it's friday.*gasp*.Time flies [ke fly?entah] isn't it?
today is my last day at this company. and shall start my new job as early as monday. no break at all. not that i don't want to have an break but being at home kinda make me go crazy. nuthing to do and that will lead me to depression. weird isn't it? but true..i need to make my self occupied.
i hope my new job will give me more satisfaction. to me what is money without satisaction. i mean you go to work everyday but at the end of the day you feel meaningless? hmm..not my cup of tea.
plus what's the point getting all dressup to work when nobody acknowledge you? ahh i love to dress up to work, give me the boost of confidence. and now i can pull out every wardrobe that i love. skirts, shirts and dresses. ahhhhh..blisssssssssssss..
i just hope that they would still allow me to ym. what is life without ym?
am feeling good already!!
have an enjoyable weekend people!!
Friday, July 29, 2005
Thursday, July 28, 2005
second entry for today.
am so bored.
ag attended few meeting for the whole day [mcm dlm drama rtmla plak asik meeting]
the rest are just plain bz.
so i updated storytella.
setelah sekian lama..
am so bored.
ag attended few meeting for the whole day [mcm dlm drama rtmla plak asik meeting]
the rest are just plain bz.
so i updated storytella.
setelah sekian lama..
Chics si naive
Ok.I think there's something wrong with my face. Nolah, it's not that bintik. I think I have an innocent-naive-oh-I'm-a-helpless-girl face. This is terrible, not good. For 12 years I had try to put the impression of a tough girl. Because I'm petite, I have no other option but to put on my garang face, so people would steer clear of me, for my own defense. Some even said that I have a snob face. Snob-snob pon ko ngorat aku gak...
Like yesterday, while I was on my way from bukit nanas monorail station to dang wangi lrt, a guy came up to me and said
Guy: You look lost.
Me: No.I'm not.I'm going to the lrt station.
Guy: Let me show you the way.
Me: But I know the way.
Guy: Comelah..
He drew closer. Fuck. I had no choice other than to walk faster. Do I look lost? I don't think so. It's because I think my face is written "kaunter pertanyaan" all over it. People keep asking me for direction. Adakah muka aku nampak seperti seorang cendiakiawan? Mungkin juga. Or perhaps my face looked so sincere [haha] and obliging.
Perhaps it's obliging coz once when I was walking home a guy stopped me and said that he was a tourist, a lecturer from sabah who was left behind by his tour member.Right.Sorry but he didn't look like a lecturer to me. Anyway, he wanted to borrow my money so that he could find his tour group since he left his wallet back with the rest of his belongings. Ehe..I dunno whether he's bluffing or not but hello, even if my face look like 2 years old girl, I'm not loaning you my money. Had enough with loaning people money but did they ever pay me back? No. And those were people who I called friends and you expect me to do that to strangers?.Duh.
But the worst thing is..when mat rempit and those in seluar hijau baju putih mengorat-ngorat aku di jalanan.Cakapppppppp..Aku ni ada muka minah rempit ke?Memangla aku hisap rokok rempit tapi takkanlah muka aku mcm minah rempit kot?And tak cukup garang ke muka aku sampai aku dingorat oleh sekumpulan budak-budak skolah yang komfem spender pon mak belikan.Hoh.Dimanakah hunk-hunk semua?Tsk..

First thing when I get home today. Practise making garang faces on the mirror.
Like yesterday, while I was on my way from bukit nanas monorail station to dang wangi lrt, a guy came up to me and said
Guy: You look lost.
Me: No.I'm not.I'm going to the lrt station.
Guy: Let me show you the way.
Me: But I know the way.
Guy: Comelah..
He drew closer. Fuck. I had no choice other than to walk faster. Do I look lost? I don't think so. It's because I think my face is written "kaunter pertanyaan" all over it. People keep asking me for direction. Adakah muka aku nampak seperti seorang cendiakiawan? Mungkin juga. Or perhaps my face looked so sincere [haha] and obliging.
Perhaps it's obliging coz once when I was walking home a guy stopped me and said that he was a tourist, a lecturer from sabah who was left behind by his tour member.Right.Sorry but he didn't look like a lecturer to me. Anyway, he wanted to borrow my money so that he could find his tour group since he left his wallet back with the rest of his belongings. Ehe..I dunno whether he's bluffing or not but hello, even if my face look like 2 years old girl, I'm not loaning you my money. Had enough with loaning people money but did they ever pay me back? No. And those were people who I called friends and you expect me to do that to strangers?.Duh.
But the worst thing is..when mat rempit and those in seluar hijau baju putih mengorat-ngorat aku di jalanan.Cakapppppppp..Aku ni ada muka minah rempit ke?Memangla aku hisap rokok rempit tapi takkanlah muka aku mcm minah rempit kot?And tak cukup garang ke muka aku sampai aku dingorat oleh sekumpulan budak-budak skolah yang komfem spender pon mak belikan.Hoh.Dimanakah hunk-hunk semua?Tsk..
tak..tak..saya bukan rempit..percayalah..
First thing when I get home today. Practise making garang faces on the mirror.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
jangan tertipu dengan wajah yang pura-pura berduka ini.
ini baru sikit
close up sket
Honey star likes to manja with me.So Last Monday when he hopped to my lap, I began to stroked him until he purred.He curled himself and continued purring until at one point,out of the blue he began to lick his fur frantically.Followed by a killer that moment I knew that his pyscho-ness is back.I stopped stroking him and pretend not to look at him because if I still do, he would surely went ballistic like some mad-cat.But ahhhhhh...even I made my distance from him, he suddenly jumped to me and acted as if I'm another stray cat from the neighbourhood.Habis tangan aku berlobang!!!Kucing tu memang saiko ok.Sekejap manja sampai tergolek-golek..sekejap lagi tiba-tiba gigit tangan aku.Mengonglaaa...
So I have a cacat arm.But I guess,that's not enough.Due to some allergic reaction..perhaps I got it during my arms are full of ugly spots now.Bintik-bintik merah yang keji.And at time, mereka[bintik-bintik itu] berasa agak gatal juga.I am pissed because now I cannot wear any sleeveless or something like that.Hoih!!!
lihatlah bintik-bintik keji ini
Mungkinkah tak lama lagi aku akan bertukar menjadi seekor kodok?
By the way, sibu trip photos are available at bena's.Enjoy!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Fortune telling
Note:The original version of this entry has been edited due to personal respects.Thousand apologies.Siapa yang sempat tu sempatlah..hehehehe
It was supposed to be a beautiful Saturday with sunny sun and bluish sky, instead it showered heavily. At the outset we were supposed to go for a swim at one of the islands but with that kind of weather, playing cards sounded more appropriate. Initially we wanted to play poker but..
"Make sure you say his name when you shuffle the card", Nikkit said while one of us shuffled the card. It's her second reading. The first one said that there is a thorn between her and her other half. Ironically, it's true.
She shuffled, nikkit arranged the card according to the alleged arrangement and again there it was..a queen of diamond. Nikkit out of the blue felt an urge to abide to nature's call and subsequently meon volunteered to perform another reading for that dear friend using a different approach.
So the cards were shuffled and name was called. When it's time to divulge those cards everyone stopped talking suddenly and turned vigilant. The first card was king of spade, representing the guy. Second card was disclosed, ace of spade, representing the guy's heart. Fuck. Everybody's hearts started to pound heavily. This couldn't be real. The last two sessions also started with king of spade and followed by ace of spade. Preceding to the previous session..the third card was ace of heart, representing her heart. Meon slowly flipped the card..and then everybody started screaming .It was ace of heart. Nikkit was still inside the toilet when she heard the screaming. On the spur of the moment she tautened her pants and rushed outside. By that time, everybody was hugging each other waiting for the final card to be revealed. Please dont let it be queen of diamond, I prayed. Three times of co-incident is just not acceptable.
The rain was supposed to stop instead it still pouring frantically. Its getting cold and the sound of rain hammering the roof didn't alleviate the atmosphere. There was silence in the room. But later, the room was bursting with screams when the final card showed..queen of diamond. All of a sudden I could feel some eerie feeling creeping inside the room. I thought it was just my feeling but then everybody began to mutter an identical remark.
"Bulu roma aku berdiri!!!"
I am not superstitious. Even when my mom told me about her weird dreams and ermm..few discoveries related to me, I found that it's quite hard to believe, even I've been experiencing uncanny occurrences. But two years ago I had my card reading, performed by nikkit at tinas house. That time I was with my ex and he was there too. One card in my reading bothered nikkit, it was queen of spade, meaning perhaps something related to family. The bigger the card, the bigger the problem. My ex also got the same card when he was being read. Even though sshe was feeling uneasy nikkit didnt say anything to me instead she assured me everything will be fine and it was only stupid cards. Me? I never thought about the reading after I left tina's house. Few months after that we broke off after her mom detested me for just being who I am.
It never crossed my mind that the reading turned out to be true. So the queen of spade must be his mom.
Nikkit, kau memang boleh keje dekat carnival ok kalau kau tak dapat keje lepas ni.
Siapa tak mau jumpa fortune teller yang berbontot seksi?
It was supposed to be a beautiful Saturday with sunny sun and bluish sky, instead it showered heavily. At the outset we were supposed to go for a swim at one of the islands but with that kind of weather, playing cards sounded more appropriate. Initially we wanted to play poker but..
"Make sure you say his name when you shuffle the card", Nikkit said while one of us shuffled the card. It's her second reading. The first one said that there is a thorn between her and her other half. Ironically, it's true.
She shuffled, nikkit arranged the card according to the alleged arrangement and again there it was..a queen of diamond. Nikkit out of the blue felt an urge to abide to nature's call and subsequently meon volunteered to perform another reading for that dear friend using a different approach.
So the cards were shuffled and name was called. When it's time to divulge those cards everyone stopped talking suddenly and turned vigilant. The first card was king of spade, representing the guy. Second card was disclosed, ace of spade, representing the guy's heart. Fuck. Everybody's hearts started to pound heavily. This couldn't be real. The last two sessions also started with king of spade and followed by ace of spade. Preceding to the previous session..the third card was ace of heart, representing her heart. Meon slowly flipped the card..and then everybody started screaming .It was ace of heart. Nikkit was still inside the toilet when she heard the screaming. On the spur of the moment she tautened her pants and rushed outside. By that time, everybody was hugging each other waiting for the final card to be revealed. Please dont let it be queen of diamond, I prayed. Three times of co-incident is just not acceptable.
