Thursday, April 13, 2006


I had to stay back late in the office yesterday. So while I was helping my colleagues to finish her work, he IT Admin walked by. Well, his desk was just nearby the spot I landed on.He was clearing his table and started packing, as he started to waked towards the door, my gatal mouth voiced

"Going back oredi?" Babi. Takde ke pikap line yang lebih bagus boleh aku pikirkan? He looked at me disbeliefed and in my pandangan he nodded while looking down at the floor. Woih, pandang aku pun tanak ke?

My colleagus talked to him and yeah, he asnwered then and looked at them. I should feel rotten shouldn't i? Despite feeling terhina , my hati berbunga-bunga.Hohohohohoh.

I mean, he has a cute butt [Please God, don't let anyone from my office read this]

What's make him more cuter is, his mom still picks him up from work. Just like me [sometimeslah kan]. I adore mommy's boy although I don't want him using excuses like his mommy might not like me afterwards. Hehe.

Although I was tired coz had to stay until 8.30 but yeah, i don't mind if I have to do it again today.

Or even tomorrow.

"Lelaki melayu memang semua dah tak berguna agaknya"- Orked, Gubra

Or something like that.hehe

p.s: Daniel, take that smile off from you face, thank you.

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