Ehem. I rarely write about this sort of thing but today I will.
This is going to be a long entry.
You have been warned.
Few days ago I came across an article about the wonder boy of Malaysia. Adi Putra. Only 9 but could handle intricate math question better than I could and perhaps better than you could. It is marvel. A great gift from God.
I could not help myself to think about sufiah and malcom in the middle.
Yew bunnies remember sufiah, the genius who entered Oxford when she just 13? I know I do. If I am not mistaken she was home schooled. Because of her great mind she became the youngest student ever in Oxford, which was in 1997. But after 3 years there, she decided not to continue and demand for foster care till she was 18. This was an excerpt from The Star dated January 29th. I remembered reading few years back, she claimed that her parents stole her teenage life from her by asking her to skip the whole teenage years. Well, maybe the parents didn't meant to do that but what were they thinking by asking 13 year old girl to go to Oxford? She maybe a whiz in studying but what about emotionally factors? If you are wondering, sufiah returned to Oxford in 2002 but did not manage to complete her study. Got married in 2004 but divorced 13 months later. How old was she? You do the math.
And malcolm. I became a fan of that series few years back and noticed that malcom is a whiz in Maths. But he was not sent to any university and was allowed to live like a normal teenager [and get yelled by the mother almost everyday]. If you read the curious incident of the dog in the night time, you will also come across to a same personality like malcolm. Save for, the main character Christopher is not so keen in socialising but a total genius in maths and physic. Read the book and you will understand what I mean. There are certain things in the book that I could never figure out coz either a) those things bore me :P or b) I just don't know how to. He too was did not go to some university and only took special paper for his maths.
Ok. I know those two are fictional but it shows that the way people think. The writers I mean. The idea, the possibility that might happen if they are such kid exists among their community.
Back to the wonder boy, I read that he complained the curriculum in the school bore him and he wanted something challenging and I came across some people opinion, saying perhaps the wonder boy should get his chance to enter university, rather than go to school.
Tsk. Ok fine, he is a genius, in science subjects especially in maths but what about the others? So bahasa melayu, english, sejarah, kemahiran hidup is not important? And please, he is only 7. Maybe he did whine but generally do they think this boy really knows what it takes to go to class, meet the jocks, meet the gadis berbaju ketat tetek macam nak terkelur and pembuli yang selalu nak tiru assignment? What about when it comes to real life assignment? Surely you can't just depend on your book. I am not as smart as he is but I know, he should be given a chance to live like any other 7 years old boys.
Makan ice cream sambil berlari, and fall down so you know not to do that again in the future. Main panjat-panjat lepas tu seluar koyak and kene rotan dengan mak. I mean those things are lessons in life that you cannot get by skipping childhood. And don't you think when you mendewa-dewakan someone when that person doesn't really have much experience in life [meaning still very young] dia akan menjadi mua dan spoil? Like ahhh, akulah rajaaaaaa, everyone thought I am great so everyone must bow and make a great fuss about me.
Oh I read that the wonder boy also lead the authority to a place where he believed had to do something with Sharlini. Don't get me wrong, it was a good deed to do that but are we mistaken a genius for a shrine?
This boy is something, He is! But just let him lives like a normal kid. Don't let him think he is bigger and higher than KLCC because he might ended like those people who always brag about their achievement in life and make others feel like little pieces of shit just because everyone bows on him. Why not be a genius and loved by everyone?
Just let the government do something about it because according to the article I am reading, he is an asset to the country. So the government should be doing something about it especially when the election is just around the corner.
Or if they still want to take things in their own hands, perhaps just do what Christopher fathers did. Allow him to sit for certain paper or gave him projects to keep his mind running.
Or gave him special coaching to develop his talent or..anything at all.. since I also not too sure of the solutions.
But please don't take the child away from where he belongs.
Or the wonder boy will only remain as a great story.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
UTI like the jeruk buah fresh
Oh. I broke my sleep before 12 resolution because I am having UTI. Bugger, that thing kept we awake the whole night. It's like trying to sleep with a kicked abdomen and oh also clenching the err vagina muscle.
I had to skip class too. I really want to go but how can you when you have to crouch all the time and grip something while peeing. Eeee, I do not want to grip anything from my faculty toilet. No thanks.
Ok. Enough of me [see I am not that conceited :P].
You know, everytime I go to Tesco Shah Alam which I love coz of their selections [despite people say don't go don't support the jews kind of stuff ] I realised there will be a throng of people flocking this one kiosk menjual asam dan jeruk. I am not sure what does it call but perhaps it is pick and mix. Or something like that.
And everythime I see that I just shook my head, I don't get it. Why do people like to eat asam? It is masam, will make your mata terkenyit-kenyit, not healthy and bla..bla. blaa..
But. Yes, butttt last weekend while I was shaking my head I saw the kakak penjual meletak buah mangga muda yang disaluti cili api bercuka di kiosk itu. And I saw cili kicap pekat. One of my many weakness is cili kicap pekat. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh setapp.
I took a look at the mangga muda and realised there also fresh guava disaluti chili powder[or something like that]. I swear it wasn't me, it was probably some force that made my hands dengan pantas mengambil buahan-buahan itu dan memasukkan ke dalam container.
But I don't like those type of food! I screamed as I dipped the mangga muda into the cili kicap pekat.
My.My. My.
Pedas. Succulent. Setap.
Hari ni, semua buah tu dah habis but I still keep the cili kicap pekat because ehe.. I want to buy more of the so called jeruk buah yang fresh.
Tak apa, aku beli yang fresh punya, bukan yang dikecutkan.
Wait, the second entry is also about me.
Nevermind. You get back to work now while I get back to my peeing and gripping
I had to skip class too. I really want to go but how can you when you have to crouch all the time and grip something while peeing. Eeee, I do not want to grip anything from my faculty toilet. No thanks.
Ok. Enough of me [see I am not that conceited :P].
You know, everytime I go to Tesco Shah Alam which I love coz of their selections [despite people say don't go don't support the jews kind of stuff ] I realised there will be a throng of people flocking this one kiosk menjual asam dan jeruk. I am not sure what does it call but perhaps it is pick and mix. Or something like that.
And everythime I see that I just shook my head, I don't get it. Why do people like to eat asam? It is masam, will make your mata terkenyit-kenyit, not healthy and bla..bla. blaa..
But. Yes, butttt last weekend while I was shaking my head I saw the kakak penjual meletak buah mangga muda yang disaluti cili api bercuka di kiosk itu. And I saw cili kicap pekat. One of my many weakness is cili kicap pekat. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh setapp.
I took a look at the mangga muda and realised there also fresh guava disaluti chili powder[or something like that]. I swear it wasn't me, it was probably some force that made my hands dengan pantas mengambil buahan-buahan itu dan memasukkan ke dalam container.
But I don't like those type of food! I screamed as I dipped the mangga muda into the cili kicap pekat.
My.My. My.
Pedas. Succulent. Setap.
Hari ni, semua buah tu dah habis but I still keep the cili kicap pekat because ehe.. I want to buy more of the so called jeruk buah yang fresh.
Tak apa, aku beli yang fresh punya, bukan yang dikecutkan.
Wait, the second entry is also about me.
Nevermind. You get back to work now while I get back to my peeing and gripping
Monday, January 28, 2008
I love to have conversation in the dark before going to sleep.
Me: I pity those people who auditioned for American idol, I mean those who cannot sing:
He: Yalah. But how come they become so confident that they sing so sedap huh?
Me: I don't knowlah. Maybe the people around them convinced them that they sing well. You know to give support. Until they believe it.
He: Maybe alsolah.
Me: I mean, they surely can testify whether they can sing or not just by hearing their own voice.
He: Hey, you cubalah nyanyi sket.
Me: Huh? I can't sing, you know that!
He: Noooo, your suara sungguh sedap.Merdu.. Singla..singlaa Hari tukan you nyanyi lagi apa tuu.. *humming lemon tree song* [please refer to the link to get a better idea of what is happening].
Me: Are you ejeking me?
He: *Turn around to laugh agar tidak dinampak oleh aku walaupon keadaan adalah gelap gelita.

Versi perempuan yang menyanyai lemon tree = chics. Keji
Selamba gile kutuk aku. Ade yang dalam tido aku buat buat tertendang karang.
Me: I pity those people who auditioned for American idol, I mean those who cannot sing:
He: Yalah. But how come they become so confident that they sing so sedap huh?
Me: I don't knowlah. Maybe the people around them convinced them that they sing well. You know to give support. Until they believe it.
He: Maybe alsolah.
Me: I mean, they surely can testify whether they can sing or not just by hearing their own voice.
He: Hey, you cubalah nyanyi sket.
Me: Huh? I can't sing, you know that!
