Hah.I'm back at this cold office and this time I looked like a cold turkey.Anyway, shall tell you about the sibu trip today.Brace yourself bcoz this shall be one long entry but eleh I know you guys don't have the mood to work on monday..ait?
the trip to sibu island
I always love high velocity. So you can imagine my feeling on the boat to the island. The sensation of having your hair being blown by the wind while you catch the sight of the boat cruising the ocean with exquisite white foam underneath you. Exhilarating. I swear if my heart could swoop out from my body, I had to swim across to its rescue.

If you ask me about the view.. Blue ocean, with few fishing boat and more ocean. They were few islands but all of them share one similarity. Sandy mesmerizing beaches with crystal clear bluish water that gave calming sensation eyes setting. Need I say more?

Junansa Villa was not that luxurious but having only 8 people on the island outclass everything. Immaculate and secluded. 4 persons per room with two queen beds. Meaning anda boleh meraba-raba bedmate anda semasa mereka tido. Hahaha..I liiiiiiike. Hey, you can do everything, no one saying no. Sing all dangdut songs on the karaoke list [sambil bergerudi inul], laugh like hyena in the middle of the night or even choose to bitch about your boyfriend like nobody business [hehe]. The meal was superb. Everything was fresh from the ocean. No elaboration for this part since my lunch hour will not be that soon.

Apart from kayaking and trekking to wherever we could, the best part was snorkeling and of course went for a dip. Had to wear the life jacket even it looked so ugly and keji but hey, safety come first. Excuse me, I can swim ok but saje jelah kan..for pre-caution plus air itu sangatlah dalam.Tak tipu.Tak caye tanyelah nik. Anyway, the scenery beneath the water was ok but I have seen better than that. Still, those colourful fishes and peculiar corals thrilled me. Ho, let me tell you. Aku nyaris-nyaris mati ditengah lautan. On the first day of snorkeling, it started to rain but few of us still refused to leave the oh-so-nice-ocean-swimming-feeling and continued swimming and main kene kejar jaws. Until it started to rain heavily. The rain was blowing madly that every drop of rain hurt you like pricking needles. My vision was blurring and I couldn't catch my breath. Aku semput di tengah laut.Rasa macam nak mati. Somehow I manage to swim to the boat walaupun terase macam agak nak nangis dalam laut.

But that was nothing. Really. On the first day of our snorkeling session something else happened to nik. Afer putting on our snorkeling gear 8 of us made our way to the water. At the outset, everything was fine we reached a point where our feet couldn't feel the ground abruptly. Ha..at this point everybody started to peddled while enjoyed the underwater view until we heard a cry "Tolong!Tolong!Aku lemas.Selamatkan aku", tetapi dengan hilain tawa.So every body was thinking..it's another prank, ignoring the signal we went on to continue our snorkeling session.Until abang bot itu terpaksa berenang dan menyelamatkan nicky yang sudah tergolek-golek dalam air umpama ikan paus.Dia betul-betul lemas sebenarnya bukan cobaan. That was the first time, the second time happened when we stopped at a village to have our tea after another snorkeling session.After filling up our stomach we walked back to the boat when at that times the road and the bridge were slippery.Being a camera whore everybody posed and posed and posed. So finally it's time for nicky to get into the boat.From the wooden step to the boat, there was a gap which lead to the ocean.I don't know what happen but while she was crossing over she slipped and to our horror dia tenggelam ke dasar laut, plop..plop..down she went.Aku dah jerit tak ingat.I was thinking to jump to save her walaupun aku tau aku pon komfem tak slamat but luckily the abang bot saved the day.Walaupun die menjerit "Alamaaakk" sambil menepuk dahi tetapi dia tetap perkasa terjun ke dalam laut itu. Mungkin di dalam hati dia berkata "aduhhh,budak ni lagiiiii". Poor nicky.That incident left her some bruises on her back.
So that's all I could tell.Taleh banyak-banyak sebab tangan aku dah penat and korang bosan.But it was a superb trip.
toll fares and fuel :RM 100
accommodation :RM 180
having fun with your close friends : priceless.
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