The rain was supposed to stop instead it still pouring frantically. Its getting cold and the sound of rain hammering the roof didn't alleviate the atmosphere. There was silence in the room. But later, the room was bursting with screams when the final card showed..queen of diamond. All of a sudden I could feel some eerie feeling creeping inside the room. I thought it was just my feeling but then everybody began to mutter an identical remark.
"Bulu roma aku berdiri!!!"
I am not superstitious. Even when my mom told me about her weird dreams and ermm..few discoveries related to me, I found that it's quite hard to believe, even I've been experiencing uncanny occurrences. But two years ago I had my card reading, performed by nikkit at tinas house. That time I was with my ex and he was there too. One card in my reading bothered nikkit, it was queen of spade, meaning perhaps something related to family. The bigger the card, the bigger the problem. My ex also got the same card when he was being read. Even though sshe was feeling uneasy nikkit didnt say anything to me instead she assured me everything will be fine and it was only stupid cards. Me? I never thought about the reading after I left tina's house. Few months after that we broke off after her mom detested me for just being who I am.
It never crossed my mind that the reading turned out to be true. So the queen of spade must be his mom.
Nikkit, kau memang boleh keje dekat carnival ok kalau kau tak dapat keje lepas ni.
Siapa tak mau jumpa fortune teller yang berbontot seksi?
Monday, July 25, 2005
Reporting of sibu
Hah.I'm back at this cold office and this time I looked like a cold turkey.Anyway, shall tell you about the sibu trip today.Brace yourself bcoz this shall be one long entry but eleh I know you guys don't have the mood to work on monday..ait?
I always love high velocity. So you can imagine my feeling on the boat to the island. The sensation of having your hair being blown by the wind while you catch the sight of the boat cruising the ocean with exquisite white foam underneath you. Exhilarating. I swear if my heart could swoop out from my body, I had to swim across to its rescue.
If you ask me about the view.. Blue ocean, with few fishing boat and more ocean. They were few islands but all of them share one similarity. Sandy mesmerizing beaches with crystal clear bluish water that gave calming sensation eyes setting. Need I say more?
Junansa Villa was not that luxurious but having only 8 people on the island outclass everything. Immaculate and secluded. 4 persons per room with two queen beds. Meaning anda boleh meraba-raba bedmate anda semasa mereka tido. Hahaha..I liiiiiiike. Hey, you can do everything, no one saying no. Sing all dangdut songs on the karaoke list [sambil bergerudi inul], laugh like hyena in the middle of the night or even choose to bitch about your boyfriend like nobody business [hehe]. The meal was superb. Everything was fresh from the ocean. No elaboration for this part since my lunch hour will not be that soon.

Apart from kayaking and trekking to wherever we could, the best part was snorkeling and of course went for a dip. Had to wear the life jacket even it looked so ugly and keji but hey, safety come first. Excuse me, I can swim ok but saje jelah kan..for pre-caution plus air itu sangatlah dalam.Tak tipu.Tak caye tanyelah nik. Anyway, the scenery beneath the water was ok but I have seen better than that. Still, those colourful fishes and peculiar corals thrilled me. Ho, let me tell you. Aku nyaris-nyaris mati ditengah lautan. On the first day of snorkeling, it started to rain but few of us still refused to leave the oh-so-nice-ocean-swimming-feeling and continued swimming and main kene kejar jaws. Until it started to rain heavily. The rain was blowing madly that every drop of rain hurt you like pricking needles. My vision was blurring and I couldn't catch my breath. Aku semput di tengah laut.Rasa macam nak mati. Somehow I manage to swim to the boat walaupun terase macam agak nak nangis dalam laut.
But that was nothing. Really. On the first day of our snorkeling session something else happened to nik. Afer putting on our snorkeling gear 8 of us made our way to the water. At the outset, everything was fine we reached a point where our feet couldn't feel the ground abruptly. this point everybody started to peddled while enjoyed the underwater view until we heard a cry "Tolong!Tolong!Aku lemas.Selamatkan aku", tetapi dengan hilain tawa.So every body was's another prank, ignoring the signal we went on to continue our snorkeling session.Until abang bot itu terpaksa berenang dan menyelamatkan nicky yang sudah tergolek-golek dalam air umpama ikan paus.Dia betul-betul lemas sebenarnya bukan cobaan. That was the first time, the second time happened when we stopped at a village to have our tea after another snorkeling session.After filling up our stomach we walked back to the boat when at that times the road and the bridge were slippery.Being a camera whore everybody posed and posed and posed. So finally it's time for nicky to get into the boat.From the wooden step to the boat, there was a gap which lead to the ocean.I don't know what happen but while she was crossing over she slipped and to our horror dia tenggelam ke dasar laut, plop..plop..down she went.Aku dah jerit tak ingat.I was thinking to jump to save her walaupun aku tau aku pon komfem tak slamat but luckily the abang bot saved the day.Walaupun die menjerit "Alamaaakk" sambil menepuk dahi tetapi dia tetap perkasa terjun ke dalam laut itu. Mungkin di dalam hati dia berkata "aduhhh,budak ni lagiiiii". Poor nicky.That incident left her some bruises on her back.
So that's all I could tell.Taleh banyak-banyak sebab tangan aku dah penat and korang bosan.But it was a superb trip.
toll fares and fuel :RM 100
accommodation :RM 180
having fun with your close friends : priceless.
Apart from kayaking and trekking to wherever we could, the best part was snorkeling and of course went for a dip. Had to wear the life jacket even it looked so ugly and keji but hey, safety come first. Excuse me, I can swim ok but saje jelah kan..for pre-caution plus air itu sangatlah dalam.Tak tipu.Tak caye tanyelah nik. Anyway, the scenery beneath the water was ok but I have seen better than that. Still, those colourful fishes and peculiar corals thrilled me. Ho, let me tell you. Aku nyaris-nyaris mati ditengah lautan. On the first day of snorkeling, it started to rain but few of us still refused to leave the oh-so-nice-ocean-swimming-feeling and continued swimming and main kene kejar jaws. Until it started to rain heavily. The rain was blowing madly that every drop of rain hurt you like pricking needles. My vision was blurring and I couldn't catch my breath. Aku semput di tengah laut.Rasa macam nak mati. Somehow I manage to swim to the boat walaupun terase macam agak nak nangis dalam laut.
So that's all I could tell.Taleh banyak-banyak sebab tangan aku dah penat and korang bosan.But it was a superb trip.
toll fares and fuel :RM 100
accommodation :RM 180
having fun with your close friends : priceless.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Karangan getik
Selamat pagi kepada anda semua.Hari ini hari khamis dan saya berasa sangat gembira.Ekon ofis saya masih lagi sejuk menggila tetapi saya tetap berasa gembira kerana hari ini saya akan mengambil half day. Dan esok saya akan pergi berpoya-poya sambil menenangkan fikiran bersama rakan-rakan di pulau sibu.
Bukan itu sahaja, saya juga telah berjaya memujuk En.Azwan untuk turut berpoya-poya bersama sama walaupun hanya setengah hari.Saya sendiri tidak sangka dia akan termakan pujuk rayu saya, agaknya saya ini pandai merayu. Tetapi saya juga ingin menegaskan bahawa en.azwan sejak kebelakangan ini bertambah baik dan pandai mengambil hati.Contohnya seperti semalam.Semalam saya telah dilanda angin taufan setelah bercakaran dengan ibu saya hanya kerana setin baked beans. Mood saya terus hilang dan telah merajuk kepada diri sendiri tanpa disedari oleh sesiapa pun. En azwan telah memujuk saya dalam perjalanan ke rumah rakannya.Setelah berjanji untuk penyambung percintaan setelah sampai di rumah, dia meletakkan telefon.Tetapi 10 minit kemudian dia menelefon kembali.Saya pun bertanya kenapa. Dia berkata dia sedang memandu tiba-tiba dia terpandang pemandangan di luar.Semasa itu awan sangat cantik kemerahan-merahan mengelilingi KLCC dan bandar kuala lumpur yang bermandikan cahaya.Lantas dia menelefon saya kerana kecantikan malam itu mengingatkan dia pada saya.Hihihihi.Memang agak getik tetapi itu tidak menghalang saya dari berguling-guling bersama selimut hijau dengan hati yang berbunga-bunga.
Nampaknya saya seperti terkeluar dari topik.Tapi tak mengapa sebab hari ini selain dari memadu asmara bersama en.azwan, dia akan menemani saya untuk mengambil offer letter di damansara.Kemudian mungkin kami akan menyambung percintaan kami. Oh, entah kenapa saya merasakan saya akan rindu kepada lelaki yang bermuka tiada perasaan ini.
Baiklah. Oleh kerana saya berasa getik dengan penulisan saya hari ini, saya akhiri karangan getik ini dengan serangkap pantun yang agak eksyen.
Indah menawan bunga seroja,
Hadiah istimewa untuk ibu,
Hari esok kalian bekerja,
Tidak diriku di pulau sibu.
Bukan itu sahaja, saya juga telah berjaya memujuk En.Azwan untuk turut berpoya-poya bersama sama walaupun hanya setengah hari.Saya sendiri tidak sangka dia akan termakan pujuk rayu saya, agaknya saya ini pandai merayu. Tetapi saya juga ingin menegaskan bahawa en.azwan sejak kebelakangan ini bertambah baik dan pandai mengambil hati.Contohnya seperti semalam.Semalam saya telah dilanda angin taufan setelah bercakaran dengan ibu saya hanya kerana setin baked beans. Mood saya terus hilang dan telah merajuk kepada diri sendiri tanpa disedari oleh sesiapa pun. En azwan telah memujuk saya dalam perjalanan ke rumah rakannya.Setelah berjanji untuk penyambung percintaan setelah sampai di rumah, dia meletakkan telefon.Tetapi 10 minit kemudian dia menelefon kembali.Saya pun bertanya kenapa. Dia berkata dia sedang memandu tiba-tiba dia terpandang pemandangan di luar.Semasa itu awan sangat cantik kemerahan-merahan mengelilingi KLCC dan bandar kuala lumpur yang bermandikan cahaya.Lantas dia menelefon saya kerana kecantikan malam itu mengingatkan dia pada saya.Hihihihi.Memang agak getik tetapi itu tidak menghalang saya dari berguling-guling bersama selimut hijau dengan hati yang berbunga-bunga.
Nampaknya saya seperti terkeluar dari topik.Tapi tak mengapa sebab hari ini selain dari memadu asmara bersama en.azwan, dia akan menemani saya untuk mengambil offer letter di damansara.Kemudian mungkin kami akan menyambung percintaan kami. Oh, entah kenapa saya merasakan saya akan rindu kepada lelaki yang bermuka tiada perasaan ini.
