But, STFian ni kadang-kadang adalah sengal, nak nak pulak dicampurkan dengan budak STAR yang memang komfem sengal [haha]. I mean Nikkit, Kat, Nicky and I telah sampai awal di tempat kejadian but Fadzi and Keirun bapak lama pegi beli kek dekat OU. Sampai satu jam okkkkkkkk. Lepas tu pulak, bena and amin straightly went to sit with Bulat and Tina.Haih, apakahh? Tapi amin paling sengal. Bolehla pulak dia bertanya
Mengapa soalan itu yang kau tanya?
"Ha, budak-budak lain mana?"
Hohhhhhhhh.Sia-sia sahaja penyorokan aku di satu tempat yang terpencil itu.
Finally, Fadzi and Keirun arrived with baskin robbin's cake which I likeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [dimana dalam hati aku berkata, "birthday siapa ni la?Akukah,tinakah??"]. So we suprised Tina yang aku rasa dah ala-ala tau tapi the bottom line is, sayang, takkanla kawan-kawan kau yang chomel ni tak buat apa-apa untuk birthday kau? You are so loved ok.
The food was great. Hello, I mean gua memang suka Italian's food ok. The cake was superb but most of all the company was superb-est!!!
To tina, Happy birthday. I pray that good things will come your way. No, may good things come to both of you andddd..we all soooooooooo love yewww lahhhhhh! Muahh.
After that, the tetek went to give me tutorial on how to sing at one of the tutorial place. I mean, hell..aku menyanyi okkk.Memegang mikrofon itu. Dan tetek-tetek itu sangat supportive, aku chentaaaaaaaaa. After sakit tekak aku, finally I found the song that I will be sisnging at that class. Tapi, hoih..lepas tu hilang terus suara aku ok.
Tell me one thingla bunnies, how could I not love the tetek when they always make me feel happy and loved?
Happy Monday.
Hope you too have wonderful friends to coloir your life!
Ah, pictures are at the usual.
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