Saturday, June 16, 2007

Mundane again

Hey, this is saturday again and I am sitting in front of my pc again just like other mundane saturday. But I made a progress this week by mandi awal and err wear nice clothes. Hehe

Have u ever been in the situation where you got nothing to do and enjoy doing nothing until you get a headache because you are concentrating on doing nothing. Today I feel that.

I mean, I could go out with friends but the usual crowd were probably on the flight back to KL while I am typing this. I could browse through my phone book and ask any guys out for a date but somehow aku terperasan sendiri as if akan dilayan semasa menulis ini. Haha. Or I could continue playing computer games but somehow I am sick of it. Orrrrrrrrrrrr.I could call few girls who will just looooooooooove the heritage row during weekends but somehow I know, I will end up feeling lost while shaking my booty.

But I am really wanting to go back to 10 year ago [celaka, dah tua aku rupanya] where, after mahrib, me and my friends would mengumpul kertas surat khabar or if we are lucky to collect cushion from the common room and placed them in the volleyball court. Book tempat duduk untuk wayang :). Then go to canteen dengan ikan [gila best sial menggetik dengan ikan] dan kawan2 lalu memakan rojak singapore uncle joe yang sangat sedap. Oh..oh mesti order abc coklat!

Tengok movie, round compoud seround dua sambil menyanyi riang atau mengadakan sesi dari hati ke hati, after that offlight, then tido.

Kalau tanak tido, pergila melepak kat dorm orang atau berpura-pura stay up while listening to singapore's radio. Ape nama station tu tah. Tak ingat dah.


That time, I always demand for freedom. Now when I have it, I don't know what to do with it.

Loser sial.

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