Last night, watched a sneak preview of a play directed by U-wei titled Wangi Jadi Saksi. This play is being brought by DBP on collaboration with Kekkwa. Reading the tile I thought it was some kind of cerita jiwang, instead it turn out to be a historical play. The storyline tells about the killing of Hang Jebat by Hangg Tuah from the eyes of Hang Jebat's wife, Dang Wangi.
I like the Dang Wangi coz I like vanida Imran and I thought I wouldn't like Hang Jebat coz I dunno him but hey, he turned out to be some cool dude. I mean as the Hang Jebat's rolela. Khir Rahman as Hang Tuah and Datuk Rahim Razali was excellent as bendahara. And that Sabri Yunus guy? Some sort of narratorlaI mean, most HangTuah story, the casts will speak in conventional way as in baku and such but Wangi Jadi Saksi shows that all the casts are speaking normal malay but if you listen carefully, ade sedikit lain.
The prop was as the normal playla. Don't aspect PGLTM kinda props ok yet I think something is missing. Perhaps the way Dang Wangi hesitate when trying to kill the Jawa guy[can't recall la what's his role].
Anyway, since it's a sneak preview so sikit jela die tunjuk. I lope cerita sejarah or epics but this one left a question on me.Sebab apa tau, according to Dang wangi, the way Jebat died was not as what people heard, something else happen when Jebat and Tuah were inside the castle whereby Dang Wangi was also happened to be there. Macam ada conspiracy ke apa? Pasal at the end of the scene, instead of bertikam both of them duduk bersila.
Which is soo U wei. I mean, if you are a bimbo [no pun intended] this is not a show for you but if you are an intelectual person [like me..haha.Noot!] yeah, you might enjoy this. It's all about thinking baby!
So, where to watch this playla?
27 Julai–6 Ogos 2006, 8:30mlm Selasa-Ahad, 3:00ptg Sabtu-Ahad
Auditorium Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka
RM35, RM55, RM75, RM100
Axcess Hotline (03) 7711-5000
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