He: Noooo, your suara sungguh sedap.Merdu.. Singla..singlaa Hari tukan you nyanyi lagi apa tuu.. *humming lemon tree song* [please refer to the link to get a better idea of what is happening].
Me: Are you ejeking me?
He: *Turn around to laugh agar tidak dinampak oleh aku walaupon keadaan adalah gelap gelita.
Versi perempuan yang menyanyai lemon tree = chics. Keji
Selamba gile kutuk aku. Ade yang dalam tido aku buat buat tertendang karang.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Had a terrible dream. One of the teteks died [in my dreamsla of course]. It was so real that I ended crying in my sleep and even when I woke up I asked my self.
She is still alive isn't it?
It took me few minutes to think.
Thank God she is!
She is still alive isn't it?
It took me few minutes to think.
Thank God she is!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Bedtime rambling
I understood but I really don't want to
I told you the sky is blue
But inside the colour is not so gay
It is not even close to any blue it is grey
I want to run
As fast as I can
I want to hide
So no one can catch
Don't say it will be ok
It is my heart that will go astray
Don't tell me to sit still
It is my patience that feels the chill
I am tired
Of waiting
Of hoping
Of believing
But I am praying
That my faith will still stay
Will not go away
Will not fade away
I hope and I pray
Because I was told tomorrow will be a better day
Friday, January 25, 2008
Of negatives and positives
Of worries and sakit otak.
Ok. sorry for being depress. Can't help it. Now good news or positive news.
Ok. I sense you are getting bored now. So get back to work.
Which will be even more boring. Haha.
- After working hours, the internet line will go bonkers. Tersangat lembab ok, nak bukak facebook sangat susah, nak update blog pon susah. It is supposed to be oklah lepas working hours, supposedly coz of the less traffic but it is exactly the opposite. Takkanlah lepas working hours, jaluran jaluran lebar di nipiskan? Itu adalah sungguh bodoh.
- My intestine or perut or whatever you call it [excuse me I am not so good at anatomy unless it's regarding a guy hehe] sudah gila. I can't eat any pedas food at all even a bit, surely I will get ceret beret. WTF is that? I used to be one of the champion dalam makan makanan pedas but now I have to sit alone in the dark and eat non pedas food. Maybe my perut is too mengada-ngada hanya mahu pasta and salad-salad sahaja. Or maybe secara tak sengaja I had destroyed my perut by diet dengan tiba-tiba dan bersemangat. I ate telur sambal just now[sikit je] and now my perut sudah panas. Apakah jenis pondannya perut ku iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? Bagaimanakah memngembalikan zaman kegemilangannya yang kian pudar itu?
- My mom recently told me about her weird encounters at night and about her weird series of dreams. Ok, it seems like what used to happen to me had spread to her. And she will keep waking up every night at 3 am sharp and just could sleep after that. I am worried because she told me she felt scared. I hate to think that it has to do with things that we cannot see sebab mcm absurd aje but when you went through it yourself, you can't say it's absurd [tapi tetap mcm absurd]. Whoever [or whatever] it is, leave my mom alonela bodoh.
- I am worried that my life will always be like this and I made no progress in life and get what I want. I really am, and mind you I am doing something about it but I am still worried coz there are certain things that we cannot change which made you question, did I make the right decision?
Ok. sorry for being depress. Can't help it. Now good news or positive news.
- I managed to get a new supervisor. Problem regarding thesis solved. For nowlah. So, yeay!
- My effort to drink 8 glasses [or more] of water is showing some result. The face is less oily and looking more bermaya, tak la nampak macam berkerak je kan muka aku ni padahal dah penat cuci. So, you want a clear complexion, the cliche advice, drink lots of water. susah but it works wonder!
- I love whipped cream with my fruits but can't have it coz it's too fattening. That's then! Now I can have it thanks to Kraft CoolWhip Free with 0% fat and only 15 calories per serving. It's that great?It's taste almost the same except less sweet which is still great. Setapppppp!
Where did I get it? Cold Storage near the ice cream section. Don't look for it at the normal whipped cream section, you may not find it.
Ok. I sense you are getting bored now. So get back to work.
Which will be even more boring. Haha.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Ok. The bertandang plus balik kampung thingy was not too bad. Except for the fact that I ate 2 pinggan nasik, suku tupperware of sambal ikan bilis nenek, beberapa ulas pisang goreng, serta kerepek ubi adela dekat 1/4 tupperware. :( there goes my diet.
I wanted to get it out from my system tapi mcm malas nak membuatnye plus, my grandma had a guest. Surely I would not want the guest to be interrupted by the sound that I will make. Heh.
Butttttttt. Gua exercise ok. Main badminton lagik, raket yonex lagi [haha]. My cousin has started to play badminton dengan semangat siap ada letak net lagik ok dekat compound rumah nenek aku itu. I was excited sebab aku pikir aku agak terrer main. Tetapi agak dibelasah teruk, which is weird sebab I used to be not a baddd player okk. Ada team sendiri ni [haha gile poyo]
Until I realised, the last time I play was in standard 6.
I wanted to get it out from my system tapi mcm malas nak membuatnye plus, my grandma had a guest. Surely I would not want the guest to be interrupted by the sound that I will make. Heh.
Butttttttt. Gua exercise ok. Main badminton lagik, raket yonex lagi [haha]. My cousin has started to play badminton dengan semangat siap ada letak net lagik ok dekat compound rumah nenek aku itu. I was excited sebab aku pikir aku agak terrer main. Tetapi agak dibelasah teruk, which is weird sebab I used to be not a baddd player okk. Ada team sendiri ni [haha gile poyo]
Until I realised, the last time I play was in standard 6.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Today is thaipusam. I was thinking to catch some jalan berarak thaipusam thingy on the street but I did not. Maybe next year I shall go to batu caves to see the thaipusam celebration. It is a waste when you live in Malaysia and don't see how the citizen celebrate their celebration. Although probably aku akan kepanasan dan menggelupur sebab panas but I would like to see that. Plus Batu Caves is one of the important place for hindu in the word. Of course someone told me that, you know I am not that smart.
And today I shall drag my feet to continue the bertandang ke rumah sedara mara session which I sort of loathe. I mean, macamlah tak kenal kan, selama ni selalu je jumpa makan sekali semua. Lepas tu macamla raya tak jumpa, or kenduri-kendura. Kalau duduk kejap takpela ni takkkkk, berejammm la pulakkkkk tu. Sigh, yes I know I should be dikeji for hating these kind of stuff. And pleaselah don't ask me how it feels like to be err you knowlah. It feels indifferent. What? You think once you got hitch, the world turn faster and the birds chirped merrier? Not really but hey, if it so, not your business to know.
Like Lindsay Lohan say in E! snippets "That's personal life!"
Now you know, kenapa aku tidak disukai oleh golongan orang berumur. Because I just don't like to share some thing which are not meant for sharing even when it means to bermanis mulut. I just don't know how to do that.
Makcik: Macamana rasa lepas berdua?
Me: Bahagiaa..chentaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Me: Best! [eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee]
WTF kan? Komfem muntah darah orang mendengarnya.
I mean I tried saying oklah, biase je and they will ask "Takkan ok aje" or "Takkanlah biasa aje". Sheesh, what do you want me to saylah hoh?
Oh. I forgot another favourite question.
Bila nak ada baby? I hate.hate this question like I hate the "bila nak kawen" question. Fret not, I prepared the answer already.
Smirk you face as you want you, but I just don't fucking care. Don't give me anak itu rezeki or rugi whater ever fuck shit it is advice. I know and I admit it's true but not for me. Well not now.
I am still not puas hidup bebas dan membeli apa-apa sesuka hati tanpa memikirkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang lain.
So makciks, you better not ask.
And today I shall drag my feet to continue the bertandang ke rumah sedara mara session which I sort of loathe. I mean, macamlah tak kenal kan, selama ni selalu je jumpa makan sekali semua. Lepas tu macamla raya tak jumpa, or kenduri-kendura. Kalau duduk kejap takpela ni takkkkk, berejammm la pulakkkkk tu. Sigh, yes I know I should be dikeji for hating these kind of stuff. And pleaselah don't ask me how it feels like to be err you knowlah. It feels indifferent. What? You think once you got hitch, the world turn faster and the birds chirped merrier? Not really but hey, if it so, not your business to know.
Like Lindsay Lohan say in E! snippets "That's personal life!"
Now you know, kenapa aku tidak disukai oleh golongan orang berumur. Because I just don't like to share some thing which are not meant for sharing even when it means to bermanis mulut. I just don't know how to do that.
Makcik: Macamana rasa lepas berdua?
Me: Bahagiaa..chentaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Me: Best! [eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee]
WTF kan? Komfem muntah darah orang mendengarnya.
I mean I tried saying oklah, biase je and they will ask "Takkan ok aje" or "Takkanlah biasa aje". Sheesh, what do you want me to saylah hoh?
