Thursday, December 13, 2007

New baby boy!

Yesterday, we teteks received a new anak buah. Keirun gave a birth to a baby boy Syed Ali Saifuddin at 2.00 pm after being in labour since 5 am. Gila lama, kalau aku dah rasa nak bunuh diri dah. Tak pon habis semua barang kat situ aku baling.

When we arrived at Tawakal, she was brestfeeding him and she looked calm and serene like ever unlike me and nik yang macam biasa menggelupur sambil mengepit apabila mendengar cerita-cerita horror from keirun and Ito.

Ito, the father of the baby could not be more happier. The moment I heard his voice on the phone aku adalah tahu dia sangat gembira and he would not stop smiling.

Perhaps you bunnies know how unmoved I am by babies no matter how cute they are but today when I look at Keirun as she hold the baby, I feel dah menangis ok. It's so beautiful. Maybe you don't understand why but for someone who know how she wished for a baby after waiting for quite long it is something yang menyebakkan dada.

New baby boy

I don't think by typing that, my maternal instinct is finally showing up. No, not really.

Anyway, to Keirun and Ito, congratulations. The boy is so adorable and I am sure you guys would be a terrific parents, sebab ngkoranglah antara couple yang ko-ol yang aku kenal. Tidak menggelupur disana-sini.

Oh. As the penutup we ate at the mamak nearby and I managed to gobbled 2 bungkus nasi lemak, 1 mangkuk sup kambing [tapi sharela] and Nicky managed to convinced me to eat roti pisand and no I am hook. Sungguh celake.

Aku sendiri pon, tak taula camna aku boleh termakan dekat mamak dan memakan dengan banyak .

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