But I am cheered up a bit by sweet people in human pets ,one of face books applications who showered me with Christmast gift although it was virtual rather than something real but still!
Speaking about Christmas, I received this notification a little too late. And it really made me upset.
Few hours before receiving the email, I had give a nod when someone asked me whether will it be ok for us to fly back to his hometown for Christmas and since Mas is having special promotion, all tickets bought within the period cannot be changed. So the ticket was booked starting from Christmas eve up to the second day of New Year.
Dan tiba-tiba aku dapat email ni setelah di send banyak kali tapi bounced coz the file was too big. Of course I am upset. I mean, how can I forgot that the reunion will take place this month and how can I not be upset when I really,really, really want to go?
I was offered another ticket back to Kuala Lumpur on the 28th December, a day before the dinner take place because maybe someone tak larat nak tengok muka aku macam taik but I feel as bad as I am already feeling right now if I take the offer. Taikla kan, takkan kau nak balik awal from festive season sebab kau nak pegi reunion kot? I was assured that it will not be a problem but hey, akukan budak baik lagi berbudi bahasa. Mementingkan diri adalah bukan sifat terpuji saya ok [haha, as if!]
Tapi babilah kan, mesti diorang ni ambik gamba banyak-banyak dengan baju chantek. Dahla sebenanya aku dah ada baju yang sesuai untuk dinner itu nanti. Benci.
Dah.Tanak tengok gamba korang semua. Tanak
Oh, oh by the way I am really excited. Jay from candidsyndrome emailed me asking to choose the photos for the wedding album already. I love the pics shown to me so far especially shots by saiful nang.
I look prettyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [hihihi] even masa hari sanding tu aku rasa rupaku adalah sedikit haram.
I have been in love with his work since dah lama ok. Tapi takde sapa nak kawen dengan aku kan, jadi taklehla gatal nak suruh dia amik gambar so stalk-stalk fotopages die pon cukupla hehe.
Tapi sekarang sudah berjaya berasa getik apabila melihat gamba-gamba itu.
Haha. Sukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Haih. Getik..getik [aku tau korang tengah cakap macam ni dalam hati].
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