Oh. I forgot another favourite question.
Bila nak ada baby? I hate.hate this question like I hate the "bila nak kawen" question. Fret not, I prepared the answer already.
- Tak nak sebab tengok anak-anak macik yang memekak ni pon saya dah pening
- Saya tak suka budak-budak. Rasa lemas dan rimaslahh ,macam sekarang ni
- Saya nak travel dan jalan-jalan. I don't want to contribute to another annoying kids who scream at restaurant or berlari-lari tak tentu hala. Cukuplah kanak-kanak yang ada
- No, I don't want my pussy to terkoyak besar. Not yet ok.
Smirk you face as you want you, but I just don't fucking care. Don't give me anak itu rezeki or rugi whater ever fuck shit it is advice. I know and I admit it's true but not for me. Well not now.
I am still not puas hidup bebas dan membeli apa-apa sesuka hati tanpa memikirkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang lain.
So makciks, you better not ask.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Oral hygiene
Emak said that "kalau rupa chantek gigi berkerak nak buat apa?". I have to agree with her on that. I always find cute men no more cute the moment they open their mouth. Kekuningan gigi, kekaratan gigi atau keberteraburan gigi adalah satu turn off yang boleh dikira sebagai quite big.
Tak tahulah kenapa.
A guy who I date once told me an info, which I find quite absurd. He said his dentist friend taught him the way to know how clean a woman's vagina is, is by looking at her teeth or more precise oral hygiene.
I asked him why, he said he doesn't really know but that's what the dentist friend told him. That's what the dentist learn during his years in dental school [macam takde bende lainla kan nak blaja]. Good mouth hygiene represent good vagina health. Err?
I was laughing suke suke before he told me that, which made me covered my mouth automatically. Hello, I don't want him to see my teeth or my mouth and imagine bukan-bukan. Dahla dia itu memamng seorang yang suke berimaginasi bukan-bukan.
I wanted to asked him a question but he managed to say it before I even ask him.
"Tapi benda ni cuma boleh dipraktikkan dekat perempuan je, dekat lelaki tak boleh"
I am not sure why he said that, tapi mungkin dia berasa concius tiba-tiba setelah tersedar giginya berlapis dan err sedikit kuning.
But honestly, that was the first time I heard such thing. I mean, to think of it, dimanakah relevance nye? Oh, that was not the only absurd things he told me. Apart from that oral-vagina-thingy he also told me the reason why lost of male doctors want to become gynea. Yes, it is the exact reason that you are thinking right now. Confirmed by his gynea friends.
Or maybe it was just his friends..who are bunch of perverts. Which make sense because he seems to be
Oh man, I can't believe I used to date him. Sheesh.
Tak tahulah kenapa.
A guy who I date once told me an info, which I find quite absurd. He said his dentist friend taught him the way to know how clean a woman's vagina is, is by looking at her teeth or more precise oral hygiene.
I asked him why, he said he doesn't really know but that's what the dentist friend told him. That's what the dentist learn during his years in dental school [macam takde bende lainla kan nak blaja]. Good mouth hygiene represent good vagina health. Err?
I was laughing suke suke before he told me that, which made me covered my mouth automatically. Hello, I don't want him to see my teeth or my mouth and imagine bukan-bukan. Dahla dia itu memamng seorang yang suke berimaginasi bukan-bukan.
I wanted to asked him a question but he managed to say it before I even ask him.
"Tapi benda ni cuma boleh dipraktikkan dekat perempuan je, dekat lelaki tak boleh"
I am not sure why he said that, tapi mungkin dia berasa concius tiba-tiba setelah tersedar giginya berlapis dan err sedikit kuning.
But honestly, that was the first time I heard such thing. I mean, to think of it, dimanakah relevance nye? Oh, that was not the only absurd things he told me. Apart from that oral-vagina-thingy he also told me the reason why lost of male doctors want to become gynea. Yes, it is the exact reason that you are thinking right now. Confirmed by his gynea friends.
Or maybe it was just his friends..who are bunch of perverts. Which make sense because he seems to be
Oh man, I can't believe I used to date him. Sheesh.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Bedroom talk
Previously, I had a sleeping problem which influenced me to buy a pair of lavender pillows with cassia seeds. Well, I read [written on a piece of paper that was attached to the pillow] that it could improve the quality of your sleep and I was really desperate..for good sleep I mean. Am not sure whether it was a psychological effect but I am enjoying my sleep nowadays
I must say the pillow did a good job. Although initially I thought I would never get used to contour pillow but now without that pillow I just can't sleep. The neck and the head doesn't feel right. Macam ada something missing. The head is just screaming to be place in the hole .Now, what I need is a down pillow, to hug. Ohh I can imagine the fluffiness and the softness and err I can imagine me not wanting to get up from bed. Hehe.
Speaking of bed, there are times when I shared my bed only with MJ, just the two of us. I didn't mind it although there's no one who really talked back to me when I feel like talking [except bunyi ngau ngau] yet I love the advantages.
And tonight, I will have that advantage. Perhaps aku boleh suruh Mj tido dekat kaki supaya aku adalah boleh konker satu katil. Haha.
Best. Best
Tapi sebenanyekan..kann macam tak best sangat sebab tadi macam dah tertengok crite hantu.
Dan secret di postsecret adalah sedih [apa kaitan pon tataula hehe].
Happy monday bunnies!
I must say the pillow did a good job. Although initially I thought I would never get used to contour pillow but now without that pillow I just can't sleep. The neck and the head doesn't feel right. Macam ada something missing. The head is just screaming to be place in the hole .Now, what I need is a down pillow, to hug. Ohh I can imagine the fluffiness and the softness and err I can imagine me not wanting to get up from bed. Hehe.
Speaking of bed, there are times when I shared my bed only with MJ, just the two of us. I didn't mind it although there's no one who really talked back to me when I feel like talking [except bunyi ngau ngau] yet I love the advantages.
- MJ always hogs half of the bed. She is the royal highness of the house therefore she will get what she wants. So when there's a third person, my share of the bed will become quarter [please refer to picture 1.1].Picture 1.1 . The pink box is my bed.
- When there are only MJ and me, I can golek and lebarkan kaki and tangan without feeling guilty akan tersepak orang [tersepak kucing takpe hehe], usually in the morning, MJ will ask me to let her go outside andddd I can golek-golek sampai terjatuh ke bawah [in certain cases].
- No one will curik my bantal and bantal peluk. It's all mine.. Mineeeeeeeeee.
And tonight, I will have that advantage. Perhaps aku boleh suruh Mj tido dekat kaki supaya aku adalah boleh konker satu katil. Haha.
Best. Best
Tapi sebenanyekan..kann macam tak best sangat sebab tadi macam dah tertengok crite hantu.
Dan secret di postsecret adalah sedih [apa kaitan pon tataula hehe].
Happy monday bunnies!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Sleeplah now
I am supposed to sleep now and I told my self to do that for the last 30 minutes but lots of things happen when you switch on your pc.
First, I have no issues towards celebrity. None at all but sometimes I hate the way they sell themselves. Or trying to sell themselves. Or in this case, trying to menonjolkan diri sebagai seorang cerdik pandai tetapi sebenarnye..oh no!
No, don't sue me yet, you celebrities I am not talking in general but I am referring to this entry. If you want to know what really happened, please read two of the earlier entries.
Tsk. What a shame of having a pretty face tetapi tidak tahu hendak letak dimana lagi.
Tidak apa, letaklah di dalam handbag pradamu itu.
If you notice, I rarely write about celebrities as my main entry sebab dah nak buat apa tulis pasal selebriti, pancaindera kan ada, mangga lagi, cukuplah kan. But this is something that needs to be enlightened. And they are two things that made me write this entry.
Ini semua adalah keji!
Perhaps she just has to stick to pose chantek, since she do that the best.
Secondly, I really want to sleep but the pain that keep throbbing at my tetek area is too disturbing. The idea of going to see a doctor is wayyy more disturbing.
I need to pee now and I promise I will go to sleep after this.
Nite nite.
First, I have no issues towards celebrity. None at all but sometimes I hate the way they sell themselves. Or trying to sell themselves. Or in this case, trying to menonjolkan diri sebagai seorang cerdik pandai tetapi sebenarnye..oh no!
No, don't sue me yet, you celebrities I am not talking in general but I am referring to this entry. If you want to know what really happened, please read two of the earlier entries.
Tsk. What a shame of having a pretty face tetapi tidak tahu hendak letak dimana lagi.
Tidak apa, letaklah di dalam handbag pradamu itu.
If you notice, I rarely write about celebrities as my main entry sebab dah nak buat apa tulis pasal selebriti, pancaindera kan ada, mangga lagi, cukuplah kan. But this is something that needs to be enlightened. And they are two things that made me write this entry.
