Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Chenta itu

Have you watch Green Mile? I did. The second time just now. The first time I watched it, I blinded my eyes with tears [which is not something new since everybody know what a crybaby I am]. The first time, I was too engrossed with the storyline that I missed out most of the tiny details.

That story was something and was not stereotype at all plus the actors did a very fine job but today I noticed something extra. The love shared between a character named Hal and his wife Melinda. If you watched the movie already, you would know which one is Hal, some sort of ketua penjara or something with the dying wife. The one who was suffering with cancer.

It's been a while since I saw a man who really loves his wife like that. The way he cried and tried to hide it when Tom Hanks saw him at the office and the way he cried when he saw how John Coffey[one of the guys who was facing death sentence] bring hope to his wife by curing her with his gift.

And the way he cried when his wife was finally out from the death calling. To me, he could not thank more.

He really make me wonder, is there such love still exist? Adakah lagi orang yang memang mendabakan hidupnya hanya untuk seorang sahaja? Dan the rasa chenta still exist sampai ke akhir hayat, tak pernah berubah?

Itu sungguh manis bukan?

Perhaps Hollywood or even Malaysia movie maker should start doing movie about something like that. Rather than datuk A main chenta dengan perempaun Q dan datin G ada toyboy bernama lelaki T.

Why can't they just spread the love?

I am sure lots of people would like to see something like that rather some story with storyline yang memualkan.

Or is it just me?

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