Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Today is thaipusam. I was thinking to catch some jalan berarak thaipusam thingy on the street but I did not. Maybe next year I shall go to batu caves to see the thaipusam celebration. It is a waste when you live in Malaysia and don't see how the citizen celebrate their celebration. Although probably aku akan kepanasan dan menggelupur sebab panas but I would like to see that. Plus Batu Caves is one of the important place for hindu in the word. Of course someone told me that, you know I am not that smart.

And today I shall drag my feet to continue the bertandang ke rumah sedara mara session which I sort of loathe. I mean, macamlah tak kenal kan, selama ni selalu je jumpa makan sekali semua. Lepas tu macamla raya tak jumpa, or kenduri-kendura. Kalau duduk kejap takpela ni takkkkk, berejammm la pulakkkkk tu. Sigh, yes I know I should be dikeji for hating these kind of stuff. And pleaselah don't ask me how it feels like to be err you knowlah. It feels indifferent. What? You think once you got hitch, the world turn faster and the birds chirped merrier? Not really but hey, if it so, not your business to know.

Like Lindsay Lohan say in E! snippets "That's personal life!"

Now you know, kenapa aku tidak disukai oleh golongan orang berumur. Because I just don't like to share some thing which are not meant for sharing even when it means to bermanis mulut. I just don't know how to do that.

Makcik: Macamana rasa lepas berdua?
Me: Bahagiaa..chentaaaaaaaaaaaa!


Me: Best! [eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee]

WTF kan? Komfem muntah darah orang mendengarnya.

I mean I tried saying oklah, biase je and they will ask "Takkan ok aje" or "Takkanlah biasa aje". Sheesh, what do you want me to saylah hoh?

Oh. I forgot another favourite question.

Bila nak ada baby? I hate.hate this question like I hate the "bila nak kawen" question. Fret not, I prepared the answer already.

  1. Tak nak sebab tengok anak-anak macik yang memekak ni pon saya dah pening

  2. Saya tak suka budak-budak. Rasa lemas dan rimaslahh ,macam sekarang ni

  3. Saya nak travel dan jalan-jalan. I don't want to contribute to another annoying kids who scream at restaurant or berlari-lari tak tentu hala. Cukuplah kanak-kanak yang ada

  4. No, I don't want my pussy to terkoyak besar. Not yet ok.

Smirk you face as you want you, but I just don't fucking care. Don't give me anak itu rezeki or rugi whater ever fuck shit it is advice. I know and I admit it's true but not for me. Well not now.

I am still not puas hidup bebas dan membeli apa-apa sesuka hati tanpa memikirkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang lain.

So makciks, you better not ask.

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