Pic 1: Let's check that place out. Pic 2: The Sign. Pic 3: The menu. Aummm.
Pic 4: The Arch? I dunno.Hehe. Pic 5: I like this waterfall kinda wall or whatever. Pic 6 :Sake
Pic 7: Japanese chic [nott!] with sake. Pic 8: Lapaaaaaaaa. Pic 9: Lapaaa tapi sengih
Pic 10: Yaaa, Itu diaaaa. Unagi kabayaki n sashimi! Pic 11: Hot tea, I loiike. Pic 12: Sa-ra-da [salad]
Pic 13: Sashimi. Oishii! Pic 14: Unagi. Drool. Pic 15: Miso
Pic 16: Pickles. Pic 17: Err..Ntah tapi macam appetizerla. Pic 18: Fruits as dessert.
Pic 19: Licin. Settle.Hehe
So what's up with the pictures you ask? Well. last Saturday me and saiful went to Ozeki since ye Saiful memang mengidam makanan Jepun. Haha[macam aku takla kann]. So lemme give the review.
Name: Ozeki, Tokyo Cuisine, Semewhere around Rohas Perkasa [ye ke?Ala blasah].
Parking : 9/10. Very easy lagi easy sbb saiful yang drive. Haha.
Ambience: 7/10. Bolela but I like tha waterfall thingy cuma takde awek cun and mamat hensemm.
Food: 7/10. Not badla jugak cuma takde chawan mushi inside the lunch set buttt the sashimi is nice i tell you. Orgasm berganda. Hoh!
Pricing : Can be considered as ok.
Overall : 7/10. not bad lah..
What I love about this place is the well actually I love Japanese food so no point guessing. But the best place so far is.. Equotorial Hotel. Unagi dia gemuk gila I tell you.
To those who are japanese food's fan, hope you get drooled by the pictures and review :P and to those who are not, jangan berasa keji and weyyyyyyyyyyyy korang ni dah hilang satu nikmat hidup ok tak makan Japanese food!
Haha. Happy Tuesday and muahhhhhhhhh-->Something to start the day :P.
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