Thursday, May 27, 2004

E to Equal

I had lunch with our temp staff today,in the pantry.I never talk to her before and so did she...i don't think she talked to's because she just can't.God didn't provide her with a voice.She is mute.

Anyway, we did had some non-verbal conversation and also' writing' conversation. She told me that it's hard for alot of company to hire her because of her diability,except our manager who kind heartedly offer her a job here. By the way, she alos did offer me aj ob here eventhough she knew that i know nuts about this job.

Back to the temp staff.Why issit that other people tend to 'overlook' upon her ability and only saw her disability? I dunno why, but i wish all people will treat each person equally without looking at races, abilities, gender or anything..

Since my job is really killing me, i might as well get a new job fighting for humans right..hehe..Noot..

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