- I don't like plagiarism. Kalau ye pon, kasilah kredit,letakla bibliography ke footnote ke, takkan tak blaja masa belaja dulu
- I don't like orang mengaku bijak /talented/berirama/Inul when actually they are..not. Padahal hanyalah diri mareka yang itu-itu sahaja.
Ini semua adalah keji!
Perhaps she just has to stick to pose chantek, since she do that the best.
Secondly, I really want to sleep but the pain that keep throbbing at my tetek area is too disturbing. The idea of going to see a doctor is wayyy more disturbing.
I need to pee now and I promise I will go to sleep after this.
Nite nite.
Friday, January 18, 2008
When we were small
What types of game do you like to play with your sibling when you were small?
Usually my brother and I would prefer to play with our own friends rather than playing with each other because when we play together both of us will ended up bergumpal. Aku tarik rambut dia, dia tarik rambut aku. Kitorang penah bergumpal depan orang ramai ok [depan rumah tapi ramai orang tengok :P]. Hehe. My brother was chubby when he was small but I still can berlawan with him which explain kenapa certain orang berasa pelik apabila aku sedikit kuat bila main lawan tipu-tipu padahal badan keding[dulula kedin skarang..huh!]. Training sejak kecik ok.
Yet, they are times when we are stuck together and played together. For example semasa menegok tv dirumah. We really like to play main teka iklan. It was like this, before the next iklan start you better open your eyes widely and as soon as the next iklan start, you had to listen and watch the iklan carefully. Siapa yang dapat teka dengan betul dan paling cepat, dialah yang akan menang. This was fun although we had to menutup mulut lawan masing-masing sebab tak nak bagi dia cakap dulu, especially when you know the iklan but just went blank. Mula-mula teka dengan suara bernada rendah tetapi lama kelamaan bila naik excited, mula meneka menjeri jerit seperti "Milo!!milo!!!!!!!!!!" sambil melompat-lompat. Kalaulah kan korang tengah tengok tv or baca surat khabar anak korang buat macam tu, ada rasa nak ngamuk tak? Yes, that's why we stop playing it after sometimes.
The second game was during a boring trip in a car. Dulu the journey will take longer compared to now because they were nott many highways and my mum always wanted to listen to her oldies songs [which I love now] that really killed us. Yelah, orang nak denga 4U2C [haha] ni tak asyik nak pasang lagu quando quando dengan tell laura I love her aje. Bosanlah kan. So we created our own game. Unwind the window, hide and when you saw a motorbike bagun dan menjerit "hello" or "hoi".Lepas tu gelak sebab orang tu terkejut. Sungguh keji bila difikirkan coz hello, it was damn dangerous ok! Mau eksiden motorcyclist itu. Tak lama kemudian kedengaran "Hoii buat apa tu hah!!" yang datang dari depan beserta dengan cubitan bertalu-talu. Our emak yang garang[and still is] of course. And we would stop. But eheh, will continue it tomorrow :P
There were few more other games that we used to play but it is too keji to tellah. Memalukan untuk diceritakan.
There are times when I face disagreement with my brother but when I think of the thing that we did when we were small, the rile just go away.
Usually my brother and I would prefer to play with our own friends rather than playing with each other because when we play together both of us will ended up bergumpal. Aku tarik rambut dia, dia tarik rambut aku. Kitorang penah bergumpal depan orang ramai ok [depan rumah tapi ramai orang tengok :P]. Hehe. My brother was chubby when he was small but I still can berlawan with him which explain kenapa certain orang berasa pelik apabila aku sedikit kuat bila main lawan tipu-tipu padahal badan keding[dulula kedin skarang..huh!]. Training sejak kecik ok.
Yet, they are times when we are stuck together and played together. For example semasa menegok tv dirumah. We really like to play main teka iklan. It was like this, before the next iklan start you better open your eyes widely and as soon as the next iklan start, you had to listen and watch the iklan carefully. Siapa yang dapat teka dengan betul dan paling cepat, dialah yang akan menang. This was fun although we had to menutup mulut lawan masing-masing sebab tak nak bagi dia cakap dulu, especially when you know the iklan but just went blank. Mula-mula teka dengan suara bernada rendah tetapi lama kelamaan bila naik excited, mula meneka menjeri jerit seperti "Milo!!milo!!!!!!!!!!" sambil melompat-lompat. Kalaulah kan korang tengah tengok tv or baca surat khabar anak korang buat macam tu, ada rasa nak ngamuk tak? Yes, that's why we stop playing it after sometimes.
The second game was during a boring trip in a car. Dulu the journey will take longer compared to now because they were nott many highways and my mum always wanted to listen to her oldies songs [which I love now] that really killed us. Yelah, orang nak denga 4U2C [haha] ni tak asyik nak pasang lagu quando quando dengan tell laura I love her aje. Bosanlah kan. So we created our own game. Unwind the window, hide and when you saw a motorbike bagun dan menjerit "hello" or "hoi".Lepas tu gelak sebab orang tu terkejut. Sungguh keji bila difikirkan coz hello, it was damn dangerous ok! Mau eksiden motorcyclist itu. Tak lama kemudian kedengaran "Hoii buat apa tu hah!!" yang datang dari depan beserta dengan cubitan bertalu-talu. Our emak yang garang[and still is] of course. And we would stop. But eheh, will continue it tomorrow :P
There were few more other games that we used to play but it is too keji to tellah. Memalukan untuk diceritakan.
There are times when I face disagreement with my brother but when I think of the thing that we did when we were small, the rile just go away.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Senarai makanan
Every two weeks I shall receive rewards for my effort of dieting and exercising, which is to eat whatever I want but in certain amount, of course. It will be either lunch or dinner. Another reason is to prevent me from being disappointed and demotivated after sometimes. Well, obviously this reward thingy was invested by other person who is probably nyampah to hear me whine or the peringatan as langkah berjaga-jaga how angry a hungry girl could be [after not eating sedap food for months, you can really be very very angry].
Ok,here is my favourite part.
I am listing all the food that I want to eat.
The list shall be updated nanti when I terpikir apa nak makan. Oh, btw, I was told that little italian kitchen has closed down. If that is true, I am quite devastated. I loveeee their chocolate devil and galvanni tiramisu. I am going to check what actually happen to them.
Oh, I had my first reward last week. Sangat sedap ok tetapi mengapakah masih ada rasa bersalah after eating it?
Thank god it was very late at night when we reached home after feasting or else I might want to force them out of my system.
Guilty. Guilty. But shall learn how not to feel that way. Because I deserve it.
Err. Do I?
Ok,here is my favourite part.
I am listing all the food that I want to eat.
Sup lidah/kambing jalan dooraisamy + sebungkus nasi lemak- Unagi kabayaki set [including tempura with sweet sauce] + a plate of chuka iidako at Sakura Fuji
- Seoul Korean BBQ
- J co/ Big Apple [2 slices only]
- Fried tang hoon + pandan chicken at Nyonya's Kitchen
- Baskin! No non fat please, I errr cup kecik?[boleh ker?]
- Sate Haji Samuri, perut 10 batang. [sepuluhhhh?]
- Carl's Junior burger and ohh the onion ring
- Ikan bakar jalan bellamy, nak sotong sekali
- Fatty crab.waaa nak skaranggggggggggggggggggggg
The list shall be updated nanti when I terpikir apa nak makan. Oh, btw, I was told that little italian kitchen has closed down. If that is true, I am quite devastated. I loveeee their chocolate devil and galvanni tiramisu. I am going to check what actually happen to them.
Oh, I had my first reward last week. Sangat sedap ok tetapi mengapakah masih ada rasa bersalah after eating it?
Thank god it was very late at night when we reached home after feasting or else I might want to force them out of my system.
Guilty. Guilty. But shall learn how not to feel that way. Because I deserve it.
Err. Do I?
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Bigger size
Nikkit gave me a zara baby t as a gift from bandung. It was fuschia and it was written domestic cat which was perfect for me [thanks yang.sukeeee!]. So I was trying to show off in front of someone sambil membuat pose-pose ala chantek when I remembered my pink lollipop tube.
The last time I tried that tube, there were flesh bulging out and it was a horrendous sight. So I wanted to show him, I am actually fat despite his saying that I am not. Or maybe I wanted to hear something soothing hehe. You know [I think you know], one of the responsibility when you share a bed with someone is to convince her that she doesn't look fat, and she always look chantek and there is no other women sechantek her. Kalau ada Jessica Alba dekat tepi, baik kau carik kelemahan Jessica Alba tu sekarang, jika mahu selamat. Well, I tell you, this person did a great job although aku tak tahu apalah kata-kata cacian yang terpendam di dalam hatinya.
