Friday, January 25, 2008

Of negatives and positives

Of worries and sakit otak.

  1. After working hours, the internet line will go bonkers. Tersangat lembab ok, nak bukak facebook sangat susah, nak update blog pon susah. It is supposed to be oklah lepas working hours, supposedly coz of the less traffic but it is exactly the opposite. Takkanlah lepas working hours, jaluran jaluran lebar di nipiskan? Itu adalah sungguh bodoh.

  2. My intestine or perut or whatever you call it [excuse me I am not so good at anatomy unless it's regarding a guy hehe] sudah gila. I can't eat any pedas food at all even a bit, surely I will get ceret beret. WTF is that? I used to be one of the champion dalam makan makanan pedas but now I have to sit alone in the dark and eat non pedas food. Maybe my perut is too mengada-ngada hanya mahu pasta and salad-salad sahaja. Or maybe secara tak sengaja I had destroyed my perut by diet dengan tiba-tiba dan bersemangat. I ate telur sambal just now[sikit je] and now my perut sudah panas. Apakah jenis pondannya perut ku iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? Bagaimanakah memngembalikan zaman kegemilangannya yang kian pudar itu?

  3. My mom recently told me about her weird encounters at night and about her weird series of dreams. Ok, it seems like what used to happen to me had spread to her. And she will keep waking up every night at 3 am sharp and just could sleep after that. I am worried because she told me she felt scared. I hate to think that it has to do with things that we cannot see sebab mcm absurd aje but when you went through it yourself, you can't say it's absurd [tapi tetap mcm absurd]. Whoever [or whatever] it is, leave my mom alonela bodoh.

  4. I am worried that my life will always be like this and I made no progress in life and get what I want. I really am, and mind you I am doing something about it but I am still worried coz there are certain things that we cannot change which made you question, did I make the right decision?

Ok. sorry for being depress. Can't help it. Now good news or positive news.

  1. I managed to get a new supervisor. Problem regarding thesis solved. For nowlah. So, yeay!

  2. My effort to drink 8 glasses [or more] of water is showing some result. The face is less oily and looking more bermaya, tak la nampak macam berkerak je kan muka aku ni padahal dah penat cuci. So, you want a clear complexion, the cliche advice, drink lots of water. susah but it works wonder!

  3. I love whipped cream with my fruits but can't have it coz it's too fattening. That's then! Now I can have it thanks to Kraft CoolWhip Free with 0% fat and only 15 calories per serving. It's that great?It's taste almost the same except less sweet which is still great. Setapppppp!

    Where did I get it? Cold Storage near the ice cream section. Don't look for it at the normal whipped cream section, you may not find it.

Ok. I sense you are getting bored now. So get back to work.

Which will be even more boring. Haha.

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