Monday, June 11, 2007

Weekend event

Saturday was the day when I went to Chow Kit to err..err jalan-jalan KL with Fakhri who were leaving Malaysia for Abu Dhabi the next day. No, I've never been to Chow Kit and don't ask me why. But I must tell you, I am so excited to see the avocados there. Not like the hard avocados that they sell in supermarket. Somehow I ended buying none. Which I still don't understand why since I've been looking for it from the day I got back from Bali.

The avocado shrimp in Bali was simply amazing. Orgasma berganda.

You maybe not know my friend, the one who by now must be in Abu Dhabi. Although he get on my nerves sometimes but I still like to be friend with him, maybe because he is not like most of the guys I know. No , he's not that lawak-gila-gila-remaja kind of annoying, if case if you are wondering.

Like, yesterday. Before we parted he gave a present from Vietnam [he went to vietnam few weeks before]. It was a simple gift yet membuat mataku berair ok. Celake, dahla aku suka nangis kan.

An ol'skool looking zippo with Vietname name written. Ko-ol!

The back

You might be asking. mendela yang best sangatnye. Well, I never received any zippo from a guy. Yang selalu hanyalah coklat, bunga, teddy bear dan bla..bla.. but the thing that membuat mataku berair ialah the wording at the back of the lighter.

where there is love
there is life
without love there
is no life

Maybe you bunnies don't get it but I do. Ini adalah hanya boleh difahami oleh orang-orang tertentu sahaja. So I said to my other company that night, as the Abu Dhabi guy, drove away "I have a feeling , we are going to miss him"

Eh Abu Dhabi guy, if you are reading this, we are not bullshitting ok?

Anyway, on Sunday a merrier event took place. It was a wedding of my two classmates yang sebelum ini in denial bercinta. Bro, we knew you guys were an item ok? Really cuma we just play dumb. Hehe

Hope the both of you will lead a happy life together.

I wanted to put their picture here tapi oleh kerana dia ni agak garang, jadi aku letak jela gamba aku sebagai pengganti.

Oh God, my face is so bulat but thank god for threading!

Hihi. Best tak?

Ok. Ok. You don't have to say it.

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