So I went to try that tube and there is still some flesh bulging out. Please don't imagine, just read but no imagination, I will be sad if you do so.
Me: See I told you.* while showing the bulging flesh
Him: That's weird. Doesn't make senselah.
Kan ke dia sungguh cemerlang?satu markah untuk kumpulan biru.
"Hmm..Maybe all you need is to buy a bigger tube" Tiba-tiba dia berkata memecah keheningan malam.
Apaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Apaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Bigger tube? Adakah ingin berkata instead of beli saiz S kena beli saiz M sekarang? Adakah ingin mengatakan aku adalah memang sudah gemuk atau kata-kata yang lebih manis sedikit berisi sekarang?
I hate it when people say politely "chics kau dah berisi sikit". I hate. Hate.
Keadaan yang tenang sepoi sepoi bahasa menjadi gegak gempita secara tiba-tiba. Baju-baju bertaburan di angkasa akibat nagaan api yang panas.
Bigger size= gemuk/berisi
Sungguh fail pengajaran ku selama ini. Tolak 5 markah.
Salah! tolak 7 markah.
The last time I tried that tube, there were flesh bulging out and it was a horrendous sight. So I wanted to show him, I am actually fat despite his saying that I am not. Or maybe I wanted to hear something soothing hehe. You know [I think you know], one of the responsibility when you share a bed with someone is to convince her that she doesn't look fat, and she always look chantek and there is no other women sechantek her. Kalau ada Jessica Alba dekat tepi, baik kau carik kelemahan Jessica Alba tu sekarang, jika mahu selamat. Well, I tell you, this person did a great job although aku tak tahu apalah kata-kata cacian yang terpendam di dalam hatinya.
So I went to try that tube and there is still some flesh bulging out. Please don't imagine, just read but no imagination, I will be sad if you do so.
Me: See I told you.* while showing the bulging flesh
Him: That's weird. Doesn't make senselah.
Kan ke dia sungguh cemerlang?satu markah untuk kumpulan biru.
"Hmm..Maybe all you need is to buy a bigger tube" Tiba-tiba dia berkata memecah keheningan malam.
Apaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Apaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Bigger tube? Adakah ingin berkata instead of beli saiz S kena beli saiz M sekarang? Adakah ingin mengatakan aku adalah memang sudah gemuk atau kata-kata yang lebih manis sedikit berisi sekarang?
I hate it when people say politely "chics kau dah berisi sikit". I hate. Hate.
Keadaan yang tenang sepoi sepoi bahasa menjadi gegak gempita secara tiba-tiba. Baju-baju bertaburan di angkasa akibat nagaan api yang panas.
Bigger size= gemuk/berisi
Sungguh fail pengajaran ku selama ini. Tolak 5 markah.
Salah! tolak 7 markah.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Fucking moody
I am so fucking moody.
Because I don't have enough food, because I don't have enough shoes and because I have no supervisor for my thesis. And some other fuck up things that arise.
Kenapalah kau berenti Dr Murad oii?
After class ended, I have to wait for my transportation because the person who supposed to pick me up tertido. Yes, it's a small matter but when you are in a shitty condition, you will feel like blazing hot fire from your mouth.
So I had to wait at the tangga batu depan office and was imagining all sorts of thing that can reduce my kecipetan rasa when suddenly I feel like something menyondol-nyondol.
It was a cat. A white cat with a red eyes, an albino cat perhaps. The white fur was not so white and the tail was not so straight but her purr captured my heart. Under the florescent light, I could see that she had MJ looks, chubby paws and chubby face with cute nose. She keep shoving her face to my hand with her pur asking me to pet her.
And even after I did, she assured me it was not enough by rolling on the ground with another inviting gesture, for me to pet her.She keep doing that and slowly I feel less marah and 5 minutes before my transportation came, she walked away.
Leaving me alone again but with less anger.
While I am typing this, I am still moody.But if it wasn't for the cat, I might be moody and not talking a single word.
Trust me, you will hate me when that happens.
Because I don't have enough food, because I don't have enough shoes and because I have no supervisor for my thesis. And some other fuck up things that arise.
Kenapalah kau berenti Dr Murad oii?
After class ended, I have to wait for my transportation because the person who supposed to pick me up tertido. Yes, it's a small matter but when you are in a shitty condition, you will feel like blazing hot fire from your mouth.
So I had to wait at the tangga batu depan office and was imagining all sorts of thing that can reduce my kecipetan rasa when suddenly I feel like something menyondol-nyondol.
It was a cat. A white cat with a red eyes, an albino cat perhaps. The white fur was not so white and the tail was not so straight but her purr captured my heart. Under the florescent light, I could see that she had MJ looks, chubby paws and chubby face with cute nose. She keep shoving her face to my hand with her pur asking me to pet her.
And even after I did, she assured me it was not enough by rolling on the ground with another inviting gesture, for me to pet her.She keep doing that and slowly I feel less marah and 5 minutes before my transportation came, she walked away.
Leaving me alone again but with less anger.
While I am typing this, I am still moody.But if it wasn't for the cat, I might be moody and not talking a single word.
Trust me, you will hate me when that happens.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Since I want to live a healthy[ehem] life, I started to drink 8 glasses of water everyday. Mind you, I don't really like to drink sebab aku malas nak pegi amik air haha but since my skin is having quite a bad dehydration, I have to beat sikap pemalasku itu.
But, yes there is a but ok. Meminum air dengan banyak adalah akan menyebabkan pengencingan setiap 15 atau 30 minit. Sebab you know, I think my pundi kencing is quite cute. Jadi, apabila asyik mengencing sahaja, adalah tertanya-tanya tujuan memakai seluar sebab letihla asyik nak kene bukak sluar plus there's no one here. But please ok, I adalah bukan flasher jadi no. I still wear my sluar.Betul ni.
Motif cakap macam ni? Nevermind.
Ok, so this one night we wanted to go to the other house to feed ubat to ah beng [dia sakit batu karang, nantilah crite ok] and it was raining. So you can imagine the menggelatuk-ness did dalam kereta and even it was already 8.00 pm, the jam was very bad. The traffic sangat sangat slow starting from avon till susur keluar cheras [this what was written on the itis board]. Bila dah hujan, mestilah sejuk, bila dah sejuk dan minum 8 gelas air, mestilah nak kencing kan?
Adakah terdapat tempat kenching di federal highway? Definitely not. The next stop was at one of the gas station wayyy after susur keluar ke cheras.
I had to tahan until my bulu bulu roma menaik tegas juga turut mengemut dengan sekuat yang boleh. Till the extent tak dapat kemut dah, tahan dengan kaki je. How to do that? I don't know how to tell you but I bet if you are in such condition you will manage. Ada juga terjeling botol mineral water disebelah but what the fuck, I can make it in a straight line plus, apa ko dah gile nak kencing masa jem semua kereta rapat merapati?
Then it strikes me, what iflah kan. Whitney Houstan datang Malaysia to jalan-jalan makan angin or maybe errm Jessica Alba. And tiba-tiba dia stuck dalam jem like me, what would they do? I don't think there's a toilet in the limo. Probably they have to kemut dengan sangat kuat juga.
Can u imagine stopping at the nearest petrol station to me when suddenly Jessica Alba/Whitney stand beside you dengan kaki terkepit kepit?
I can, while I was peeing at the petrol station that day.
But, yes there is a but ok. Meminum air dengan banyak adalah akan menyebabkan pengencingan setiap 15 atau 30 minit. Sebab you know, I think my pundi kencing is quite cute. Jadi, apabila asyik mengencing sahaja, adalah tertanya-tanya tujuan memakai seluar sebab letihla asyik nak kene bukak sluar plus there's no one here. But please ok, I adalah bukan flasher jadi no. I still wear my sluar.Betul ni.
Motif cakap macam ni? Nevermind.
Ok, so this one night we wanted to go to the other house to feed ubat to ah beng [dia sakit batu karang, nantilah crite ok] and it was raining. So you can imagine the menggelatuk-ness did dalam kereta and even it was already 8.00 pm, the jam was very bad. The traffic sangat sangat slow starting from avon till susur keluar cheras [this what was written on the itis board]. Bila dah hujan, mestilah sejuk, bila dah sejuk dan minum 8 gelas air, mestilah nak kencing kan?
Adakah terdapat tempat kenching di federal highway? Definitely not. The next stop was at one of the gas station wayyy after susur keluar ke cheras.
I had to tahan until my bulu bulu roma menaik tegas juga turut mengemut dengan sekuat yang boleh. Till the extent tak dapat kemut dah, tahan dengan kaki je. How to do that? I don't know how to tell you but I bet if you are in such condition you will manage. Ada juga terjeling botol mineral water disebelah but what the fuck, I can make it in a straight line plus, apa ko dah gile nak kencing masa jem semua kereta rapat merapati?