Baiklah. Oleh kerana saya berasa getik dengan penulisan saya hari ini, saya akhiri karangan getik ini dengan serangkap pantun yang agak eksyen.
Indah menawan bunga seroja,
Hadiah istimewa untuk ibu,
Hari esok kalian bekerja,
Tidak diriku di pulau sibu.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Freezing to death
For the past few days I had the resemblance of the cold chicken my mom used to put in the freezer. Especially the thigh part =( [i'm getting fatter,really].The air cond in the studio simply froze me. And today I had to wear baju kurung since the kain can cover up to my toes still I did not leave my pashmina behind.As I walked into the room everybody was saying "wah, dah jumaat ke?" Duh.
But no biggie,my agony will end soon coz ehe starting from next month I'll be working in a new environment. I found myself a new job somewhere in Damansara. Yeay to that.It will be totally different from what I'm having now. Different job scope and different environment but similar to my previous job.Nolah.I don't want to elaborate more on my job.So the boring ok.But..I will be the only Malay..just like my previous company.I liiikeeee sebab then I can wear my tiny tiniest shortest skirt like no body business!And nobody would care if I wear a transparent top or whatever I like to work. Not to mention..Happening clubs and bars surrounded the area. Shall not elaborate on that too.Just use your imagination.hehe.
Until then, I have to bear the coldness of the centralized air cond. Too bad there's no hunk in my office to keep me warm..
But no biggie,my agony will end soon coz ehe starting from next month I'll be working in a new environment. I found myself a new job somewhere in Damansara. Yeay to that.It will be totally different from what I'm having now. Different job scope and different environment but similar to my previous job.Nolah.I don't want to elaborate more on my job.So the boring ok.But..I will be the only Malay..just like my previous company.I liiikeeee sebab then I can wear my tiny tiniest shortest skirt like no body business!And nobody would care if I wear a transparent top or whatever I like to work. Not to mention..Happening clubs and bars surrounded the area. Shall not elaborate on that too.Just use your imagination.hehe.
Until then, I have to bear the coldness of the centralized air cond. Too bad there's no hunk in my office to keep me warm..
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Dear dad
Dear dad,
How are you doing?
I was not doing good today.
I was pissed.
I nearly smashed the company pc with my hand phone.
I know I need to see a theraphist.
So I decided to calm my self by going shopping.
Dear dad,
Guess what?
I bought something for us.
I bought you your ralph shirt and a tyan skirt for me.
Only within 30 minutes.
Am I good or what?
I hope you didn't have time to go shopping over there.
I am going to pass the shirt to mum when she goes there next week.
Hope you like it coz I do.
I bet you look like bruce willis wearing that shirt
even I dunno whether bruce like to wear ralph or not.
And the skirt is hot.
It gives me the nicole richie look.
I don't care if my legs look fat in it.
Anyway dad,
Remember that you told me that I could use it during emergency.
I tell you..this is an absolute emergency
Therefore I had to say sorry coz you have to pay for both of them.
Lots of love:-
How are you doing?
I was not doing good today.
I was pissed.
I nearly smashed the company pc with my hand phone.
I know I need to see a theraphist.
So I decided to calm my self by going shopping.
Dear dad,
Guess what?
I bought something for us.
I bought you your ralph shirt and a tyan skirt for me.
Only within 30 minutes.
Am I good or what?
I hope you didn't have time to go shopping over there.
I am going to pass the shirt to mum when she goes there next week.
Hope you like it coz I do.
I bet you look like bruce willis wearing that shirt
even I dunno whether bruce like to wear ralph or not.
And the skirt is hot.
It gives me the nicole richie look.
I don't care if my legs look fat in it.
Anyway dad,
Remember that you told me that I could use it during emergency.
I tell you..this is an absolute emergency
Therefore I had to say sorry coz you have to pay for both of them.
Lots of love:-
Freak show
I haven't told anyone about this secret before apart from rizal as all he talks is about porno so this things might sounded normal to him but no, he too was a bit surprised. Hell.
About this time last year, I nearly got myself into trouble.
That time I was boyfriend-less and was alone with another colleague in the office on Saturday. Hell, my previous office worked on Saturday. It was a boring day and I couldn't help myself from thinking about my ex, when out of the blue the phone rang.
"Good afternoon, [my previous co].This is [my name] speaking"
So then I heard a sexy voice. A sexy male voice with a sexy drawl. He asked for my name so I give him my name. I was afraid [hah!] that the guy might be a client of my boss or something like that but it turn out that he's an Australian citizen who was doing a survey for his company magazine. Which was a porno magazine.
He then told me that he would run few questionnaires to do some survey about sex perception on asian women. I wanted to repudiate [honestly] but then I saw a candidate approached. Dang, I didn't want to entertain him, so I pretended to be engaged on the phone so Kathy, my colleague will attend to him. Hahaha. Well, if you were in my shoes..working on Saturday, you would understand my actions. Plus, he said those who were lucky enough would be granted some cash in USD. Tsk..So I thought..why not..I won't lose anything.
I can't exactly remembered all of them but one question that made me choked was "if you are given chance to perform threesome which one would you choose a.two guys with a girl or b.a guy with two girls". Kinky. So I played along while pretending like I'm taking some job orders by filling up the JD form [haha].Until the part where he asked me for my hand phone no. I was a bit taken back. I don't give my number to strangers but then he said "But honey you have done a pretty well job, it's a waste for you not to claim your money. Without your number, it would be impossible to give you the cash". Shit. I could use the money to buy some gorgeous shoes or a handbag, perhaps two handbags or whatever. So,dengan bodoh dan lurus bendulnya I gave my number. And after that we bid farewell.
Few weeks after that I patched things up with my ex and then we went dating like usual. But ehe, out of no where there's a private no appeared from my phone's screen. Picked it up and's the guy with the sexy voice. Told him I was busy and he said he will call back. Whatever.
One week later I was sipping my margarita after my ex forgot where he put his balls for the umpteenth times. Then again on that fiery afternoon, the guy called. I tell you..At that moment I wanted to roar at everybody's face because my bloody ex really made me feel like smashing his head with that cocktail glass but then I looked at my ex face and said "I need to take this call" and dengan konon-konon macho I marched away while talking on the phone. Good riddance [of my sickening exlah].
Back to the sexy voice. He told me that not only I won the money but I also won a ticket to Australia to see how the run the company. Right. And I got to choose 3 situations.
a. Would I like to witness live sex ,a normal one
b. Or I would rather choose to witness threesome
c. Or would I want to join in either one of the choice above
Fuck.I like porn. I do ..but this? I nearly barked at him but I lost my voice and my knees were shaking. Said no courteously but the sexy voiced tried to provoke me by saying bla..bla..bla..which then made me decided to switch off my phone.
Later on I broke off with my ex for good but the sexy voice keep on bugging me. I did not pick up his call but he still called me until it made me sick. Finally, I changed my number and he also, gone for good. When people asked me why I changed my number, I always said that it's because I wanted to get rid off my ex which is true..but actually there's another reason behind it.
Imagine if I still went and play along. Perhaps Stone is still searching for Chics Shah Alam or perhaps by now, mastika is still trying to chase my ass.
About this time last year, I nearly got myself into trouble.
That time I was boyfriend-less and was alone with another colleague in the office on Saturday. Hell, my previous office worked on Saturday. It was a boring day and I couldn't help myself from thinking about my ex, when out of the blue the phone rang.
"Good afternoon, [my previous co].This is [my name] speaking"
So then I heard a sexy voice. A sexy male voice with a sexy drawl. He asked for my name so I give him my name. I was afraid [hah!] that the guy might be a client of my boss or something like that but it turn out that he's an Australian citizen who was doing a survey for his company magazine. Which was a porno magazine.
He then told me that he would run few questionnaires to do some survey about sex perception on asian women. I wanted to repudiate [honestly] but then I saw a candidate approached. Dang, I didn't want to entertain him, so I pretended to be engaged on the phone so Kathy, my colleague will attend to him. Hahaha. Well, if you were in my shoes..working on Saturday, you would understand my actions. Plus, he said those who were lucky enough would be granted some cash in USD. Tsk..So I thought..why not..I won't lose anything.
I can't exactly remembered all of them but one question that made me choked was "if you are given chance to perform threesome which one would you choose a.two guys with a girl or b.a guy with two girls". Kinky. So I played along while pretending like I'm taking some job orders by filling up the JD form [haha].Until the part where he asked me for my hand phone no. I was a bit taken back. I don't give my number to strangers but then he said "But honey you have done a pretty well job, it's a waste for you not to claim your money. Without your number, it would be impossible to give you the cash". Shit. I could use the money to buy some gorgeous shoes or a handbag, perhaps two handbags or whatever. So,dengan bodoh dan lurus bendulnya I gave my number. And after that we bid farewell.
Few weeks after that I patched things up with my ex and then we went dating like usual. But ehe, out of no where there's a private no appeared from my phone's screen. Picked it up and's the guy with the sexy voice. Told him I was busy and he said he will call back. Whatever.
One week later I was sipping my margarita after my ex forgot where he put his balls for the umpteenth times. Then again on that fiery afternoon, the guy called. I tell you..At that moment I wanted to roar at everybody's face because my bloody ex really made me feel like smashing his head with that cocktail glass but then I looked at my ex face and said "I need to take this call" and dengan konon-konon macho I marched away while talking on the phone. Good riddance [of my sickening exlah].
Back to the sexy voice. He told me that not only I won the money but I also won a ticket to Australia to see how the run the company. Right. And I got to choose 3 situations.
a. Would I like to witness live sex ,a normal one
b. Or I would rather choose to witness threesome
c. Or would I want to join in either one of the choice above
Fuck.I like porn. I do ..but this? I nearly barked at him but I lost my voice and my knees were shaking. Said no courteously but the sexy voiced tried to provoke me by saying bla..bla..bla..which then made me decided to switch off my phone.
Later on I broke off with my ex for good but the sexy voice keep on bugging me. I did not pick up his call but he still called me until it made me sick. Finally, I changed my number and he also, gone for good. When people asked me why I changed my number, I always said that it's because I wanted to get rid off my ex which is true..but actually there's another reason behind it.
Imagine if I still went and play along. Perhaps Stone is still searching for Chics Shah Alam or perhaps by now, mastika is still trying to chase my ass.
Monday, July 18, 2005
The one
Ok.This is the actual entry for today.
I am a sucker for romantic movies. One of my favourite is ghost. Aha, yeah I know I'm sort of old-school but hello, that movie always make me feel ultra melt inside. Notably the part where Patrick Swayze embraced Demi Moore from behind and savoured her velvety skin whilst she endeavored making something out of the clay. And..the background song, unchained melody. Hoh. Completes everything.
