Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Four Clover

Did my SE presentation..nasib baik yam2 tolong buatkan.Love u hunny!!mUahhh..

Yesterday was a lucky day for yamyam coz he was so lucky!!!MAS called him and offered him a job..and HSBC called him,also offering him a job with quite a handsome pay..and HLF approved the credit cards..but the best news was he finally get through PTD..but we felt doubt and so i checked today..and yes..he did made it..yeyeyeyeyeye..i dunno why i should feel happy,i mean it's not me pon kan but atleat..my bf finally get what he wanted for all this time..hmm..suddenly it makes me scared..he probobly dun have much time for me anymore..urghh...Tapi takpela,Allah dah bagi rezeki aight?

Ehe,but i think i'm the one who's bringing him all the luck...;P

went to UPM to have lunch with yamyam.We ate Sushi King since he wanted to reduce eating meats due to his health problem..tsk..tsk..ah..no biggie..i always enjoy sushi king all the time.

On the way exiting from UM to UPM i came across a sign "Upacara Pemandian Jenazah Dr.Norazid Selat"Uh..i'm not sure if i read correctly but it's Dr.Norazid's name written there.Suddenly i feel bad, pity Anwar..it must be very hard to lost a father..I hope he gain lot of strenght to face his new invironment.May God bless the late Dr.Norazid.

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