Tuesday, January 13, 2004

What drive U?

I wake up at 7.30 feeling I wish I could get more sleep but then ade kelas nak kene pegi.Thought of ponteng the class,but the seeing the lecturer's face in my pre-sleeping make me wake up and head for shower. I had heard enough jabber from her about my attandance.With my stomach screaming (I ate too much laksa johor yesterday) I rushed to the class only to find it annulled.Arghh..ironic..

It's nothing insulting when u r late and other people keep u more late than u expected. That what I experienced this morning. I hate KL drivers. Even though I own a car for almost 5 years but still, I prefer to be the one who seats at the passenger seat rather than driving my way.KL might be the place for all worst driver ever..These are some few things that drivers do that I wish they don't

* Honking even thought thay know that the traffic won't move.Ada traffic lightla
* Turning without signals(benci gile)
* Give signals but didn't make any turning(ni lagi laa)
* Driving like 60 km/h on the fast lane..and I don't care if u drive a merc or a
* The rempit guy who likes to drive too near to u with their car that makes stupid
funny noise.
* All the kepochi who like to watch accident scenarios along the road..watching
only..not helping and causing jam.

Route judgment is also another problem in Malaysia. Drivers can't seem to make excellent decision while driving. Most of the time when I drive back to Shah Alam I'll be spending extra 20 minutes which makes my journey more than half an hour rather than usual 15 minutes on the road, stuck in the traffic jam just because some idiots didn't plan their journey.Mesti jam dekat sunway..macamla ada accident ke ape..tensen betul..

I don't mind if I'm in no rush but when u r running late and u had this funny feeling inside ur stomach..something urging to go out..which makes u sweat even ur car is fully air condition..and u will understand what I mean..

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