While watching that scene I was thinking. Wow, it must be magnificent when you really found the one. The one whom you can always to and the one whom always comfort you when you are in need. Must be hell of a person.
I used to think that maybe there is someone for everyone. The one for every one. But the question am I supposed to know whether that person is the one? It's funny when my friend told me that "You will know definitely if he's the one. Your heart will always tell you". I have been in few serious relationships and my heart did say "he's the one" to each and every one of them. Sad to say they are not even close to the one. Semua gagal.Fail. I don't know what went wrong. Perhaps my heart made a deficient judgment or perhaps I was just sightless back then.
What if you found a person who really makes your heart flutter? Just a thought of him made you smile even you were in your most bad moment. Even when you were gnashing your teeth you found yourself talking to him and later you laughed when you remembered you are supposed to be mad at him. At night, before you closed your eyes, you prayed to God that he will have a wonderful sunlight hour and you thanked God for giving you someone who makes your life worth a living. And All those bapak jiwang things you could think of..But most of all.. behind those closed doors, you wished that he's the one..because you can't imagine your life without him. But latterly..because you really believed that he's the one, you never primed your heart to accept the fact that you would lose him one day, and when it happens, you hurt yourself. You bleed. Devastated. Just like Demi when Patrick Swayze got shot after they came back from watching a play.
Imagine this, at some point you are totally head over heels with someone but at times you sniveled within. You wanted to believe but you are too petrified and you wanted to nullify your feelings but it's too late.
[Ok. This may sound out of the topic but hell, I really need to say this.]
Perhaps it's too early to tell but it's never to late to bid farewell..[if you know what I'm saying]
There will always be lights they said.
If the light is bright, perhaps he might be the one..
But if the light is dim..tsk..tsk..
I want to say it but to cry on monday morning is not a good idea.
Hah.I'm getting a headache.
Anyway. Happy monday bunnies
I am a sucker for romantic movies. One of my favourite is ghost. Aha, yeah I know I'm sort of old-school but hello, that movie always make me feel ultra melt inside. Notably the part where Patrick Swayze embraced Demi Moore from behind and savoured her velvety skin whilst she endeavored making something out of the clay. And..the background song, unchained melody. Hoh. Completes everything.
While watching that scene I was thinking. Wow, it must be magnificent when you really found the one. The one whom you can always to and the one whom always comfort you when you are in need. Must be hell of a person.
I used to think that maybe there is someone for everyone. The one for every one. But the question am I supposed to know whether that person is the one? It's funny when my friend told me that "You will know definitely if he's the one. Your heart will always tell you". I have been in few serious relationships and my heart did say "he's the one" to each and every one of them. Sad to say they are not even close to the one. Semua gagal.Fail. I don't know what went wrong. Perhaps my heart made a deficient judgment or perhaps I was just sightless back then.
What if you found a person who really makes your heart flutter? Just a thought of him made you smile even you were in your most bad moment. Even when you were gnashing your teeth you found yourself talking to him and later you laughed when you remembered you are supposed to be mad at him. At night, before you closed your eyes, you prayed to God that he will have a wonderful sunlight hour and you thanked God for giving you someone who makes your life worth a living. And All those bapak jiwang things you could think of..But most of all.. behind those closed doors, you wished that he's the one..because you can't imagine your life without him. But latterly..because you really believed that he's the one, you never primed your heart to accept the fact that you would lose him one day, and when it happens, you hurt yourself. You bleed. Devastated. Just like Demi when Patrick Swayze got shot after they came back from watching a play.
Imagine this, at some point you are totally head over heels with someone but at times you sniveled within. You wanted to believe but you are too petrified and you wanted to nullify your feelings but it's too late.
[Ok. This may sound out of the topic but hell, I really need to say this.]
Perhaps it's too early to tell but it's never to late to bid farewell..[if you know what I'm saying]
There will always be lights they said.
If the light is bright, perhaps he might be the one..
But if the light is dim..tsk..tsk..
I want to say it but to cry on monday morning is not a good idea.
Hah.I'm getting a headache.
Anyway. Happy monday bunnies
Pantun weekend
Sekarang memang musim hujan lebat,
Itula pasal pak mat selalu selsema,
Weekend saya sangatlah hebat,
Weekend awak semua pula bagaimana?
Jawab.Jangan tak jawab.

Salah satu aktiviti saya.
Itula pasal pak mat selalu selsema,
Weekend saya sangatlah hebat,
Weekend awak semua pula bagaimana?
Jawab.Jangan tak jawab.
Salah satu aktiviti saya.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Rich and famous
Datuk's wife was here yesterday. She entered the room with a smile but her smile faded when she saw me. Apa salah aku? Nothing ,it's her nature. She is skeptical towards young woman like me. Some source said that she is afraid that one of us is trying to woo her hubby albeit she's the second wife. Ironic.
So she placed her anya hindmarch tote bag on the table and settled in front of me. Hell, her taste in fashion is not bad.I love the bag. Tsk..memang lawa. While puffing her ciggie she conversed with my director. Demm. I was kejung on my seat. Why? Because once, she went ballistic in the office because of ermm..jealousy and insecurity? Tapi nasiblah aku buruk semalam, tak mekap, rambut kusut masai sebab suke sangat carik rambut gatal.Still she looked at me with an icy-kinda-look.
I couldn't help from eavesdropping to their conversation coz she was seating in front of me. And ehe, I couldn't help from glancing at her face. Even without make up she looked quite nice-looking. A kelantanese, fair skin and pleasant features. Still, the snob-typical-wife-of-a-datuk is there.
If I happened to marry a datuk or my husband being awarded with the datuk-ship..How shall I behave? Will give the keji smile while cruising in my jaguar? I will buy the jaguar but the keji smile? I dunno, unless I caught my driver mengorek hidung while driving the car.
Hmm..But I won't say that "saya akan menderma kepada anak-anak yatim dan bla..bla..bla" coz for me those things goes without saying and if you do it, you don't have to tell the whole world about it. And I would not restrict myself to mingle with the datin's society only, because I dun think I can handle their way. Witnessing they way this type of people [ not all, but some] talk and socialize smothered me. Like..ohh boleh tak kita menggelupur macam biasa? Boleh tak kita duduk sambil mencarut-carut macam biasa? Boleh tak kita makan nasik dengan tangan even dekat kedai-kedai yang best?
I just don't understand, because of some status you have to change the way you used to be? Unless you are born like that. It's forgiven. And I don't understand people who kiss these tan sris and puan sris assess as if their asses were made from first class sugar. I mean, they are human. Yes, we regard them with reverence but hello, doesn't the other citizen deserved that kind of treatment too? And just because you have more money than the others you can treat the others like shit? I do respect those datuks and datins who treated others equally. They still exist. I do believe coz I met some.
Alamak, aku macam lari topik tapi takpe. To think of it again. What is money and name if you don't even know who you really are.
On the other news. I was watching diari AF3 where amy search and awie was invited as the "suprised" guest while eating a packet of julie's biscuit. My mom sat on the sofa when she was supposed to do her isya' prayer but tak jadi.
Mom : Cuba bayangkan amy search tu jadi husband awak.
Me : Hah, kenapa pulak *kenapa mak aku boleh terpikir soalan ni?*
Mom : Hish, mau aku terkejut malam-malam.
Me : La.Dia kan stylo.
Mom : Teruk betul taste awak ni.Muka mengkaghung macam tu kata stylo?Ceh![mengakarung?]
Me : Hehehehe.
Mom :Eh,takkan tetek si amy ni besar macam tetek pompuan kot?
Me : Merepeklah.Dia bukannya nyah ke apa.
Mom : Ha.Tengok tu.Kan ke moncong je tu!!*pointing to the tv where suddenly there were two cone shapes on amy's chest.*
Me : *Choked*
Where the hell did my mom get this idea?Macamanala dia boleh perasan benda-benda macam ni?
Anyway, have a blast weekends!
So she placed her anya hindmarch tote bag on the table and settled in front of me. Hell, her taste in fashion is not bad.I love the bag. Tsk..memang lawa. While puffing her ciggie she conversed with my director. Demm. I was kejung on my seat. Why? Because once, she went ballistic in the office because of ermm..jealousy and insecurity? Tapi nasiblah aku buruk semalam, tak mekap, rambut kusut masai sebab suke sangat carik rambut gatal.Still she looked at me with an icy-kinda-look.
I couldn't help from eavesdropping to their conversation coz she was seating in front of me. And ehe, I couldn't help from glancing at her face. Even without make up she looked quite nice-looking. A kelantanese, fair skin and pleasant features. Still, the snob-typical-wife-of-a-datuk is there.
If I happened to marry a datuk or my husband being awarded with the datuk-ship..How shall I behave? Will give the keji smile while cruising in my jaguar? I will buy the jaguar but the keji smile? I dunno, unless I caught my driver mengorek hidung while driving the car.
Hmm..But I won't say that "saya akan menderma kepada anak-anak yatim dan bla..bla..bla" coz for me those things goes without saying and if you do it, you don't have to tell the whole world about it. And I would not restrict myself to mingle with the datin's society only, because I dun think I can handle their way. Witnessing they way this type of people [ not all, but some] talk and socialize smothered me. Like..ohh boleh tak kita menggelupur macam biasa? Boleh tak kita duduk sambil mencarut-carut macam biasa? Boleh tak kita makan nasik dengan tangan even dekat kedai-kedai yang best?
I just don't understand, because of some status you have to change the way you used to be? Unless you are born like that. It's forgiven. And I don't understand people who kiss these tan sris and puan sris assess as if their asses were made from first class sugar. I mean, they are human. Yes, we regard them with reverence but hello, doesn't the other citizen deserved that kind of treatment too? And just because you have more money than the others you can treat the others like shit? I do respect those datuks and datins who treated others equally. They still exist. I do believe coz I met some.
Alamak, aku macam lari topik tapi takpe. To think of it again. What is money and name if you don't even know who you really are.
On the other news. I was watching diari AF3 where amy search and awie was invited as the "suprised" guest while eating a packet of julie's biscuit. My mom sat on the sofa when she was supposed to do her isya' prayer but tak jadi.
Mom : Cuba bayangkan amy search tu jadi husband awak.
Me : Hah, kenapa pulak *kenapa mak aku boleh terpikir soalan ni?*
Mom : Hish, mau aku terkejut malam-malam.
Me : La.Dia kan stylo.