Then it strikes me, what iflah kan. Whitney Houstan datang Malaysia to jalan-jalan makan angin or maybe errm Jessica Alba. And tiba-tiba dia stuck dalam jem like me, what would they do? I don't think there's a toilet in the limo. Probably they have to kemut dengan sangat kuat juga.
Can u imagine stopping at the nearest petrol station to me when suddenly Jessica Alba/Whitney stand beside you dengan kaki terkepit kepit?
I can, while I was peeing at the petrol station that day.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Black is not the new red
I am having a nasty headache. Just because there were not enough lights.
In case you didn't know, I am the type of person who really feel sick and suffocated when there is not enough light provided. I will feel trapped and hence panicked, not to mention huge headache. Oh, I can also naik angin easily if you put me in a gloomy place. This is not club and disco we are talking about. Ofc ourse I can tolerate those places because the objective is to commit sin. Haha, commit sin memangla tempat gelap and you will be too busy getting drunk or swaying your hip to think straightly. No serious matter involved.
I switch on the light at home even it was only a tad cloudy and I don't like to sit in my room during dusk, because like I said they give me headache and make me want to scream.
Now today I went for a new career opportunity meet up at a noted institution. It was something, I thought because that place is not just a small place. So yeay.
But as I stepped to the building I could see everyone is wearing black. Okkk, perhaps it's their black day outfit but it gets weird when you walk through the corridor and realised you are the one and only who is wearing white, and brown pants with a killer looking brown shoes of course. And it gets weirder when you realised the whole building , the wall, the ceiling the chairs, the whatever you can see were black. Maybe to some of you it's cool but to me, it's suffocating.
Maybe it's me but some part of the building look unfinished umpama gelanggang futsal yang dibuat dari tinggalan kilang, or more or less looked like a factory that I used to work for. Ok maybe it's art and probably I am not some insan seni like some people who dengan bangganya mengaku they are.
So during the chit chat session I asked them why everything is black and they said oh it's their corporate colour and it is a must[!] for you to wear black everyday each and everytime you enter the premise. No other colours allowed, no others except black. Ok, now. I am chicsinred and I am supposed to wear red. As bimbo as that statement may sound, it is true. I love colours. I love wearing certain colour of baju according to my mood and this is not the fucking 90's for god sake. Black is not the new red ok.
Ok, at least I can force myself to wear black as if I am mourning my steps to work but sitting in a dark gloomy place for more than 3 hours is a big no no. I tried, today. I was placed in one of the room for more than 1 hour where everything was black and dim even when they were lights but it was not enough. If I did not think about ethics and such I probably had walk away while waiting for my name to be called.
The pay is quite good and they would like to meet up for a second time and sort of hinted they are interested but my headache is still not gone despite it was 8 hours ago.Maybe to some of you, it's a small matter but to me it is not because I can picture myself going gila and menjerit-jerit sambil berlari mencari cahaya matahari. Ibarat daun mencari cahaya untuk fotosintesis.
I know that place carry a big name with some branches around the world but I have to pass. How are you going to work when you don't think you can breath properly at the first place?
One think I don't get, how can black stimulate creativity, isn't it mundane and morbid rather than vibrating?
In case you didn't know, I am the type of person who really feel sick and suffocated when there is not enough light provided. I will feel trapped and hence panicked, not to mention huge headache. Oh, I can also naik angin easily if you put me in a gloomy place. This is not club and disco we are talking about. Ofc ourse I can tolerate those places because the objective is to commit sin. Haha, commit sin memangla tempat gelap and you will be too busy getting drunk or swaying your hip to think straightly. No serious matter involved.
I switch on the light at home even it was only a tad cloudy and I don't like to sit in my room during dusk, because like I said they give me headache and make me want to scream.
Now today I went for a new career opportunity meet up at a noted institution. It was something, I thought because that place is not just a small place. So yeay.
But as I stepped to the building I could see everyone is wearing black. Okkk, perhaps it's their black day outfit but it gets weird when you walk through the corridor and realised you are the one and only who is wearing white, and brown pants with a killer looking brown shoes of course. And it gets weirder when you realised the whole building , the wall, the ceiling the chairs, the whatever you can see were black. Maybe to some of you it's cool but to me, it's suffocating.
Maybe it's me but some part of the building look unfinished umpama gelanggang futsal yang dibuat dari tinggalan kilang, or more or less looked like a factory that I used to work for. Ok maybe it's art and probably I am not some insan seni like some people who dengan bangganya mengaku they are.
So during the chit chat session I asked them why everything is black and they said oh it's their corporate colour and it is a must[!] for you to wear black everyday each and everytime you enter the premise. No other colours allowed, no others except black. Ok, now. I am chicsinred and I am supposed to wear red. As bimbo as that statement may sound, it is true. I love colours. I love wearing certain colour of baju according to my mood and this is not the fucking 90's for god sake. Black is not the new red ok.
Ok, at least I can force myself to wear black as if I am mourning my steps to work but sitting in a dark gloomy place for more than 3 hours is a big no no. I tried, today. I was placed in one of the room for more than 1 hour where everything was black and dim even when they were lights but it was not enough. If I did not think about ethics and such I probably had walk away while waiting for my name to be called.
The pay is quite good and they would like to meet up for a second time and sort of hinted they are interested but my headache is still not gone despite it was 8 hours ago.Maybe to some of you, it's a small matter but to me it is not because I can picture myself going gila and menjerit-jerit sambil berlari mencari cahaya matahari. Ibarat daun mencari cahaya untuk fotosintesis.
I know that place carry a big name with some branches around the world but I have to pass. How are you going to work when you don't think you can breath properly at the first place?
One think I don't get, how can black stimulate creativity, isn't it mundane and morbid rather than vibrating?
Friday, January 11, 2008
Superwoman melted
It is weird how you thought what a superwoman you used to be, you can stand on your own feet.
You can buy your own things.
You can get that cup of water yourself.
You can shop alone and eat at fancy restaurant alone.
You can even watch movies alone.
Or get lost in the middle of nowhere alone.
And you are quite sure, things will stay the same. Why would you lean and depend on someone else when you know the only person who is capable to take care of your heart and mostly yourself, is you.
Well, at least that's what you promised yourself.
But now, when you met him, you realised, life would be topsy turvy if he is not around. Slowly u begins to lose your power. You can't shop alone that much anymore, you think of other person rather than yoursuperheroic self before you to sleep at night and worst, you wait for him to get things done.
It is something enjoyable but after washing your face in the morning when reality strike you, you feel disgusted and alarmed.
I am turning into someone else, you said. I am turning into someone I use to loathe.
Tick tock, the clock ticks and your power is running down.
Now tell me, what is this superwoman supposed to do?
You can buy your own things.
You can get that cup of water yourself.
You can shop alone and eat at fancy restaurant alone.
You can even watch movies alone.
Or get lost in the middle of nowhere alone.
And you are quite sure, things will stay the same. Why would you lean and depend on someone else when you know the only person who is capable to take care of your heart and mostly yourself, is you.
Well, at least that's what you promised yourself.
But now, when you met him, you realised, life would be topsy turvy if he is not around. Slowly u begins to lose your power. You can't shop alone that much anymore, you think of other person rather than yoursuperheroic self before you to sleep at night and worst, you wait for him to get things done.
It is something enjoyable but after washing your face in the morning when reality strike you, you feel disgusted and alarmed.
I am turning into someone else, you said. I am turning into someone I use to loathe.
Tick tock, the clock ticks and your power is running down.
Now tell me, what is this superwoman supposed to do?
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Ada ular di skolah?
It was 1996, the honeymoon year they said. So we the honeymooners spent our days with joy. Plus, it was the eve of April the first.
Now, when you were stranded in a place full of bore where you have to creep and hide to watch MTV at 3 am in the morning, pulling a prank is a must when it comes to April the first.
Before the prep ended, tini and me made our way back to our beloved block, Block B, the red. We were discussing about what should be do tonight as a revenge to those who always made us gritted our teeth or leashed our acid tongues. No, going in from the front door is not a good idea since Block B is also where the warden sat and pretended to be busy. We don't want to get caught.
So we used the other door instead. The door that leads to old furnitures especially old lockers and cupboards. As tini tried to speaking as not loud as she can despite the fact she may had swallowed multiple microphone when she was small, I told her to shush.And pointed at something in front of us. We were already inside the red block that time, walking along the old cupboards.
We both stunt. I gripped her hand because I was terrified.
It was a snake. A big fat batik phyton.

Big fat batik phyton
Unexpectedly she said "Ular!!" and pointed at the slimy animals who was that time gliding on the cement.
I can't remember what exactly happen after that, it's either:-
a) We run back come back to check whether the ular was still there. But only to find it's gone.
b) We stood there because somehow we just can't run but after few seconds somehow the ular vanished from our vision.
