Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Ada ular di skolah?

It was 1996, the honeymoon year they said. So we the honeymooners spent our days with joy. Plus, it was the eve of April the first.

Now, when you were stranded in a place full of bore where you have to creep and hide to watch MTV at 3 am in the morning, pulling a prank is a must when it comes to April the first.

Before the prep ended, tini and me made our way back to our beloved block, Block B, the red. We were discussing about what should be do tonight as a revenge to those who always made us gritted our teeth or leashed our acid tongues. No, going in from the front door is not a good idea since Block B is also where the warden sat and pretended to be busy. We don't want to get caught.

So we used the other door instead. The door that leads to old furnitures especially old lockers and cupboards. As tini tried to speaking as not loud as she can despite the fact she may had swallowed multiple microphone when she was small, I told her to shush.And pointed at something in front of us. We were already inside the red block that time, walking along the old cupboards.

We both stunt. I gripped her hand because I was terrified.

It was a snake. A big fat batik phyton.

Big fat batik phyton

Unexpectedly she said "Ular!!" and pointed at the slimy animals who was that time gliding on the cement.

I can't remember what exactly happen after that, it's either:-

a) We run back come back to check whether the ular was still there. But only to find it's gone.


b) We stood there because somehow we just can't run but after few seconds somehow the ular vanished from our vision.

The bottom line is, it's gone. And only the two of us saw it.

That's not the end of the story. Not yet. I know you have few more minutes to spare :P

Few days after that, tini came to me and told me she got kayap. And it's kayap ular. Kayap is penyakit related to the nerves despite some sayings it is related to the skin disease. No, it's not. Kayap = kurap is wrong. She was allowed to go back to Terengganu to get it cured.

And after that we we told, that night ular incident might also contribute to her kayap. I know it sounded stupid but hey, we need some thing to spice out our life so we embraced that news with awe.

Now, when I think of it, whether or not the phyton gave tini her kayap ular but the existence of the phyton itself makes me wonder. Was it a real snake?

I mean, I know the red block is big but if there was a real snake, surely someone else would find it. I never heard anyone saying they saw a big phyton before or even after the incident. If the snake was real, surely it will come out to hunt for food or perhaps there will be some old skin lying around.

No. Nothing.

Perhaps what we saw that day was not a phyton or.. I don't know.
I don't want to know.

But nothing beat the story of hantu mengosok gigi. I still have the chill everytime someone remind me of that story.

Do you know that story?

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