Mom : Teruk betul taste awak ni.Muka mengkaghung macam tu kata stylo?Ceh![mengakarung?]
Me : Hehehehe.
Mom :Eh,takkan tetek si amy ni besar macam tetek pompuan kot?
Me : Merepeklah.Dia bukannya nyah ke apa.
Mom : Ha.Tengok tu.Kan ke moncong je tu!!*pointing to the tv where suddenly there were two cone shapes on amy's chest.*
Me : *Choked*
Where the hell did my mom get this idea?Macamanala dia boleh perasan benda-benda macam ni?
Anyway, have a blast weekends!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Island under the sun
I'm counting my days. Can't wait to wait for next week. Me and my sisters are going for a short vacation. Pulau Sibu. Ever heard of it? No? Nevermind. But still..Yeay!!!!!!
So it will be me, nicky, bena, tina,ida, nikkit, nad and alamak lagi sorang aku tak ingat. But whatever, whoever it is, we will surely going to have fun.
I always love vacation. Who doesn't? Well, this vacation was planned especially for nikkit who is now having her semester break. So we thought, why not have fun together before she fly back to Australia. Also, it's tina's birthday so two things in a row. Ala bulat, janganla buat muka macam tu.Pinjam awek kau kejap je,nanti pulangla balik,hehe. The initial plan is to visit Nikkit there, actually but the timing is not that good coz the best time to visit the land of down under is in summer but summer falls on ramadhan. Plus the ticket is expensive. Boleh beli seluar dalam je kat sana nanti. Duit seme habis beli tiket.
My only concern is how many clothes should I bring along. Stop rolling your eyes. This is a serious matter. I mean who knows whom I might meet there. Some cute hunk maybe? So I wouldn't want to look like some malay trash.Hohoh.Macam sialnye aku. Plus, I'm still looking for the right bikini top despite my perut yang [keji] and a short to match.And a sundress? Hahahaha..tolonglah kecoh macam nak pegi Maldives.Poyo..poyo..
Oh, I have another concern. I have to leave ag behind. If given chances, I would have drag him along but this is a chicas-only-vacation plus I bet he have like tones of assignment to do. Too bad. We never even have any vacation together.Perhaps some other time,eh by?
Anyway, I bet we will have fun but no I'm not going to spill the details. Like nik said what happened in the island, stays in the island..
Sorry, no prize for guessing whose tits fits which bikinis. hehe
So it will be me, nicky, bena, tina,ida, nikkit, nad and alamak lagi sorang aku tak ingat. But whatever, whoever it is, we will surely going to have fun.
I always love vacation. Who doesn't? Well, this vacation was planned especially for nikkit who is now having her semester break. So we thought, why not have fun together before she fly back to Australia. Also, it's tina's birthday so two things in a row. Ala bulat, janganla buat muka macam tu.Pinjam awek kau kejap je,nanti pulangla balik,hehe. The initial plan is to visit Nikkit there, actually but the timing is not that good coz the best time to visit the land of down under is in summer but summer falls on ramadhan. Plus the ticket is expensive. Boleh beli seluar dalam je kat sana nanti. Duit seme habis beli tiket.
My only concern is how many clothes should I bring along. Stop rolling your eyes. This is a serious matter. I mean who knows whom I might meet there. Some cute hunk maybe? So I wouldn't want to look like some malay trash.Hohoh.Macam sialnye aku. Plus, I'm still looking for the right bikini top despite my perut yang [keji] and a short to match.And a sundress? Hahahaha..tolonglah kecoh macam nak pegi Maldives.Poyo..poyo..
Oh, I have another concern. I have to leave ag behind. If given chances, I would have drag him along but this is a chicas-only-vacation plus I bet he have like tones of assignment to do. Too bad. We never even have any vacation together.Perhaps some other time,eh by?
Anyway, I bet we will have fun but no I'm not going to spill the details. Like nik said what happened in the island, stays in the island..
Sorry, no prize for guessing whose tits fits which bikinis. hehe
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Second entry for today.I want to do my work but the air-cond is too damn freezing thus froze my brain :P.
Stone, being a survey-whore [tak taula apsal tetibe je] tagged me.So here it goes:-
Myself: From my point of viewlah kan..-> easily irritated, straight-forward, attention whore, menggelupur tetapi berhati mulia [hahahaha]. I dunnola.You tell me lah the rest.
Wisdom : Ermm..Difficult..I dun think I have a lot but if you have relationship problems I can give some crappy ideas and if you need to bitch..hehe you come to the right person.Wisdom la jugak kan tu?
Regrets: Regret..I have a few [frank sinatra, ok]. I have one. Big time. Knowing this one particular guy. Kimaknye he made my life a living hell. But he taught me few lessons in life seperti jangan cakap je lebih, buatla jugak and never ever depends on someone who doesn't really know what he wants in life. If I can comolot with my love on in front of him then he might not be my regret anymore.
Family : Never neglect your family. Even you can't stand you mom nags or your dad ignorance or your keji brother but love them unconditionally. Only them can accept you as the way you are.Terpaksa mengaku anak walaupon agak kesal melihat cara pemakaian dan cara membasih pinggan sambil bermalas-malas
Films: I love movies that gave me the heart warming effect and also movies that need me to think not those kind yang oh-I'm-a-prof-therefore-my-movies-rocks or the haslam ones.Yes, I would like to direct my own film.Setakat ni rekod sendiri dalam fon untuk kegembiraan orang-orang tertentu tapi lepas tu cepat-cepat delete.hehe
Faith: I used to think that I have none. But when I think about the unfortunates one it sort of a slap on my face. And yes, to Him I shall seek my faith.[ewah,bukan slalu k]
Friends: Apart from family and my friends are the one I can't live without. To whom else shall I bitch about my bf or whoever it is. Kawan-kawanlah kan. But, I'm a bit picky when it comes to friends. No, not in terms of materials or standard but the value. Lots of people out there claimed that they are my friends but actually they are only self-seeking bitches.
Ideas :I have a lot but sometimes it's inappropriate to write or to tell sebab korang ingat ni Hollywood? Ini Malaysia ok.Where people get easily offended even if it's the truth. But I will come out with something pornish hehe.I know you people pretend not to like it but liiike.haha.
Now.I shall tag nik, chi, madnessinvain[die ni malas gile nak buat tag-tag ni], mysara and laydiefa.
Stone, being a survey-whore [tak taula apsal tetibe je] tagged me.So here it goes:-
Myself: From my point of viewlah kan..-> easily irritated, straight-forward, attention whore, menggelupur tetapi berhati mulia [hahahaha]. I dunnola.You tell me lah the rest.
Wisdom : Ermm..Difficult..I dun think I have a lot but if you have relationship problems I can give some crappy ideas and if you need to bitch..hehe you come to the right person.Wisdom la jugak kan tu?
Regrets: Regret..I have a few [frank sinatra, ok]. I have one. Big time. Knowing this one particular guy. Kimaknye he made my life a living hell. But he taught me few lessons in life seperti jangan cakap je lebih, buatla jugak and never ever depends on someone who doesn't really know what he wants in life. If I can comolot with my love on in front of him then he might not be my regret anymore.
Family : Never neglect your family. Even you can't stand you mom nags or your dad ignorance or your keji brother but love them unconditionally. Only them can accept you as the way you are.Terpaksa mengaku anak walaupon agak kesal melihat cara pemakaian dan cara membasih pinggan sambil bermalas-malas
Films: I love movies that gave me the heart warming effect and also movies that need me to think not those kind yang oh-I'm-a-prof-therefore-my-movies-rocks or the haslam ones.Yes, I would like to direct my own film.Setakat ni rekod sendiri dalam fon untuk kegembiraan orang-orang tertentu tapi lepas tu cepat-cepat delete.hehe
Faith: I used to think that I have none. But when I think about the unfortunates one it sort of a slap on my face. And yes, to Him I shall seek my faith.[ewah,bukan slalu k]
Friends: Apart from family and my friends are the one I can't live without. To whom else shall I bitch about my bf or whoever it is. Kawan-kawanlah kan. But, I'm a bit picky when it comes to friends. No, not in terms of materials or standard but the value. Lots of people out there claimed that they are my friends but actually they are only self-seeking bitches.
Ideas :I have a lot but sometimes it's inappropriate to write or to tell sebab korang ingat ni Hollywood? Ini Malaysia ok.Where people get easily offended even if it's the truth. But I will come out with something pornish hehe.I know you people pretend not to like it but liiike.haha.
Now.I shall tag nik, chi, madnessinvain[die ni malas gile nak buat tag-tag ni], mysara and laydiefa.
King of fruits
All over the place, I heard people coughing, connotation that the fruit season is on again. Being an archetypal Malaysian, I welcome this season with a smiling face. I love local fruits with the exceptional for durian. Yeah, make that face and gasp. It's implausible I get it, but still.. I dislike the king of fruits.
There's no particular tragedy that make me not eating this fruit. It just that after consuming even a slice, I will without fail feel sick. Even the odour itself is enough to make me suffer with a headache, even a mild one. But, I love tempoyak. Hahah.A bit funny and keji here and there. Tell you, I can eat up to tiga pinggan whenever I cooked udang masak tempoyak with extra cili padi. Oh shite, I'm salivating. Stop.
Around last week, I dunno what happened it was 7 p.m but the commuter was still jam-packed. So you can imagine the muddle of odour inside that cramped place. I was blessed enough to get a seat somewhere inside the train. In front of me was a makcik who was fair with a nice complexion [which remind me of someone] seated to an Indian girl with a simba-looked-alike hair. Her feature was sharp and actually she was quite attractive but her hairdo was a big no-no. Ok.That's not my point. Really. It was a smooth journey for me except at one point my nose abruptly caught a smell of durian. Hell. Who the helllah yang bawak durian nih? Yeah..yeah.It's a public transportation so I just keep my mouth shut. At first I thought someone burped or farted after he or she ate durian but the smell was getting more pungent, so it couldn't be some toxic waste. I tried to look around while feigning to enjoy the view [haha.macam penyiasat la kan] and I could see the Indian girl opposite looking tensed as well. Her big nostrils got bigger and her forehead began to draw some lines. The rest of the passengers looked pretty at ease. That made me realized I'm a weirdo. That Indian girl and me. You don't know how relieved I was when I stepped out from that train. It's like..ahhhh..fresh aiiirrrrrr...
