

Oh, anyway during hot days, I always have the desire to go swimming, like I used to do in pantai hillpark. I don't really like to swim when I was staying in phase 2 but when we were staying in phase 1, boleh kata selalu jugakla pegi. And I just love to swim at night. Bila bulan terang and takde orang. The pool is yours.

So one night, I went swimming as usual but this time ex wanted to follow. Mamat ni nak suruh aku ajar dia brenang sebenanye. Letihla aku ajar die, tak pandai-pandai gak. Eloknye masa tu aku benamkan je die terus biar die tayah sakit kan hati sesape. Hehe.

Macam terkeluar topikla pulakkan.

Anyway, we were enjoying our time in the warm water when he suddenly termasuk ke dalam air and when he finally emerged from the water he said

"Eh, ada bendela tarik kaki I"

I laughed.
" Apo bondo yang tarik kaki you? Tak pandai brenang, nak cakap orang tarik kaki la pulak" Kataku dengan riak sambil membuat aksi kupu-kupu.

He still stressed out that something was pulling his legs and decided to duduk tepi-tepi. Actually he wanted to naik already but I didn't feel like going home yet. It was only 11 something something pm that time. Malam masih mudalah and that time my housemate went to do their curriculum activities, swaying at the dancefloor [ I did not go because my ex was a jealous retard]. So it would be boring to go home. He had to stay since I was so degil nak jugak mandi lagi.

So, he duduk tepi-tepi while I enjoy my swimming time. Now, I don't usually like to dip my head into the water because I was afraid that the chlorine will hurt my eyes and my contacts but that night, while freestyling, I opened my eyes.

And I saw her. A lady with her hand pointing at me from below.
My feet were few inches from her hand.


There were only two of us [me and my ex] swimming and I was damn sure there was no third person.

So, who the hell was she?

Dengan gelupurnya aku berenang macam kene kejar jaws and went straight home. On our way back, I told my ex what happened.

"Kan I dah cakap, ada benda tarik kaki I. You tak percaya!"

I never went swimming past 10 pm after that and I never told my housemates either..

In fact this is the first time I ever tell anyone.

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