Tuesday, January 29, 2008

UTI like the jeruk buah fresh

Oh. I broke my sleep before 12 resolution because I am having UTI. Bugger, that thing kept we awake the whole night. It's like trying to sleep with a kicked abdomen and oh also clenching the err vagina muscle.

I had to skip class too. I really want to go but how can you when you have to crouch all the time and grip something while peeing. Eeee, I do not want to grip anything from my faculty toilet. No thanks.

Ok. Enough of me [see I am not that conceited :P].

You know, everytime I go to Tesco Shah Alam which I love coz of their selections [despite people say don't go don't support the jews kind of stuff ] I realised there will be a throng of people flocking this one kiosk menjual asam dan jeruk. I am not sure what does it call but perhaps it is pick and mix. Or something like that.

And everythime I see that I just shook my head, I don't get it. Why do people like to eat asam? It is masam, will make your mata terkenyit-kenyit, not healthy and bla..bla. blaa..

But. Yes, butttt last weekend while I was shaking my head I saw the kakak penjual meletak buah mangga muda yang disaluti cili api bercuka di kiosk itu. And I saw cili kicap pekat. One of my many weakness is cili kicap pekat. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh setapp.

I took a look at the mangga muda and realised there also fresh guava disaluti chili powder[or something like that]. I swear it wasn't me, it was probably some force that made my hands dengan pantas mengambil buahan-buahan itu dan memasukkan ke dalam container.

But I don't like those type of food! I screamed as I dipped the mangga muda into the cili kicap pekat.

My.My. My.
Pedas. Succulent. Setap.

Hari ni, semua buah tu dah habis but I still keep the cili kicap pekat because ehe.. I want to buy more of the so called jeruk buah yang fresh.

Tak apa, aku beli yang fresh punya, bukan yang dikecutkan.


Wait, the second entry is also about me.

Nevermind. You get back to work now while I get back to my peeing and gripping

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