Sorry for the exaggeration. Can't help it. Being a durian hater doesn't mean that I forget my roots. No. I'm still malay. And even if I plucked my eyebrows and kept my fingernails long, I am still malay and muslim to be precise. So makcik, please don't misjudge me just because your family eat durian and I'm modern looking. Oh, I'm drifted away from the topic. Please ignore the past few sentences unless u know who you are.[hohoh]. Anyway, back to my point. I still favour the rest of our local fruits. Bring me rambutan and manggis. Mama mia, you will see me doing the salsa!
Ok. So that's not too malay but I know you get my point.
There's no particular tragedy that make me not eating this fruit. It just that after consuming even a slice, I will without fail feel sick. Even the odour itself is enough to make me suffer with a headache, even a mild one. But, I love tempoyak. Hahah.A bit funny and keji here and there. Tell you, I can eat up to tiga pinggan whenever I cooked udang masak tempoyak with extra cili padi. Oh shite, I'm salivating. Stop.
Around last week, I dunno what happened it was 7 p.m but the commuter was still jam-packed. So you can imagine the muddle of odour inside that cramped place. I was blessed enough to get a seat somewhere inside the train. In front of me was a makcik who was fair with a nice complexion [which remind me of someone] seated to an Indian girl with a simba-looked-alike hair. Her feature was sharp and actually she was quite attractive but her hairdo was a big no-no. Ok.That's not my point. Really. It was a smooth journey for me except at one point my nose abruptly caught a smell of durian. Hell. Who the helllah yang bawak durian nih? Yeah..yeah.It's a public transportation so I just keep my mouth shut. At first I thought someone burped or farted after he or she ate durian but the smell was getting more pungent, so it couldn't be some toxic waste. I tried to look around while feigning to enjoy the view [haha.macam penyiasat la kan] and I could see the Indian girl opposite looking tensed as well. Her big nostrils got bigger and her forehead began to draw some lines. The rest of the passengers looked pretty at ease. That made me realized I'm a weirdo. That Indian girl and me. You don't know how relieved I was when I stepped out from that train. It's like..ahhhh..fresh aiiirrrrrr...
Sorry for the exaggeration. Can't help it. Being a durian hater doesn't mean that I forget my roots. No. I'm still malay. And even if I plucked my eyebrows and kept my fingernails long, I am still malay and muslim to be precise. So makcik, please don't misjudge me just because your family eat durian and I'm modern looking. Oh, I'm drifted away from the topic. Please ignore the past few sentences unless u know who you are.[hohoh]. Anyway, back to my point. I still favour the rest of our local fruits. Bring me rambutan and manggis. Mama mia, you will see me doing the salsa!
Ok. So that's not too malay but I know you get my point.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Brother dearie
Usually I will always see my brother's girlfriend ayu, linger around the house. They have been together since they were 18 and now my brother is going to be 23 this year. I love his girlfriend, she was pretty, sweet and easy to get along with.
Towards the end of last year, my brother got a job from an MNC company and he started to get busy. Workings late at night and sometimes during weekends were his routine. If he's not working, he'll be sleeping. The fact that he love to sleep a lot bothered me sometimes. He could sleep for the whole day during ramadhan and woke up when it's time to breakfasting. I noted sometimes he didn't even woke up from his slumber even though his girlfriend called him like hundred times.
Not too long after he got the job. He tendered his resignation, due to pressure, his excuse. Not only that, he changed. He rarely got out from the house and preferred to spend his time on his own. I am not saying that my bond with my brother is that dear but we are quite close, but during the past few months we hardly ever communicate. I don't know what had happened to him but he refused to find any job and he had chosen to isolate himself. Therefore my mom, keep blaming him for not finding a job..and bla..bla..bla..You knowlah my mom kan.
Earlier this week, I had a chance to watch tv with him for a while. Thus open a chance for me to talk to him. I noticed that I haven't see ayu for quite sometimes so I asked.
Me: Mana ayu, lama tak nampak?
Ayie: Entah.Adalah kot.
Me: Did you both break off?
Ayie: Haah
Me: Bila?
Ayie: Lama dah.Sejak awal tahun *reading the paper* I never knew he read newspaper. Funny.
I wanted to ask more but I chose not to. Afterward, I asked my mom whether she knew about it. She said no but she was saying if it's true it's must be my brother. Saying, it must be him who decided to call it off or perhaps find another woman. Being my mom, she went and asked my brother straight to his face and later went on telling me. Well, it's the other way around. She found somebody else. My brother in the other hand did try to wheedle her back but she kept running away and kept giving excuses not to see him anymore. I know that at times I feel like I could kill my brother but sincerely I love him every bits and pieces. He is the only sibling I ever had. The one and only. Hearing the news and connecting to what had happened to him for the past few months made me went up to my room and wept.
I am so sorry for not being with him when he was facing difficulties in his life. I felt guilty for all the blame he had to take without anyone asking how he felt. My mom still put some blame on him, perhaps his too laid-back attitude changed ayu's heart which I furtively agreed and it's her choice anyway. But what I'm concern about is how my brother dealt with the pressure. From my observation, he was quite devastated but sadly no one seemed to bother. It is heartrending when you're on the bottom but no one seemed to care. Which make me feel really awful. True that he's mature enough to face challenges but still, no matter how old you are, getting your heart broken and pressures from your surrounding simultaneously are pretty tough to cope with.
He is starting to act his old self again, now. His daft yet entertaining jokes were all over the house. Even the cats mew annoyingly because he had their tail pulled. Those things used to annoy me but not now. Not now .
Perhaps we always screech at each other, calling names and wanted either one of use to give up the ghost. Perhaps it never crossed his mind that his only sister really loves him that she included him in her every single prayer. Well, he doesn't have to know that. It's not that important.
What's more significant is that one day, God grant my prayer that he will be bless with a blissful and meaningful life.
Towards the end of last year, my brother got a job from an MNC company and he started to get busy. Workings late at night and sometimes during weekends were his routine. If he's not working, he'll be sleeping. The fact that he love to sleep a lot bothered me sometimes. He could sleep for the whole day during ramadhan and woke up when it's time to breakfasting. I noted sometimes he didn't even woke up from his slumber even though his girlfriend called him like hundred times.
Not too long after he got the job. He tendered his resignation, due to pressure, his excuse. Not only that, he changed. He rarely got out from the house and preferred to spend his time on his own. I am not saying that my bond with my brother is that dear but we are quite close, but during the past few months we hardly ever communicate. I don't know what had happened to him but he refused to find any job and he had chosen to isolate himself. Therefore my mom, keep blaming him for not finding a job..and bla..bla..bla..You knowlah my mom kan.
Earlier this week, I had a chance to watch tv with him for a while. Thus open a chance for me to talk to him. I noticed that I haven't see ayu for quite sometimes so I asked.
Me: Mana ayu, lama tak nampak?
Ayie: Entah.Adalah kot.
Me: Did you both break off?
Ayie: Haah
Me: Bila?
Ayie: Lama dah.Sejak awal tahun *reading the paper* I never knew he read newspaper. Funny.
I wanted to ask more but I chose not to. Afterward, I asked my mom whether she knew about it. She said no but she was saying if it's true it's must be my brother. Saying, it must be him who decided to call it off or perhaps find another woman. Being my mom, she went and asked my brother straight to his face and later went on telling me. Well, it's the other way around. She found somebody else. My brother in the other hand did try to wheedle her back but she kept running away and kept giving excuses not to see him anymore. I know that at times I feel like I could kill my brother but sincerely I love him every bits and pieces. He is the only sibling I ever had. The one and only. Hearing the news and connecting to what had happened to him for the past few months made me went up to my room and wept.
I am so sorry for not being with him when he was facing difficulties in his life. I felt guilty for all the blame he had to take without anyone asking how he felt. My mom still put some blame on him, perhaps his too laid-back attitude changed ayu's heart which I furtively agreed and it's her choice anyway. But what I'm concern about is how my brother dealt with the pressure. From my observation, he was quite devastated but sadly no one seemed to bother. It is heartrending when you're on the bottom but no one seemed to care. Which make me feel really awful. True that he's mature enough to face challenges but still, no matter how old you are, getting your heart broken and pressures from your surrounding simultaneously are pretty tough to cope with.
He is starting to act his old self again, now. His daft yet entertaining jokes were all over the house. Even the cats mew annoyingly because he had their tail pulled. Those things used to annoy me but not now. Not now .
Perhaps we always screech at each other, calling names and wanted either one of use to give up the ghost. Perhaps it never crossed his mind that his only sister really loves him that she included him in her every single prayer. Well, he doesn't have to know that. It's not that important.
What's more significant is that one day, God grant my prayer that he will be bless with a blissful and meaningful life.
Monday, July 11, 2005
So today we shifted to our new studio. Nice and better environment, totally no smoking area. I dunno whether to frown or to smile. Had to shift my own furniture on my own, the desk, chairs and computers. I was thinking to continue my fasting session today but after the tiring procedure I found myself walking to nearest Mcd. The next thing I knew, I was gobbling the double cheeseburger set. Sheesh

The downside was we didn't have any Internet connection at the beginning. Actually everything was ready except the network admin, a Pakistani guy was too lazy to do anything except lepaking with other girls and smoking his ciggies. He seldom bath or changed his clothes. I don't quite like him but he always came to me to borrow something and hell, I didn't even understood what the hell was he saying.Hmm..Actually.. Aku ni sebenanye malu nak cakap but I will still say it. Rumours said that he had a hit on me [shut up ok] so everybody asked me to go to him and show my manja-est act ever.It seemed that everybody had asked him to do something but he still pretend not to hear anything. Tsk..Keji but I did went to him and ask for the favour for I cannot live without my YM.
And so he came with his rusty teeth. Smiling and making sly glances while plugging in cables and whatsoever that he did. So everybody was happy and began to act like secondary school kids.
Colleague 1: Finally.After she came to you. So you like her ,eh? Tell her lah
Colleague 2:Oh he likes her yes. He mentioned her names for like 10 times a day
Me : Hahahaha *translation: celako, tak guno.Aku belasah korang kang*
Colleague 1: Why dun you ask her for lunch.
The network admin :I want to ask her to shower together.
Me: Huh?*innocent look*
Colleague 1: Hornay bastard.
The network admin :Not all the time.Hehehehe*sly smile*
Everybody :Hahahaha.
And now my colleague is asking me to beg him to network the printer.
How to play: Spot the packy in the new office.
The downside was we didn't have any Internet connection at the beginning. Actually everything was ready except the network admin, a Pakistani guy was too lazy to do anything except lepaking with other girls and smoking his ciggies. He seldom bath or changed his clothes. I don't quite like him but he always came to me to borrow something and hell, I didn't even understood what the hell was he saying.Hmm..Actually.. Aku ni sebenanye malu nak cakap but I will still say it. Rumours said that he had a hit on me [shut up ok] so everybody asked me to go to him and show my manja-est act ever.It seemed that everybody had asked him to do something but he still pretend not to hear anything. Tsk..Keji but I did went to him and ask for the favour for I cannot live without my YM.
