Friday, June 08, 2007


Yesterday, was the day when I decided to have rice for lunch, bukan selalu ok and since it was a special day for me, I chose Ani Sup Utara. Although they did not sell sup urat or even sup ekor anymore but I still visit their restaurant regularly.

This was when I laid my eyes on this


Hold your thoughts. I am not jakun or anything [ok may a biiit] but the labu reminded me of old documentary produced by RTM back in the early 90's.

You know, there was no cable tv back then and being an independent child[ehem] me and my brother were left alone after our school hours. We were forbidden to go out and play so what did we do? Tengok tvla. But, cerita apa yang ada tengah-tengah hari, minus santan berlada of course.

Yes, documentary by RTM about Malaysian product such as cara-cara membuat labu sayung dan errr..cara-cara membuat keris if I am not mistaken. As a child it awed me to see how could these people sculpt something from clay and turned to something like labu. Tsk. you know, I still terdengar-dengar suara narrator itu

"Perusahaan membuat labu merupakan.. bla..bla" Dalam nada RTM.

And when the documentary ended, there will be some cartoon about sang kancil or buaya or even monyet and kancil yang aku rasalah kartun terbaik Malaysia. I mean, dalam banyak-banyak kartun Malaysia, those were the ones which were being remembered by almost everyone compared to errr..err new malaysian cartoons.

"Jangan monyet, kita tak boleh makan buah tu". Heh

Oh. Oh. Waiiit.

What about TV pendidikan? RTM 2 if I am not mistaken. The actors sucked where boleh dikatakan kesemua pelakon berlakon macam baca script except for Adibah Amin who was always excellentlah [have you read her book , As I Passed By?]. Even lakonan mereka taik tapi aku sukaaaaaaaaaaaa tengok okkkkkkkk. Malu untuk mengaku but I still remember when of the series where it was a bout a caterpillar. Everytime I see a catterpillar mesti aku ingat TV Pendidikanlah!

If you asked me, I am not sure whether to conclude that the older content of TV are more attractive [which were somewhat logically declined] or the new content are so mengada-ngada dan meletakkan certain benda yang entah hapa-hapa. Seperti dalam Majalah 3, setiap kali buat lawatan to UK, komfem nak pergi wax museum sambil memakai kot bulu-bulu walaupun summer [my boss favourite mocking materials]. I mean, boleh tak tunjuk sesuatu yang original?

And we have anough of documentary yang buat orang menangis such as apa..tu program tv3 yang memaparkan kahidupan orang susah tu? Aaa bersamamu! Ok, fine they want to help people, but are they really susah kalau ade tv dirumah? Dan suami yang duduk dirumah dan claim sakit kaki kalau buat kerja dan anak adalah sepuluh, the majority berhenti skolah sebab tak mampu . Kenapa beranak ramai? Ohhhhhhhhhh anak itu rezeki, tapi kalau kau dah asyik duduk rumah je, anak 2 pon boleh mati. I mean, have u ever been to some public toilet and see an old aci, which is bongkok and with sireh in her mouth yet bekerja sebagai penjaga toilet? Dahla dah tua, bongkok pulak, tapi kerja jugak . I mean if you are lazy, dunla come out with such excuses and menangis-nangis di tv.

And lagi satu rancangan dekat Astro, hosted by Rosham. I only watched the gazette, but itu pun aku dah sakit hati tengok orang nangis-nangis. We have enough of Oprah already okkkkkkkkkkk.

I mean, if we look back, mana ada cerita macam tu dulu-dulu? There were only stories about labu sayung... tanduk kerbau yang dibuat err something.

Truly honest TV.

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