The bottom line is, it's gone. And only the two of us saw it.
That's not the end of the story. Not yet. I know you have few more minutes to spare :P
Few days after that, tini came to me and told me she got kayap. And it's kayap ular. Kayap is penyakit related to the nerves despite some sayings it is related to the skin disease. No, it's not. Kayap = kurap is wrong. She was allowed to go back to Terengganu to get it cured.
And after that we we told, that night ular incident might also contribute to her kayap. I know it sounded stupid but hey, we need some thing to spice out our life so we embraced that news with awe.
Now, when I think of it, whether or not the phyton gave tini her kayap ular but the existence of the phyton itself makes me wonder. Was it a real snake?
I mean, I know the red block is big but if there was a real snake, surely someone else would find it. I never heard anyone saying they saw a big phyton before or even after the incident. If the snake was real, surely it will come out to hunt for food or perhaps there will be some old skin lying around.
No. Nothing.
Perhaps what we saw that day was not a phyton or.. I don't know.
I don't want to know.
But nothing beat the story of hantu mengosok gigi. I still have the chill everytime someone remind me of that story.
Do you know that story?
Now, when you were stranded in a place full of bore where you have to creep and hide to watch MTV at 3 am in the morning, pulling a prank is a must when it comes to April the first.
Before the prep ended, tini and me made our way back to our beloved block, Block B, the red. We were discussing about what should be do tonight as a revenge to those who always made us gritted our teeth or leashed our acid tongues. No, going in from the front door is not a good idea since Block B is also where the warden sat and pretended to be busy. We don't want to get caught.
So we used the other door instead. The door that leads to old furnitures especially old lockers and cupboards. As tini tried to speaking as not loud as she can despite the fact she may had swallowed multiple microphone when she was small, I told her to shush.And pointed at something in front of us. We were already inside the red block that time, walking along the old cupboards.
We both stunt. I gripped her hand because I was terrified.
It was a snake. A big fat batik phyton.
Big fat batik phyton
Unexpectedly she said "Ular!!" and pointed at the slimy animals who was that time gliding on the cement.
I can't remember what exactly happen after that, it's either:-
a) We run back come back to check whether the ular was still there. But only to find it's gone.
b) We stood there because somehow we just can't run but after few seconds somehow the ular vanished from our vision.
The bottom line is, it's gone. And only the two of us saw it.
That's not the end of the story. Not yet. I know you have few more minutes to spare :P
Few days after that, tini came to me and told me she got kayap. And it's kayap ular. Kayap is penyakit related to the nerves despite some sayings it is related to the skin disease. No, it's not. Kayap = kurap is wrong. She was allowed to go back to Terengganu to get it cured.
And after that we we told, that night ular incident might also contribute to her kayap. I know it sounded stupid but hey, we need some thing to spice out our life so we embraced that news with awe.
Now, when I think of it, whether or not the phyton gave tini her kayap ular but the existence of the phyton itself makes me wonder. Was it a real snake?
I mean, I know the red block is big but if there was a real snake, surely someone else would find it. I never heard anyone saying they saw a big phyton before or even after the incident. If the snake was real, surely it will come out to hunt for food or perhaps there will be some old skin lying around.
No. Nothing.
Perhaps what we saw that day was not a phyton or.. I don't know.
I don't want to know.
But nothing beat the story of hantu mengosok gigi. I still have the chill everytime someone remind me of that story.
Do you know that story?
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Happy Birthday Nik
Yesterday was Nicky's birthday and I skipped the first class for her :P. Class to teteks? Teteks definitely [padahal memang melas nak paegi hehe].
Initially Nicky said she wantd to eat at Jamal. Jamallllllllllllll? On your bithday, buat menimbulakn kemarahan aku sahajalah, so at the end we agreed to go to secret recipe where I screwed my diet by eating pan fried dory with lobster sauce and a slice of non fat cake. Takpelah, birthday Nik. One thing is missing, Nikkit was not there coz she is in Bandung now. We miss you Nikkit.


I love

Tina memegang gamba masa zaman remaja.hoh

Nyanyi lagu birthday[sampai muncung aku]

Happy Birthday Nicky! Sayang awak sangat-sangat.
15 years of friendship and 15 years of good time!
Initially Nicky said she wantd to eat at Jamal. Jamallllllllllllll? On your bithday, buat menimbulakn kemarahan aku sahajalah, so at the end we agreed to go to secret recipe where I screwed my diet by eating pan fried dory with lobster sauce and a slice of non fat cake. Takpelah, birthday Nik. One thing is missing, Nikkit was not there coz she is in Bandung now. We miss you Nikkit.
I love
Tina memegang gamba masa zaman remaja.hoh
Nyanyi lagu birthday[sampai muncung aku]
Happy Birthday Nicky! Sayang awak sangat-sangat.
15 years of friendship and 15 years of good time!
Monday, January 07, 2008
Have u ever heard of the story of a girl who inserted a test tube to her vagina because she wanted to feel some excitement only to find out the test tube broke while it was still in there? That story, bunnies is a famous one.
So I was thinking, whether it is true or just another story made up to spice some people's life [maybe ours too]. I seek some opinion from someone.
Me: Truekah, got some girl insert test tube in her pussy and that thing pecah?
Him: Maybe, but you know, lots of cases like this reported in hospital.
Me: Really?
Him: Yes, my colleague [when he underwent internship or whatever u call in in the hospital few years back] told me once they have to keluarkan botol ridsect from someone pussy.
Ridsect? Botol yang besar itu? Tidak sakitkah?
Him: You remember my thin friend, the quiet guy the other night when we were back at my hometown?
Me: The Dr who works overseas?
Him: He said, before he balik kampong the other day, he had to keluarkan apple from someone ass. He even showed us the picture!
Apple? Dimasukkan ke dalam bontot? Sakitlah bodohhhhh. Berak keras pon sakit, inikan pulak apple.
What kind of sick people is this?
Mengapa perlu memasukkan objek-objek ke dalam saluran yang tidak sepatutnyalah? Tidakkah mereka tahu itu adalah perbuatan keji dan menakutkan?
Jangankan apple, pisang pon belum tentu. Hehe
So I was thinking, whether it is true or just another story made up to spice some people's life [maybe ours too]. I seek some opinion from someone.
Me: Truekah, got some girl insert test tube in her pussy and that thing pecah?
Him: Maybe, but you know, lots of cases like this reported in hospital.
Me: Really?
Him: Yes, my colleague [when he underwent internship or whatever u call in in the hospital few years back] told me once they have to keluarkan botol ridsect from someone pussy.
Ridsect? Botol yang besar itu? Tidak sakitkah?
Him: You remember my thin friend, the quiet guy the other night when we were back at my hometown?
Me: The Dr who works overseas?
Him: He said, before he balik kampong the other day, he had to keluarkan apple from someone ass. He even showed us the picture!
Apple? Dimasukkan ke dalam bontot? Sakitlah bodohhhhh. Berak keras pon sakit, inikan pulak apple.
What kind of sick people is this?
Mengapa perlu memasukkan objek-objek ke dalam saluran yang tidak sepatutnyalah? Tidakkah mereka tahu itu adalah perbuatan keji dan menakutkan?
Jangankan apple, pisang pon belum tentu. Hehe
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Trojanising my head
For few hours I thought my laptop, Chloe had been invaded with virus or trojan or their familylah. I have been trying to browse few blogs and suddenly I was directed to an unknown site. Oh I thought, aku tersalah tekan kot but when I tried it again, same things happened and same things happen when I try to acess my own blog.
Ah cibai.
Gilalah kalau kene virus, I tried to clean it with my antivirus tapi takde detectla pulak. But then, that's what happened to the last time Chloe got invaded by virus. Ah sudah, menghantar pc untuk di antivirus dan direpair adalah sangat benci. I have lots of personal file inside here and to let people see it is the last thing that I want.
And I can't tell that someone sebab dia dah selalu bising asyik tuduh aku selalu donwload file tapaper dekat internet padahal tak pon :(. Kalau ada pun I will make sure it is harmless tapi I guess I am still seekor semut kenit dimatanya yang hanya tahu berfacebook dan berblog. So I was damn panicked.
Since I think I am very smart that I can handle it on my own, I tried to look for the solution online. Macam nak gile aku carik ok tapi tak jumpa ok. I found few solutions but it gave me more headache. Ade ke nak suruh aku check registry satu-satu. Eeeeee. Scrutinizing smalls fonts with lots of unknown things adalah sangat tidak suka.
Tapi adalah kene! Kene!
Tiba-tiba seseorang buzz di ym. Oh no, he's online from his old house. I thought he would be busy catching up with the friends and pets or something.