And so he came with his rusty teeth. Smiling and making sly glances while plugging in cables and whatsoever that he did. So everybody was happy and began to act like secondary school kids.
Colleague 1: Finally.After she came to you. So you like her ,eh? Tell her lah
Colleague 2:Oh he likes her yes. He mentioned her names for like 10 times a day
Me : Hahahaha *translation: celako, tak guno.Aku belasah korang kang*
Colleague 1: Why dun you ask her for lunch.
The network admin :I want to ask her to shower together.
Me: Huh?*innocent look*
Colleague 1: Hornay bastard.
The network admin :Not all the time.Hehehehe*sly smile*
Everybody :Hahahaha.
And now my colleague is asking me to beg him to network the printer.
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Hello people.This is Saturday and I'm writing.Amazing but sad.
Just finished munching a cone of mixed berry and caramel ice cream from the italiano. Yummy yummy yummy. I had been dreaming about it everynight especially the part where the lad who sold this ice cream had eyes inviting boobs.Hohoh.
Miu-miu my cats is missing her two kittens. I love her kittens even they don't love me. I even put my hand down the shit hole to rescue them from drowning. You see, they were two foolish kitties. Run, play hide and seek and poof..when down the shit hole.I had no choice but to rescue them.See who said that I'm one selfish bitch?Perhaps if you act nicely like my kittens I would be nice to you.Anyway, the two kittens are gone. My mom gave them away to my endon maid. I sort of missed thair fluffy fur and irritating mews.Most of all, my heart cried when I see how miu miu search high and low for her missing kittens.
I hate human species who keep bashing the other species. I sometimes did that too but hello, I did compliment the other species too.It's like being a sexist.I'm no sexist or racist. I am an attention whore, yes but I seek it from the right source.Now, what the hell i am saying.Oh, I'm just pissed off.Some people just like attention but then deny it.They said they wanted to be seen as an under dog but actually they are liars. Big time.
I hate liars. I hate sexist. I hate racist. And I hate stupid-self-fucking-perverts who keep emailing with "can i fuck you" headline. Mr, even if you look like Robbie William I won't fuck you.Now go and find a sheep you sheep shagger.
I need more sugar.Can I have that ice cream again?
Just finished munching a cone of mixed berry and caramel ice cream from the italiano. Yummy yummy yummy. I had been dreaming about it everynight especially the part where the lad who sold this ice cream had eyes inviting boobs.Hohoh.
Miu-miu my cats is missing her two kittens. I love her kittens even they don't love me. I even put my hand down the shit hole to rescue them from drowning. You see, they were two foolish kitties. Run, play hide and seek and poof..when down the shit hole.I had no choice but to rescue them.See who said that I'm one selfish bitch?Perhaps if you act nicely like my kittens I would be nice to you.Anyway, the two kittens are gone. My mom gave them away to my endon maid. I sort of missed thair fluffy fur and irritating mews.Most of all, my heart cried when I see how miu miu search high and low for her missing kittens.
I hate human species who keep bashing the other species. I sometimes did that too but hello, I did compliment the other species too.It's like being a sexist.I'm no sexist or racist. I am an attention whore, yes but I seek it from the right source.Now, what the hell i am saying.Oh, I'm just pissed off.Some people just like attention but then deny it.They said they wanted to be seen as an under dog but actually they are liars. Big time.
I hate liars. I hate sexist. I hate racist. And I hate stupid-self-fucking-perverts who keep emailing with "can i fuck you" headline. Mr, even if you look like Robbie William I won't fuck you.Now go and find a sheep you sheep shagger.
I need more sugar.Can I have that ice cream again?
Friday, July 08, 2005
Me: Kenapa you tak pilih dia, you pilih I?
Him: Sebab you comel.
Me : Comel?Huh!! Jahatnya you ni.*sulk*
Him: Erk. I salah cakap ke?
So, you guys must be wondering what when wrong. What? Don't tell me you dunno. Never ever use the word comel, cute or sweet to describe a girl. It's an insult, unless that girl is really unattractive and you want to make her feel better. Wait, was he trying to make me feel less pathetic? Sheesh. I'll deal with that later.
Comel is how you illustrate a cat or a rabbit. Meaning, she is noticeable but not too eye-catching as in making people to gaze more .Ok finela, in easier clarification, she's not hot enough for you or another guy to ask her for her phone number. Setakat tengok dan adore sahaja. Perchance you are also try to imply that she's too nice for you.
Cute as if you are saying that the girl is acting as if they just reached their puberty. Per se,13 years old girl, macam budak-budak. Perhaps a bit mengada and menggelupur here and there. Undertone, you are also saying that she is not a babe. Did u ever describe a babe as cute? No. Why? Because the babe's boobs and bod does not suit the word cute. Unless if you are referring to the way she act, you can use the word cute.
Sweet is the worst. Describing someone appearance as sweet is identical as saying, "She's ordinary but I got to say something pleasant". Trust me, most girls hate it when guys say that they are sweet as in the way they look. Hitam manis si tampuk manggisla konon. Hello, ada ke orang nak bercinta dengan perempuan yang muka macam manggis?
I so hear you. We are a complicated creature. But what to dola, we tend to over analyze things. At times, we pretend not to care or think too much but I tell you, inside it's mind boggling and we can't even have an unperturbed sleep just because of silly things. Stupid to you guys but not to us. Don't ask me why. I also dunno, I guess it comes naturally. Hah! [make sense tak?:P]
One thing to ponder, if you want to get lucky [if you know what I mean], one way to get it is by cramming our thesaurus.Hihihi
Him: Sebab you comel.
Me : Comel?Huh!! Jahatnya you ni.*sulk*
Him: Erk. I salah cakap ke?
So, you guys must be wondering what when wrong. What? Don't tell me you dunno. Never ever use the word comel, cute or sweet to describe a girl. It's an insult, unless that girl is really unattractive and you want to make her feel better. Wait, was he trying to make me feel less pathetic? Sheesh. I'll deal with that later.
Comel is how you illustrate a cat or a rabbit. Meaning, she is noticeable but not too eye-catching as in making people to gaze more .Ok finela, in easier clarification, she's not hot enough for you or another guy to ask her for her phone number. Setakat tengok dan adore sahaja. Perchance you are also try to imply that she's too nice for you.
Cute as if you are saying that the girl is acting as if they just reached their puberty. Per se,13 years old girl, macam budak-budak. Perhaps a bit mengada and menggelupur here and there. Undertone, you are also saying that she is not a babe. Did u ever describe a babe as cute? No. Why? Because the babe's boobs and bod does not suit the word cute. Unless if you are referring to the way she act, you can use the word cute.
Sweet is the worst. Describing someone appearance as sweet is identical as saying, "She's ordinary but I got to say something pleasant". Trust me, most girls hate it when guys say that they are sweet as in the way they look. Hitam manis si tampuk manggisla konon. Hello, ada ke orang nak bercinta dengan perempuan yang muka macam manggis?
I so hear you. We are a complicated creature. But what to dola, we tend to over analyze things. At times, we pretend not to care or think too much but I tell you, inside it's mind boggling and we can't even have an unperturbed sleep just because of silly things. Stupid to you guys but not to us. Don't ask me why. I also dunno, I guess it comes naturally. Hah! [make sense tak?:P]
One thing to ponder, if you want to get lucky [if you know what I mean], one way to get it is by cramming our thesaurus.Hihihi
Thursday, July 07, 2005
I had to use public transport to get to my office. Which is troublesome. I hate uncivilized people and crammed spaces. But most of all I loathe people with bad odour.
Can't help from covering my noise and throw some repulsive stare. I know I'm not supposed to do that but he's not supposed to let his armpit's hair unshaved either. Or at least please buy himself a deodorant. If he can't afford to buy a deodorant, please mandi dengan bersih dan sental daki-daki anda.
When I was working in Adecco, I had to encounter with these type of people.. a lot. They have credentials but sadly the dunno how to mandi pagi. There were even people who sprayed themselves with perfume to camouflage the BO but oh noo..I tell you, the mixture of perfume and armpit sweat sangatlah memeningkan kepala ok. No kidding.
Anyway, there was this lady. She was 40 years old, not married and she was an orphan. Even she was 40 years old, her way of thinking was just like 14 years old girl. She told me after her parents died, she had no one to turn to except her brother who she thought wanted to poison her to death and so was her relatives. She told me that her relatives wanted to take her as their maid and not pay her even a cent and the way she illustrated it just like Cinderella story. Whateverlah. I hate people who portrayed themselves as a victim, trying to gain people sympathy. What more she told me her shoes were making her having skin disease coz she couldn't walk in the rain and blah blah blah. I pity her , I do but her exaggeration kind of pissed me off. I mean, why can't she be a bit positive, at least a bit. I wanted to help her but she didn't even know how to type and to use Microsoft works. The only thing that she is familiar with is wordstar.What?? Apa??Wordstar??Kau ingat ni zaman hail amir dgn uji rashid ke?
And I tell you, her body odour ..Aiyoo..Bapak pening ok.Tungkik gila!!
Hello, poverty or born without silver spoon doesn't make you an unhygienic people ok. Lagi-lagila kalau muka hensem, body cun tapi badan bau hangit.Ni aku imagine pon aku dah pening kepala.Tsk.
Ok dah.Tanak dah.Series pening.
Can't help from covering my noise and throw some repulsive stare. I know I'm not supposed to do that but he's not supposed to let his armpit's hair unshaved either. Or at least please buy himself a deodorant. If he can't afford to buy a deodorant, please mandi dengan bersih dan sental daki-daki anda.
When I was working in Adecco, I had to encounter with these type of people.. a lot. They have credentials but sadly the dunno how to mandi pagi. There were even people who sprayed themselves with perfume to camouflage the BO but oh noo..I tell you, the mixture of perfume and armpit sweat sangatlah memeningkan kepala ok. No kidding.
Anyway, there was this lady. She was 40 years old, not married and she was an orphan. Even she was 40 years old, her way of thinking was just like 14 years old girl. She told me after her parents died, she had no one to turn to except her brother who she thought wanted to poison her to death and so was her relatives. She told me that her relatives wanted to take her as their maid and not pay her even a cent and the way she illustrated it just like Cinderella story. Whateverlah. I hate people who portrayed themselves as a victim, trying to gain people sympathy. What more she told me her shoes were making her having skin disease coz she couldn't walk in the rain and blah blah blah. I pity her , I do but her exaggeration kind of pissed me off. I mean, why can't she be a bit positive, at least a bit. I wanted to help her but she didn't even know how to type and to use Microsoft works. The only thing that she is familiar with is wordstar.What?? Apa??Wordstar??Kau ingat ni zaman hail amir dgn uji rashid ke?
