Friday, April 28, 2006



For the past few days i received lots of emails and smses asking whether i am ok or not. And the number tah mana-mana punye negarala, yang aku tau aimee sorang je..yang lain tu tatau sapelah. sampai no endon pon ade.Takkan ayah aku baca blog ni kot? Anyway, thank you. I was upset and yeah a bit bz and sengal.

Sayang korang ok.

And today, bangun pagi my eyes were bloodshot red. Sikit lagi la macam puntianak tapi sebab aku malas gile nak pegi keje, i sort of like itla.. After visiting that pretty doctor [masih gagal memegang tangannya] i went spreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Manicure, pedicure, hair treatment, massage, new shoes, new tops, and ermm.. entah hape-hape lagi and I feel much much better.

Anyway, will be going to JB tomorrow for meon ami's wedding. Can you believe that she's getting married? But yeah, memandangkan dia adalah ranum maka logiklah juga kann.

Ok. craps all the way.

Anyway, enjoy your holiday bunnies.
I will try to take goooood pictures [of myself, haha] for your viewing..hohohohoh

muahssssssssssssss-->dah lama tak bagi kan?

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