[the nick] (1/5/2008 8:20:48 PM): eh yr homepage loads another site
[the nick] (1/5/2008 8:20:48 PM): I think it's a script virus
chics (1/5/2008 8:20:59 PM): yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Babi. Penat je aku takut dan risau. Jika dia juga boleh nampak benda itu from his pc back at his place, komfemlah bukan salah Chloe kan.
[the nick] (1/5/2008 8:21:25 PM): well not sure where it's coming from but i think it's either nuffnang or advertlets.
I think I know which one coz I remember few resemblance blogs that faced the same problem. So I omitted the script, temporarily hoping it would fix it.
And it did.
So, if you face the same problem. Your blog suddenly direct you to another site that called something like but the url show, try to remove your advertlets. That will fix it.
Bodoh. Meng-waste malam aku sahaja dengan berisau-risauan. Dahla takde orang nak pujuk malam ni.
Ah cibai.
Gilalah kalau kene virus, I tried to clean it with my antivirus tapi takde detectla pulak. But then, that's what happened to the last time Chloe got invaded by virus. Ah sudah, menghantar pc untuk di antivirus dan direpair adalah sangat benci. I have lots of personal file inside here and to let people see it is the last thing that I want.
And I can't tell that someone sebab dia dah selalu bising asyik tuduh aku selalu donwload file tapaper dekat internet padahal tak pon :(. Kalau ada pun I will make sure it is harmless tapi I guess I am still seekor semut kenit dimatanya yang hanya tahu berfacebook dan berblog. So I was damn panicked.
Since I think I am very smart that I can handle it on my own, I tried to look for the solution online. Macam nak gile aku carik ok tapi tak jumpa ok. I found few solutions but it gave me more headache. Ade ke nak suruh aku check registry satu-satu. Eeeeee. Scrutinizing smalls fonts with lots of unknown things adalah sangat tidak suka.
Tapi adalah kene! Kene!
Tiba-tiba seseorang buzz di ym. Oh no, he's online from his old house. I thought he would be busy catching up with the friends and pets or something.
[the nick] (1/5/2008 8:20:48 PM): eh yr homepage loads another site
[the nick] (1/5/2008 8:20:48 PM): I think it's a script virus
chics (1/5/2008 8:20:59 PM): yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Babi. Penat je aku takut dan risau. Jika dia juga boleh nampak benda itu from his pc back at his place, komfemlah bukan salah Chloe kan.
[the nick] (1/5/2008 8:21:25 PM): well not sure where it's coming from but i think it's either nuffnang or advertlets.
I think I know which one coz I remember few resemblance blogs that faced the same problem. So I omitted the script, temporarily hoping it would fix it.
And it did.
So, if you face the same problem. Your blog suddenly direct you to another site that called something like but the url show, try to remove your advertlets. That will fix it.
Bodoh. Meng-waste malam aku sahaja dengan berisau-risauan. Dahla takde orang nak pujuk malam ni.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Workout tahun baru
Hai nama saya chics.
Beberapa hari lalu saya telah berkata kepada dia " I think we need to exercise, I am getting fat and I don't want to end up fat and unhappy."
Dia pula berkata "Yes, we should and cut all the masak lemak". Walaupun statement itu keji tetapi saya terpaksa terima. Masakan dirumah memang banyak lemak dan sungguh tidak healthy. Saya sudah katakan kepada bibik [oh dia sudah berhenti, ada bibik baru sekarang] jangan masak makanan berlemak tapi dia marah dan berkata "kamu itu kurus aja, makan banyak sikit" sambil menggoreng-goreng dengan lebih rakus dan memuncungkan bibir.
Hari ini tiada masakan goreng. I am in charge and I will say no to what I should not it [tapi saya rasa ini akan cuma bertahan selama beberapa hari saja haha]. Semuanya masakan sehat. Untuk badan dan untuk jantung.
Selain itu, saya juga rasa saya patut melakukan real sports semula. Masalahnya sama tidak mahu melakukannya seorang diri sebab komfemlah saya akan pegi minum-minum dan bukannya bersport. Tidak boleh bersport yang menggunakan kekuatan tangan sebab ada orang lengannya senang tertanggal. Tidak mahulah lihat aksi ngeri. Mungkin ingin bermain futsal semula. Main suka-suka team campur. Jadi siapa siapa yang berasa getik nak main futsal campur marilah main sama-sama.
Kesimpulannya, saya berworkout dengan sangat bersemangat dan tidak menyentuh nasi ataupon masakan berminyak.
Tiba-tiba saya lihat cermin dan terasa chantek sedikit. Haha. Oh,rupanya saya juga sedikit saiko tapi tak apa.Itu motivasi [hihi].
Bila hari sudah malam, adakah saya merasa semakin chantek?
Hanya hingus yang meleleh dan dahi yang panas menerjah tatkala melihat ke cermin.
Baru sehari diet + workout dah demam?
Memang poyo.
Beberapa hari lalu saya telah berkata kepada dia " I think we need to exercise, I am getting fat and I don't want to end up fat and unhappy."
Dia pula berkata "Yes, we should and cut all the masak lemak". Walaupun statement itu keji tetapi saya terpaksa terima. Masakan dirumah memang banyak lemak dan sungguh tidak healthy. Saya sudah katakan kepada bibik [oh dia sudah berhenti, ada bibik baru sekarang] jangan masak makanan berlemak tapi dia marah dan berkata "kamu itu kurus aja, makan banyak sikit" sambil menggoreng-goreng dengan lebih rakus dan memuncungkan bibir.
Hari ini tiada masakan goreng. I am in charge and I will say no to what I should not it [tapi saya rasa ini akan cuma bertahan selama beberapa hari saja haha]. Semuanya masakan sehat. Untuk badan dan untuk jantung.
Selain itu, saya juga rasa saya patut melakukan real sports semula. Masalahnya sama tidak mahu melakukannya seorang diri sebab komfemlah saya akan pegi minum-minum dan bukannya bersport. Tidak boleh bersport yang menggunakan kekuatan tangan sebab ada orang lengannya senang tertanggal. Tidak mahulah lihat aksi ngeri. Mungkin ingin bermain futsal semula. Main suka-suka team campur. Jadi siapa siapa yang berasa getik nak main futsal campur marilah main sama-sama.
Kesimpulannya, saya berworkout dengan sangat bersemangat dan tidak menyentuh nasi ataupon masakan berminyak.
Tiba-tiba saya lihat cermin dan terasa chantek sedikit. Haha. Oh,rupanya saya juga sedikit saiko tapi tak apa.Itu motivasi [hihi].
Bila hari sudah malam, adakah saya merasa semakin chantek?
Hanya hingus yang meleleh dan dahi yang panas menerjah tatkala melihat ke cermin.
Baru sehari diet + workout dah demam?
Memang poyo.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
First day of 2008 and I am already making my own dilemma. Hehe
Ok. That's it. I am going out to find some sibu olive or dabai to bring home. That fruit taste so sedaplah. I just have to get it.
If it's not available, that will be my sixth dilemma.
- Ok. Who know the real name of mak ciput? Ok, to those who don't know what I am talking about, mak ciput is a prefect in my school yang duduk dalam kelas budak-budak pandai dan memakai spek serta bertahi lalat. Dia juga dikatakan suka membuat siput dirambutnya. I was talking with Isma and suddenly her name come out. The thing is Isma could not remember who she is. I mean, how can you not remember mak ciputla weyyyyyyyyyy? Penat aku cuba bagi bayangan mukanya tetapi gagal. So, who knows siapa nama dia? Eh kejap, adakah nama dia farah wahidah?Ke bukan?Err.
- I am in the middle of buying a new skin care sebab my face is no more reacting to my normal skin care. I guess after some age your skin stop reacting and needs new one. Not that I am old or anything [haha denial]. What I need is a hydrating product sebab muka aku dah menggelupas macam ular dah ni. I am thinking of dermalogica but needs to know other options as well. So suggestlah! Kalau cap malaysia aku tanak [haha rasa nak lempang tak?]
- I already choose a topic for my thesis tetibe supervisor aku ambil early retirement, boleh? So skang kene redo semua benda. Ada rasa macam nak mengamuk tak? Ada.
- Can anyone sugest makanan yang sedap tetapi bagus untuk diet? Yang sedap itu adalah rasa seperti burger carl's junior, onion ring, masak lemak keli salai ataupon kettle perasa yogurt. Ada tak? I really need to tone up [but still want to satisfy the calling of tekak setan].
- Haha baru dapat ang pow gong xi fa cai .Hahahaha sukeeeeee. This is not a dilemma but just a selingan. Jeles tak..jeles takkkkkkkkkkk?
Ok. That's it. I am going out to find some sibu olive or dabai to bring home. That fruit taste so sedaplah. I just have to get it.
If it's not available, that will be my sixth dilemma.
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