And I tell you, her body odour ..Aiyoo..Bapak pening ok.Tungkik gila!!
Hello, poverty or born without silver spoon doesn't make you an unhygienic people ok. Lagi-lagila kalau muka hensem, body cun tapi badan bau hangit.Ni aku imagine pon aku dah pening kepala.Tsk.
Ok dah.Tanak dah.Series pening.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
The sepets,hungry.
It's been 9 months since the last time I saw spentot aka saiful jumaat. We used to pig our selves at the Japanese buffet, oishi but to my dismay, it has been closed down for unidentified reason. Since we both knew that we could eat even a horse, he brought me to Seoul, the Korean bbq.
I don't know how to express it but I know, besides ag I would feel comfy eating with this guy coz we both eat a lot and tanpa segan :P. Seoul is a place that you can enjoy good food while catching up with friends. If you can really eat a lot, this is the place for you. Just pick those marinated raw material and cook it with the sort-of-steambot-pan at your table. Raw, medium or well done, you choose.
Before.Full of oh-so-delicious-food
We ate until we can't eat anymore and leaved the premise with full stomach. I even slept with my tummy full.Sheesh. That's bad I know and I had been doing that for 2 days in a row and that's unacceptable. Anyway, sleeping with your tummy full is not good I tell you.Why? Later that night I had a weird dream. Weird and scary but ehe I sort of having wonderful feeling when I woke up this morning. I dreamt that I give birth to a baby that is so cute and have a resemblance of me and his dad [siapala tu..tsk..] and the dream went that far to breast feeding extent.
Scary eh?
I've been tagged by laydiefa
The Things I Do When No One Around Me Wants To Go Out And Play?
1. Have my beauty sleep
2. Cook for myself
3. Cium perut kucing.
What lowers my stress/blood pressure/anxiety level?
1. Ag
2. Sexercise
3. STF Sisters
4. Shopping
5. Chocolates
6. My lovely cats
7. Party!!!!!!!
I'm passing the tag to ag, madnessinvain,anne, ellene and kuman
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Bad hair
Look like my fantasy to flaunt ceramic perm hair is not going to come true after all. Yesterday, due to ermm.. depression [?] I unconsciously [!] went to get my tresses chopped. Actually, all I wanted was a nice hair treatment but when I saw the promotion "cut + hair treatment for RM100" my brain went dead and let my mouth did all the speaking, which always lead to bad things. As the result I lost my ermm [* trying to find suitable word]..old look, instead now I look like a nerd form 5 scholar. Nerd and naive with no sexual magnetism at all. Okla, to sum it in a phrase I look more hideous than before. Blerghh.
Nevermind, at least I can pull the girl in pinafore look. Hah.
Anyway, I was fasting again yesterday and had a wonderful dinner at little Italian alone. My mom was busy, so were everybody. I had aglio olio and chocolate shake which were totally scrumptious. I was the only one who ate alone, where else other customer came either with their partners of families. Despite looking like a lone ranger, I didn't feel so forlorn after all coz I was busy imagining things. In fact I, at times prefer to be alone. I can shop alone, go cruising alone, have a meal at nice restaurant alone or even watch movie alone. No biggie and no hassle. I mean.. I can spend infinite of time touring the same place looking for a pair of shoes without feeling guilty of having someone tagging me in agony, if you know what I mean.
Once, when I was getting pleasure from my own quality-shopping-marathon-time at midvelli, I stumbled upon a good friend of mine. She asked me where was my boyfriend and when I said I was single-handed she gave me a hug.
"Are you ok? Kesianlah kau ni, jalan sorang-sorang"
I felt my face burning coz she meant as if I looked somewhat pathetic which made me felt sorry for myself at that moment. But then again, why feel sorry when all I was feeling extremely happy, carrying loads of shopping bags and enjoy good book while eating good food peacefully?
I was feeling good enough with the fact I ate alone, yes. But not with the fact that I ate alone with ugly hair. People must be spreading rumors.
"Look, there's a retarded girl with a weird hair eating alone. I wonder where she live? Poor soul."
Hoh. Perhaps it's time for hair extension or..tudung?
Nevermind, at least I can pull the girl in pinafore look. Hah.
Anyway, I was fasting again yesterday and had a wonderful dinner at little Italian alone. My mom was busy, so were everybody. I had aglio olio and chocolate shake which were totally scrumptious. I was the only one who ate alone, where else other customer came either with their partners of families. Despite looking like a lone ranger, I didn't feel so forlorn after all coz I was busy imagining things. In fact I, at times prefer to be alone. I can shop alone, go cruising alone, have a meal at nice restaurant alone or even watch movie alone. No biggie and no hassle. I mean.. I can spend infinite of time touring the same place looking for a pair of shoes without feeling guilty of having someone tagging me in agony, if you know what I mean.
Once, when I was getting pleasure from my own quality-shopping-marathon-time at midvelli, I stumbled upon a good friend of mine. She asked me where was my boyfriend and when I said I was single-handed she gave me a hug.
"Are you ok? Kesianlah kau ni, jalan sorang-sorang"
I felt my face burning coz she meant as if I looked somewhat pathetic which made me felt sorry for myself at that moment. But then again, why feel sorry when all I was feeling extremely happy, carrying loads of shopping bags and enjoy good book while eating good food peacefully?
I was feeling good enough with the fact I ate alone, yes. But not with the fact that I ate alone with ugly hair. People must be spreading rumors.
"Look, there's a retarded girl with a weird hair eating alone. I wonder where she live? Poor soul."
Hoh. Perhaps it's time for hair extension or..tudung?
Monday, July 04, 2005
7 sins
I'm restless today. Not because I did some tough chores but because I didn't get enough sleep. Thanks to this game..I am now sacrificing my beauty sleep. Sheesh.

Like its name, it's sinful but it will make you crave for more. At the end of the day, when it's almost 2 a.m in the morning, I decided it's the time to hit the sack. Ehe ,let me tell you one secret. After playing that game, you will find that sleeping alone is so agonizing coz you felt damn horny and there's nothing you can do about it. Hohohoh.Demm..

Anyway, I did have a great weekend.Went to Tanjung Harapan to pig our self out. For salivating view, go here, please.Alamak..Ok not yet, fotopages is down.
Anyway, happy monday bunnies!
Like its name, it's sinful but it will make you crave for more. At the end of the day, when it's almost 2 a.m in the morning, I decided it's the time to hit the sack. Ehe ,let me tell you one secret. After playing that game, you will find that sleeping alone is so agonizing coz you felt damn horny and there's nothing you can do about it. Hohohoh.Demm..
The girl can't handle it anymore
Work that move baby
Anyway, I did have a great weekend.Went to Tanjung Harapan to pig our self out. For salivating view, go here, please.Alamak..Ok not yet, fotopages is down.
Anyway, happy monday bunnies!
Friday, July 01, 2005
It was almost 6 pm when I had a conversation with madnessinvain. Since I was fasting so we chatted about what shall I feast for break fasting. I was thinking about mouth-watering dish but he got something else on his mind which I found bizarre.
Imagine you are in a room, locked and you lost the key not knowing how long you will be stranded there. I know that only morons will face this kind of situation but just play alonglah ok. Anyway, somehow you misplaced your hand phone and err..let's make that the touchtone phone isn't working too. So, you are fasting and there is absolutely nothing to be consumed. No water, no food. The room is next to empty with only basic furnishings. You tried to ask for help but to your dismay nobody heeded you. Perhaps the dog across the road did but he's too busy interring his own litter somewhere nearby. Tick tock..tick tock the clock ticked. You glanced at your watch and it is 5 minutes to break fasting. But hey, how are you supposed to break fast when there is nothing. Then you laid out some options. Would you rather
1. Korek hidung/telinga [I dunno how to say this in English, so sue me]
2. Lick whatever furniture available
3. Masturbate
If I have to decide, I dunno which one I should opt for. But on crucial moments, perhaps my brain work wonders. Anyway, this is my imagination, so I have the option not to answer [hehe] but I want to know which one would you pick and why. Another thing that bothers me was, is there such solution? Can we just pretend or assume that we already end the rituals? Niat je ke? Yalah, perhaps I should be more active during Puan Siti Juariah class.Such a garang ustazah. Tsk
In case you are wondering, I did not end yesterday's ritual by pleasuring myself. Instead, I had scrumptious meals which were nasi ayam, kacang pol and a cone of cookies and cream ice cream.
I am still controllable on handling my hormones and needs. Hehe
Anyway, I would like to shout out to bena who will be celebrating her birthday tomorrow
"Happy birthday in advance babe!"
and to all of you, have a marvellous weekend!
Imagine you are in a room, locked and you lost the key not knowing how long you will be stranded there. I know that only morons will face this kind of situation but just play alonglah ok. Anyway, somehow you misplaced your hand phone and err..let's make that the touchtone phone isn't working too. So, you are fasting and there is absolutely nothing to be consumed. No water, no food. The room is next to empty with only basic furnishings. You tried to ask for help but to your dismay nobody heeded you. Perhaps the dog across the road did but he's too busy interring his own litter somewhere nearby. Tick tock..tick tock the clock ticked. You glanced at your watch and it is 5 minutes to break fasting. But hey, how are you supposed to break fast when there is nothing. Then you laid out some options. Would you rather
1. Korek hidung/telinga [I dunno how to say this in English, so sue me]
2. Lick whatever furniture available
3. Masturbate
If I have to decide, I dunno which one I should opt for. But on crucial moments, perhaps my brain work wonders. Anyway, this is my imagination, so I have the option not to answer [hehe] but I want to know which one would you pick and why. Another thing that bothers me was, is there such solution? Can we just pretend or assume that we already end the rituals? Niat je ke? Yalah, perhaps I should be more active during Puan Siti Juariah class.Such a garang ustazah. Tsk
In case you are wondering, I did not end yesterday's ritual by pleasuring myself. Instead, I had scrumptious meals which were nasi ayam, kacang pol and a cone of cookies and cream ice cream.
I am still controllable on handling my hormones and needs. Hehe
Anyway, I would like to shout out to bena who will be celebrating her birthday tomorrow
"Happy birthday in advance babe!"
and to all of you, have a marvellous weekend!
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